The Truth Will Set You Free

Germany went bankrupt doing Obama’s thing. Hitler took control. He found banks willing to loan him money to build a war machine.  America’s politicians found the same banks willing to loan money to build a war machine. Banks gave us World War II. What a way to create jobs! Why are we now subjecting ourselves to the whims of politicians and bankers?  If you call this saving the economy, you don’t know history.  We’re told that the recession is ending. Who is telling us? People who want your vote. Why would it be ending? Because recessions always end? Again, you don’t know history.  With the rise of Nazi Germany, Germany’s Jews lived in hope.  Six million of them died in despair.  That’s history. I don’t know of anything Obama has said that has come true.  The help government is giving us is the worst government can do.  But what do I know?  I’m just a bottom fish.

I’m wondering why we should ever retire; why, instead of waiting for the day when we can retire, doing work we don’t want to do, why we should not work toward work we enjoy? Writing a book has been work. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.  It shouldn’t be government’s decision to decide when we are old enough to retire, or to pay for our heath care, not anymore than government should pay for our haircuts. 

 All of this government help has come during my lifetime. It started during the Great Depression, as emergency assistance. There is utterly no reason for government to have remained our caretaker after the emergency ended.   It was better in many ways before the government got into our personal lives.  

Young people don’t know the truth of the matter. For one thing, my mother was always there for me.  No one but the very rich paid any tax on their incomes. It took only one income earner to support a family. The family was the cornerstone of America.  In order to help us out, after the American dream was well on its way in the years after World War II, wolves in sheep’s clothing had as their scheme the printing of monopoly money and calling it legal tender.  Government and private bankers, in an unholy alliance, printed paper money like mad, which was not backed by gold. Roosevelt took America off the gold standard. After the dollar became the world standard, tricky Dickey Nixon took the dollar of the gold standard in foreign nations. It meant American’s wolves in sheep’s clothing, in cahoots with the Fed, could continue printing money like mad. Foreign governments couldn’t do the same. Their paper money was not the standard.  This absolute fraud helped America’s growing hierarchy, and at everyone else’s expense.

The Fed’s printing presses became a double edge sword against America’s liberties. Inflation, at the same time a tax in and of itself, also made everyone working an income tax payer. It took higher incomes to buy the same in goods and services.  This flimflam, Obama tells us, was for the nutty reason of “fairly” redistributing the wealth of the nation.  The proof is in the pudding.  It’s the worst thing that could ever happen.  It bought the American people with their own sweat. What has government got to show for its answer? The cure is more of the same for people hooked on government help.


Here we were, Karen and I, against the advice of our friends, gypsies, having the time of our lives—not a care in the world. We flew the coop.  Retirement should be our decision. Why retire at all? Why not work toward work we enjoy? Why not take leisure time to enjoy the things we like? Why not live in an RV and travel? It’s your choice—at any age. Karen and I are living proof that life can be far better if you look within for your answers. In An Experiential Guide by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne: “Your deeply held dreams and goals are part of the purpose that brought you to this lifetime.”  This doesn’t say you are here for the good of all. The good of all is chains and shackles talk. It is Obama talk. Give yourself a break. Look within for your answers.

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  • You are asking "AMERICANS" to think and study history and not that B.S. they teach in "GOVERNMENT" schools [Public Education teaches lies and indoctrination not truth]

    This is why they view Ron Paul as Anti-American and a threat to the USA when he may be the last best hope!

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