What do the Wall Street campers mean? Up to this point, I have not heard, so I’ll tell you what it means, and in the same breath what the Tea Party means. If you don’t like what you see, you don’t whine to your peers. You go to the top with your beef.
Basic to life is the personal challenge, not only to survive, but to improve what life has been for one’s own kind, nature’s built in attribute. America’s pioneers placed themselves in a highly challenging environment. I studied in the Constitution, the American people’s original thought. How different it was from present day American thinking. By going strictly on my own, I was doing what early Americans did. This was my thought when I studied the Constitution. I felt that voices from America’s past were speaking to me.
America’s present makers and keepers of the law hold that the law must fit today’s needs, as determined by them. It’s not the law. It is their will against mine—what you see every day in your government’s actions. So now we’ve got Wall Street campers. If you want it to be your will, you have to let your government know, emphatically! Your elected representatives are terribly hard of hearing. They misconstrue what you tell them. Instead of balancing the budget, they think what you really want is government handouts. After all, this is what has been keeping them in office all these years.
Obviously, King George held the opinion when he read America’s Declaration of Independence that it was total nonsense. He was not going to let those stupid Americans get away with that.
Up to its old tricks, the establishment, instead of viewing this displaced individual, due to corrupt official acts and in 1975 demanding his constitutional rights, had it that I was on a nutcake rant, one of those “spurious constitutional objectors” judges talked about, and you read about in the newspaper. I was an illegal tax protester. What you didn’t read was that I was acting under the law. In the end, the establishment hung itself with its own rope. Miraculously, I got a life. It can be the same for you.