The Story of an Illegal Tax Protester

For 25 years, I’d been a successful go-between for independent lumber mills and retail lumber yards. I was a successful entrepreneur. Unfortunately, before Nixon left office he established price controls favoring a few corporate giants in the lumber industry. Thousands of independents were put out of business. 

Government was responsible for the double digit inflation—called stagflation—that put me out of business.  People couldn’t afford 15 percent interest rates on home mortgages. My business depended on homes being built.

Congress has the constitutional authority to regulate commerce, but no authority to control the economy. It is an assumed authority with an ulterior motive.   American’s politicians are playing a shell game, the motive of which is to divide and conquer.  The free enterprise system that gave me the opportunity to build a successful business, destroyed by price controls and stagflation, America’s political maneuver aimed at turning the nation into a collectivist autocracy, this colossal fraud and the American people’s passivity has wrecked America’s free enterprise system.

  West Va. State Board of Education v. Barnette:

The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and  officials and establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property. . . and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.


The above Court decision was written by Justice Jackson.  Jackson was one of the judges at the Nuremburg trials in Germany after World War II.  The Nazis on trial claimed they were following German law. Likewise America’s politicians, who have invented an income tax (now 3,000,000 words long), the aim being to redistribute the nation’s wealth, the motive to buy votes with our money, falsely claim to be following the law. “One’s right to life, liberty, and property and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”  The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to stop politicians from doing exactly what they are doing, I might add, with the leftist press’ overwhelming approval.

I heard Chief Justice Black say that the Constitution was what he said it was.  The Supreme Court, by decree, is America’s super legislature.  I say to hell with that.   

I’d not spent one day in law school. I knew the law, not how to get around it. I was not about to allow Nazi law to prevail in America without a fight.

If I have a personal stake in the outcome, I am permitted to take the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to court. What did Moses do to free his people? He went to the highest authority. I’d written Attorney General William B. Saxbe a letter letting him know that I believed federal income tax was unconstitutional—as it applied to me—and that I’d see him in court. Prior to my letter, I had read law professor Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, incidentally, published in 1925, the year of my birth.  In the year of my birth, also, Congress authorized the IRS to examine personal records for income tax purposes. Little did the American people know what that meant in 1925.  At the time, only the rich paid income tax. Live and learn.

America’s unscrupulous press set me up. I was on a nutcake rant, one of those “spurious constitutional objectors” judges talked about, and you read about in the newspaper. I was an illegal tax protester. What you didn’t read was that I was acting under the law.

Saxbe, the IRS’ lawyer, forwarded my letter to the IRS.  With the authority to examine this illegal tax protester’s personal records, the IRS, simply because I wrote the Attorney General a letter, in violation of my constitutional right to be secure in my possessions, which prohibited unreasonable searches and seizures—Amendment IV—a federal autocrat trespassed my Fourth Amendment right. Be informed that the word legal is merely the form of law. Hitler was legal. An IRS agent legally entered this illegal tax protester’s home, unconstitutionally, and spent a week going through my personal records. The motive was to intimidate. Without showing me any of the notes he took, and without comment, other than to notify me that I failed to report $5,000 of taxable income, the IRS departed.  The IRS called to set up an appointment. I told the IRS to go straight to hell.  If you think things were going to go very badly for me you are wrong.  Things went very badly for the IRS.  I had the law. The IRS hung itself with its own rope.

Ostensibly, in an effort to spur growth and hiring, but actually putting off on tomorrow’s taxpayers an enormous debt, President Obama, Congress, and the Federal Reserve have flooded the economy with monopoly money—no way to help the economy. Unemployment rates refuse to dip below their current levels of around 9.1, while inflation pressures and other harmful side effects of such corrupt policies are becoming more and more threatening. The above named are actually bent on controlling the economy, thus the American people. The egomaniacs the American people elect, the same as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, feel that they know what is best for America,

The founding fathers named U.S. currency after a Spanish-milled dollar, which represented 371.25 grains of pure silver, and placed protecting its value a congressional responsibility. The above named frauds have no authority to deliberately devalue the dollar through inflation. Protectionism, tax increases, attacking the free enterprise system, in the courts and through regulations, creating a climate of uncertainty, these were the very ways birds-of-feather created the Great Depression. Get ready for a depression that will make the Great Depression look like prosperity.


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