They are scared to death of Sarah Palin. If they were not they would ignore her! So far there is no dirt to be found and that causes regret on their part because they won't be able to control her. Those politicans who have skeletons in their closets can be bought and sold by the super powerful and the super rich. Apparently she has no skeletons and it is driving them nuts because they have no sword to hang over her head to force her to do their bidding. Sounds far out but think about it. They desperately want her out of the race. If they cannot find any dirt they will entice her with huge opportunities to make a fortune. It won't be the first time they greased the skids and make a good solid candidate an economic offer they could not refuse. The media controls the election process by constantly feeding out their hidden agenda propaganda and they do it in a very convincing manner. They are experts at providing all of the rationale for their hidden agendae. Between the money provided by the super rich and the super powerful and the almost total control of the media they can get their candidate in the Republican party elected or their candidate in the Democratic party elected. All others need not apply, for example, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Donald Trump. I don't know how clean or unclean their backgrounds are but I do know that the media will do everything possible to shove them out into the cold. They do not care if you vote for tweedle dee or tweedle dum, i.e., their Republican man or their Democratic man. They will win either way. Have you ever noticed how people always say after an election that nothing has really changed. The only way anything can really change is if someone who is not owned by them is elected and that that someone is clean as a whistle. That someone may be Sarah Palin or one of the others mentioned above. If the American public would simply get wise to the super powerful/rich and media control and ignore their propaganda this country just might be able to get off dead center and do the things which would help us to resolve our problems of which I believe most of them were manipulated by these powerful and rich manipulators. The problem is that we cannot identify these people because they are extremely secretive and spend a fortune guarding their privacy. They do not want you to know the extent of their power and how they use it to manipulate the elections to their benefit and not only the elections but the economy of the U.S. and most of the world. They will not stop until they have total control over the U.S. That is one reason why they want a one world currency and a one world government. They have already succeeded in Europe even though it still might blow up in their faces yet. They have been trying hard to do the same in North and Central America. Several years ago they were almost on the verge of annexing Canada into the U.S. as three more states, but could not quite get there because some 30,000 plus Canadians hit the streets and physically demonstrated. I'll bet you don't remember reading about that in the newspapers or seeing it on TV. The question comes to mind why would they want to unify all of these countries under one government. The answer is that they want to have total control over the population, to insure that that you have no Liberty, Freedom or Property rights or even to eliminate all Religious Denominations and I do mean ALL. It is extremely hard to control religious people because their loyalty and obedience is first and foremost to God and not to them. Following the 10 Commandments and achieving a high level of moralty is absolutely intolerable to those who want to control the population, that is why the Communist government in Russia tried to shut down the Churches altogether but did not quite succeed because of the millions of prayers offered up to God for the demise of Godless Communism. The Chinese Communists have done the same thing. There have been a multitude of Chinese Catholics martyred. The Chinese government has tight control on the few Catholic Bishops in China. A population without a belief in their Creator is like a rudderless ship on the high seas, i.e., it can be shoved in any direction. In effect, it has lost control of itself, and can be controlled externally. Religious people are not rudderless. They know right from wrong. They understand what is morally correct and what is immoral in accordance with the 10 Commandments. That is why there was a big ruckus over the public posting of the 10 Commandments in one of the southern states. That is the last thing they want to see happen. They cannot have total control over you if God is your boss. Americans need to wake up and smell the roses and understand that these elections can and are being manipulated not only by money and media propaganda but also that the elections can easily be tampered with through the manipulation of the computer software being used to count your vote. Unless the software is audited and guarded like they guard banks and trucks which pick up and deliver large chunks of money anything is possible, i.e., the computer code can be tampered with to move a vote from a Republican to a Democrat or vice versa. You may have thought you voted for a Republican but many have voted for a Democrat. The manipulation of the code does not contradict the tweedle dee or tweedle dum situation as they may have a greater desire for their Democratic man than their Republican man or they may not be able to control a candidate like Sarah Palin. My attitude is that the more they bash a candidate the more interested I become in that candidate since it may be that they do not have control over that candidate.