Loyal American citizens, those living in the real world, love Freedom and Liberty.  They would sooner die than live in a country governed by individuals who would rule them.  I happen to be one of those ready and willing to die for my God, my family, my Freedom and Liberty.  I am not alone.  There are millions of Americans willing to give as much as I to defend their God given right to Freedom, Liberty and happiness.  The highest law of the land stands on the side of these people, the United States Constitution.  Our founding Fathers considered it so important that every citizen had a right to own and bear arms that they included the Constitution.  They did not consider that we would need these weapons to hunt with or defend our homes from criminals.  They knew that if the right to own and bear arms was not an undeniable right under the law one day an elected government would try to take arms away from all citizens.  They knew that such a government would have only one reason to do this, to put every citizen under their absolute control.  It is absolutely imperative that every citizen be able to defend our Constitution and the Freedoms it guarantees.  This has never been more evident than it is with our present leadership in Washington.  I love my country and its Constitution and would never do anything to harm either.  However, I have no respect for the government nor do I, or any other citizen, owe this government any loyalty or anything else.  Every citizen owes his or her country whatever each can do for its continued survival and success.  This includes protecting the country and its Constitution from politicians.  To this end we must never, under any circumstances, allow any attempt to remove arms from American citizens.  For those who just cannot understand why gun owners are so dedicated, who do you want to have the power, the people or the tyrants in government? Consider what is happening to citizens in other countries where the people could not own guns, get the picture?  If you say "it can't happen here" you are nothing more than ignorant fool.

       Art Phillips



       law abiding (Constitutional laws)

       loyal American

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  • 4066374337?profile=original

  • We really have to stop talikng about LEADership when we refer to ur government . Our government is a pusher government not a leadership government . A LEADER is a person of vision who is OUT FRONT LEADING the advance and setting the example . Do you know of any leaders in Washington besides Paul , Bachmann , Gingrich , Ryan , Romney , Peter King , Allen West , ? All of the rest lead by nipping at your heels and herding the sheeple . NO LEADERS . They've all got to go .

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