You are doing a great job, guys and gals. But there are serious issues that need discussing. The American people are about to jump off a cliff. Without question, government spending is out of control. America’s economy is the weakest since the Great Depression. It is not improving. From all appearances, the Republicans will win control. Not to cheer, though, we’re in a repeating performance.
We the people were not created with hive mentality. We are fully capable of taking care of ourselves. We’ve been brainwashed.
The American people are the earth’s most generous, the most prosperous. As such, we’ve become victim of political opportunists whose ends have been to build power bases that leave them with the same control Europe’s aristocracy had, and the very reason America declared her independence.
Now that we know the cause, what is the cure for addicted America? We are already at the point we know we cannot continue like this. Since anything we do to affect a cure is going to cause pain and suffering to the least of us, the politicians we elect are certain, as they always have done before, to let those with the most sacrifice. Remember Bush Senior? “No new taxes.” The undeniable fact is that for the politician’s future it is best to put the burden of their spending excesses on future generations. The politician’s answer is what got us here in the first place. Their answer kills the goose that laid golden eggs.
Forget about who has and who has not. So we owe the money to ourselves. During the Great Depression, while the little people lost everything they had, those who had prospered even more. The same is taking place right now. Remember that there is no free lunch. You are simply building a bill that you or your kids are going to have to pay—and to those who have. If we want a cure, who has what should be none of our concern. That’s political talk aimed at confusing you.
Think only about how to put the individual back in control of his life. Think about the hated income tax and the Nazi IRS, the fact that politicians have engineered this bear trap to help the richest of the rich, the source of their power and control, and to penalize the entry-level worker. The politician you think is thinking about the meek and the poor is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The withholding tax should be eliminated. Social Security should be phased out. Medical needs should be paid for by the individual, all of which is to bring back the free enterprise system, the system that is responsible for America’s greatness.
A tax on spending is the way to go, with basic necessities exempted. If the rich want to live like kings, great. That produces jobs. If the rich want to invest, great. That produces jobs. Get over the idea that the rich are taking from the poor. That’s crazy thinking. And get over the idea that the politicians you elect are looking for a cure. They are not. They are looking for pain killers. The last thing they want is a cure.
Money goes where money flows. By shrinking the size of government, we reduce the amount of lobbying. By placing limits on the amount of time politicians can remain in office, instead of spending 90 percent of their time begging for campaign contributions, in order to keep their place in the sun, while we the people suffer, they can spend their time doing the people’s business.
None of these thoughts are new. The cure has been there all along. Don’t expect the politicians you voted for to affect a cure. They will not without your help.
Frankly, we the people have let things slip until we’ve got a hard choice. They’ve divided us with the idea of conquering us. You either take the side of the abused worker or the side of the rich and powerful. We’ve been successfully snookered. We either lose all of our freedoms and become government slaves, the aim of politicians of both parties, or take matters into our own hands. We tell them what to do, or they are out of office.
Do what we say, or you are fired. As was the intentions of our Founding Fathers.