Every day that the "shutdown" continues reveals just how mean and spiteful obama is
Check out these examples
America Washington is Imploding
- White House Disavows White House Statement
- We Did........ We Didn't
- Biden praises Park Rangers who LOCKED DOWN WW II Memorial (Real Heroes)
Shutdown hurts kids with Cancer but dirty harry won’t help
Furloughed (non-essential) but Park Rangers to block Citizens are Critical
- Critical employees stay on the job….. but …How do you know?
- If you are an Obama pawn to inflict pain on America ….. CRITICAL
- Everybody else ……………..NON-ESSENTIAL
Is it the Constitution or is it Blackmail
- When Obama/reid fail to provide a budget ….. ho hum
- When Congress executes its Constitutional “power of the purse” duties ---- EXTORTION!
How many examples do you need?
His strategy is simple, but we have laws against spewing hate.
Please send this to everybody in your email address book and also to you Senators and Representative.
PS...sorry about the formatting...this editor is not the best................
My911 - Thanks for the articles; don't worry about editing/formatting; we already know we have a "red diaper baby" in the oval office, who keep proving, over and over again, he is NOT a grown up!