While I write my answer, you have time to think and write your answer.
My Answer:
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know where we are going, but, obviously, the American people don’t know how to stop an impending catastrophe.
I listen to Glenn Beck every day. He has been accurately predicting what is taking place in America, but like the rest of the people, doesn’t have the answer. Beck reveals that he has thought a great amount of time about his life. He says he has faith that he is here for a purpose. He is living his purpose, and I think for the good of all. It is up to us to come up with our own answers. Beck agrees.
I believe we are each here for our own unique purpose. It is what makes us human. We’re not herd animals. This very truth is fundamental to the problem. You’ve heard it: the end justifies the means; it’s for the good of all; collective salvation; power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Bottom line: might makes right, the law of the jungle. Dare to attempt to be human—go your own way—and there are dire consequences.
The aims of the powers that be, although the means may differ, is control of the masses—in violation of the U. S. Constitution; which has it that the law is king; it gives we individuals inalienable rights, rights that cannot be bartered or taken by any manner or means without individual’s permission. The majority of the American people don’t choose to believe that. The courts don’t believe that. The courts and the people accept the end justifies the means, for the good of all. The majority believes the law of might makes right. The majority are herd animals doing the bidding of their leaders.
One in a million, I cut from the herd. There were consequences. I prevailed. Was it the luck of the draw that my life is now as good as it gets?
Some of you government workers living on the backs of the taxpayers on the street protesting, the same as I, are going to learn the simple truth the hard way. But something for all of you protesters out on the street in Madison, Wisconsin to think about, those of you who have the good sense to awaken to reality will look back at this protest as the death throes of a bygone age.