First of all, think on this: There is no such thing as objective reality.   If the American people don’t get the whole truth of what is taking place this election season, life as we know it will be gone for good.


In all life, life is a struggle, and then came human keepers of life, better known as environmentalists.  What could be more noble than saving the planet?  Greedy capitalists are polluting, using up natural resources, utterly disregarding other life.   


Environmentalists are feeling people who know better than average folks how to save the planet. Their end justifies the means. Children know better than adults what is good for all. Capitalism is bad. Environmentalists  capitalize on reeducating America’s children.  Capitalists  drain natural resources; encourages greed; take from the poor.  Collectively,  we can beat greedy capitalists polluting  the environment.  Radical Islam, collectively  on the same wave length, they took down the World Trade Center “with their bare hands.”


There is something missing in how we’re being educated to save the planet. There is always  those who want to radically change the world.   The missing element is the intent of human life.  Humans were not meant to be trained to jump through the hoops of those with a calling to save the planet from disaster. We were not created with hive mentality.  We were created with reason and logic.


You are reading the thoughts of an individual who cut from the herd. I went on my own.  According to those educating us on how to save the planet—always that we must radically change to the way they have it—on  my own, when life could have easily gone wrong for me, everything went right.  Environmentalists are dead wrong. Come to think of it, my way is the way it was with America’s pioneers.  On their own, they built the greatest, most generous nation ever in the history of the world.  Being on our own does not necessarily spell greed, not anymore than being on the taxpayer’s back spells generosity.  Whose cause is greater, mine, or the environmentalists?  Environmentalists have a bigger than life calling.  I studied the U. S. Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling.


I was created with reason and logic.  What makes my logic inferior to the environmentalists?  They have not proven their case.  They are going to the young and inexperienced,  to the ignorant and irresponsible with their pleas.  Does the majority vote make right; I, by myself, make wrong?  It is me or the environmentalists.


America began with pioneers who took personal responsibility.  They built a prosperous economy, made life relatively easy for the American people.  Wolves in sheep’s clothing move in when life is easy, when people begin to want cradle to grave security.  America turned from a nation of rugged individuals  into a hothouse environment, government twisting valves and pulling levers. Do I not know what is better for me than the majority vote?  If it is the majority vote, then why would I take personal responsibility for my life? 


“The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of the majorities and officials and establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts.” West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette.  


It is always some noble cause. After Germany self-destructed, when the German people were desperate for answers, along came Hitler with promises of making things right and blaming Germany’s Jews for everything that went wrong.  The pattern is unmistakable. Those who vote for the environmentalists, without taking into consideration that they are voting for giving up control of their lives, are asking for slavery.


We can be cognizant of the environment and not be taken in by self-serving frauds spreading  half truths that aid no one but themselves.   A vote for any mainstream Republican or any Democrat is a vote for government control over your life.


I looked within for my answers and discovered the power that lies in me.  My life is good.  Are you not blessed with reason and logic?  Before you cast your vote, I recommend that you study the U.S. Constitution.  It was written with you in the driver’s seat and your best interests in mind.




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