Mindy I need you to read this. 


I have long said that the truth is its own defense.  Many people over the years have told me that they are glad that I dare to speak out, -- because they cannot because they're not black.  Not only do I find that cowardly, I find it extraordinarily ignorant of the history of the very bible many claim to embrace. 


Following are two comments posted on my blog in the past couple days:
Irving Hines (irvinghines@att.net) wrote me: "I recently read a article you wrote about the Obama's. It is my believe that you are a recent arrival to this country. Could it be you are from Haiti?,or possibly Africa?. I say this because people from these countries seem to be so ignorant of the history of the blacks in america. Isuggest that you inform yourself of this history and free yourself of your puppet attitudes and blantant ignorance to what goes on in this country.I am ashamed of people like you and the harm that you do to decent black people for the sake of money.Get a decent job and stop disgracing your blackness because you can't get away from it."


RLH (sabeauty00@aol.com) wrote me: "Mychal Massie, you are a complete fool. You are not qualified for anything other than to scratch your on ass. You have the brains of a baby bird, you baby bird brain fool. It is niggers like you that caused slavery to go on for so long. You are a complete fool that we do not need in this country. What have the Obamas done to you , fool? Absoutely nothing. This fool is trying to garner attention in order to make a living. I wonder how the true brother in LA can allow this fool to walk the street. Mychal Massie stop your ranting, you are a complete fool and if you are ever in Florida, look me up, I will solving your problem about the Obamas, you fool, nigger and less than a man, and a disgrace too the black man."


Specific to my point, this is the best these individuals can come up  with to argue against the truth of my writing.  And trust me, it is the best they can come up with against you, as well.  For all of the bluster and hot air, they never attacked my points -- they simply attacked me for making them. Their attempt at insult is indicative of those with no ground to stand on.
Being as polite as his diatribe dictates necessary, I strongly suggest Irving Hines to find a good urologist because his apparent intrauterine torsion is obviously constricting the flow of oxygen to his brain as well.  

As for RLH, it seems his real name is Richard L. Howell. The interesting thing about this petulant, little, would-be racist bully is that, if I'm correct, this individual several years ago was in Alexandria, Virginia where he supposedly coached at Cora Kelly Rec and Hammon Junior High School and boasted, "I consider myself a teacher of the game."  If this is the same person, his ability to teach a game was inconsistent with his ability to embrace socially acceptable morals in his own life.  


But even more interesting is that this person now resides in Brooksville, Florida, where he filed a discrimination lawsuit alleging "discriminatory tactics against African-Americans by denying them a safe and healthy community to live in."  If this is the same person and it appears it is, there is little I need say about him that his own words have not said for him.  


Now, I ask you, are these the kind of people you need fear?  

( for those that have been asking, the link to the Federal firearm permit kit is here )  

Massie sig  
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