Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, from his interest in astrology, studied mathematics, and from that study went on to establish immutable laws of motion of the universe? We know that everything moves from a beginning to an end, eternally, but within this clockworks movement there are happenings that don’t conform, eternal law higher than Newtonian laws of motion—of which we are consciously aware but can’t explain in commonly acceptable terms.
I’m here to explain those laws. Before the atom is observed, physicists say waves of possibility exist—unlimited possibilities—and variable, according to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. The uncertainty principle was published in September, 1925, the month and year of my birth. My birth chart says I would be able to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, and that I would be inclined toward physics and the occult.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle was the forerunner of quantum mechanics. Quantum physicists observed atoms and wave became particle. Waves of limitless possibility became particle, something real in our time-space terms. There’s a connection—presto-chango, nuclear energy. Enter the age of atomic bombs and such. The world, with increasing purpose, is misdirected and hanging by thread. It could be the end of human kind.
Heisenberg became Hitler’s atom bomb builder. The allies bombed his plant to the ground. I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan. President Truman ordered the dropping of two atom bombs on Japan. World War II ended. Instead of a beach landing, I disembarked in Yokohama and became an M.P. in the Army of Occupation, just one of the events of my charmed life. The stars say I appeared at this time to use and develop my mind.
Einstein could not accept the uncertainty principle, the idea that quantum events are, as far as we know, uncaused. “I cannot believe that God would play dice with the universe,” asserted Einstein. Heisenberg’s mathematics left one with only circumstantial evidence. There was no smoking gun. Along came John Stewart Bell, a quantum physicist out to prove Einstein right and Heisenberg wrong. He proved Einstein wrong with Bell’s theorem. Bell’s theorem should he heralded as the greatest scientific discovery of all times. Instead, the world plods on in ignorance.
This brings me to my point. Last night my two favorite candidates for the Presidency, Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain were interviewed by Hannity of Fox News. I love Bachmann’s enthusiasm, her charm, her intelligence. I favor Cain. Not that Bachmann was not successful in business, but Cain has an illustrious business career. He says he left the plantation a long time ago. Cain has never held a political title, to his credit. It is black against black, and one of them a leftist ideologue. It’s sure to change a lot of black votes. Cain is as practical as the day is long. His appearance is that of a strong leader.
The Mayan calendar informs us the coming election marks the end of the world as we know it; the beginning of a new world. We are leaving the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood does not know. Add to this Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and Bell’s theorem. Beyond the local forces, such as gravity and electromagnetism, is a nonlocal force that applies to the selection of the mind and will, with the power to do essentially anything. With the coming election the most crucial American election since the first, it is essential that we elected a strong leader, and one firmly part of America’s free enterprise system. Herman Cain, at this time, appears to be a leader who will take America back to our God-given purpose.