Thinking Out Loud

4063277564?profile=originalMy blogs on Tea Party are little more than thinking out loud. So, thinking out loud, in a telephone conference yesterday with my book publisher, I was advised that it could be as much as three months until my book is on the market.  That’s a month longer than the last estimate. It was longer than the first estimate.  My book will be available by the middle of June, at least until the next estimate. There is a lot more for me to consider.  I sent in my manuscript in late December.  There have been technical difficulties that slowed things down.  It’s complicated doing things on my computer and my publisher doing things to my manuscript. I’ve spent a lot of time on the advice I’ve received.  The problem is that I have thoughts others don’t think. It takes a lot of clarification.  

I’m in tune with what Jesus taught, at least what I read in the Bible, which is quite different than what I was taught in my Christian Sunday school.  I’m in tune with the cutting edge of science.  The cutting edge of science is accused of trying to smuggle God in to physics.

I listened to a Glenn Beck rant and rave yesterday.  He was shouting mad about the Obama Administration’s new regulations on farmers, in the interest of protecting America’s children, such as prohibiting children under sixteen from working more than 6 feet above the ground, or working livestock, or shoveling manure, or running power equipment . It is shocking.  One hundred-eighteen children died doing farm work in a year.  Beck points out that more than 5,000 died in auto accidents.  It is hard to make a living on a farm now. Obama, a knight in shining armor, is going to make it harder.  It will have the effect of higher food prices—just what we need.  Obama is for the good of all—all meaning all the people in the world.  We Americans are living too high on the hog’s back.  Obama must be right. We are greedy and self-serving in America.  At least that’s the way Obama and his friends in the Middle East see us. It is their way, not my way.  Nobody listens to me.  I’m a nobody from nowhere.

I agree with Beck on about half of what he says, but the half that counts. My wife says I’m out of orbit, but she has much to do with the way I think. An astrologer informed me that my wife was sent to me. After thirty years, she is beginning to think that herself.  An astrologer said I’m the archetype of those who came before me.  A historian said in Cosmos and Psyche that there is consistent correspondence in planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.  Christians don’t adhere to that idea.  Their idea of God is supernatural; in other words, they don’t know, so they guess.

The stock market has been on the rise. Employment is on the rise. According to news pundits, the recession is about over.  Beck says the per capita debt in the United States is the world’s highest.  “No problem,” says the media. It merely means that the United States has proven to the world that it is the most productive. 

With this in mind, Obama takes no blame for rising fuel prices.  He is right. Oil production in the United States is the highest in eight years.  Obama is the most forgetful person I’ve ever heard speak.  He forgot to mention that he had nothing whatever to do with the increase in oil production. In fact, he has done much to curtail oil production in the United States.  He is doing all he can to curtail the use of all fossil fuels, and all he can to encourage alternative sources of energy, which accounts for two percent of our energy requirements. That’s exactly the problem. We need to know that we use too much energy.  Obama’s reason:  “It is unfair.”  We need to drastically cut our energy requirements—and at the same time raise taxes.  It is all part of Obama’s plan to transform America into a socialist dictatorship. 

The big concern in the Obama Administration is U.S. productivity—all thanks to the free enterprise system. With so many in the world going hungry—and Obama going about apologizing—it is not fair for the United States to be so productive.  Why don’t we realize that? Obama’s feelings tie with being regulated out of existence. We need to learn to be more thoughtful of the meek and poor and the hungry of the world, for whom Obama is a knight in shining armor.  It’s a sin to have more than other people. Why don’t we know that?

By the time my book hits the market, my guess is that the fat cats on Wall Street will have run the market up and made another killing on running it down.  It should be back to its former level or lower in mid-May. While gas prices will have peaked and slightly lower in May, food prices will be higher.  Overall, the cost of living will be higher.  It is all part of Obama’s plan for the meek and poor of the world. Things are going very nicely.  To the rest of the world, Obama associates the average America with Wall Street greed.  

There is likelihood of increased sunspot activity late in the year. It could cause electrical grid failures, the extent unknown. It will be that “slut,” Sara Palin’s fault, according to press spokesmen for Obama.  You know that Palin talks to the public like she was talking with her Down’s syndrome child, and her daughter got knocked up by a baseball player, you know.  There is a growing chance of a terrorist attack in the United States this year. That’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault. He should be removed.

The far left thinks like Muslim extremists, who are socialists. They demonstrated despise for capitalists by taking down the World Trade Center, and despise for America’s military by flying an airliner into the Pentagon.  One of their kind is President of the United States.  Religious freedom demands that Muslims have the right to build a shrine near the hole in the ground where the World Trade Center was. The Catholics don’t have  the right of religious freedom.  And what are we doing in the Middle-East?  Fanning the flames of hatred for America. Beck now demands that we bring the troops home, my thought for years.

While technology has been revving up, Americans remain married to the past.  There is a reason for modern technology, and the Chinese know how to make it pay.  They are planning a mile high building that houses a quarter-million people, with world-class hotels in the building, with commercial and industrial in the building, a building whose glass turns opaque in bright sunlight, costing half as much to heat and cool; a building that will grow enough food hydroponically, twelve months out of the year, to feed more than the building’s population. Think of the saving of land, the energy cost saving. Think of just-picked vegetables on your table.  Think of The Ugly American. Double ugly Obama is now regulating American farmers.  Surely nobody in the Middle-East is more backward thinking than Obama.  It amazes me how Americans, following customs, doctrines, and dogmas, can be so far from the truth.

My book will be informative, but judging from the Tea Party response, to a very limited number of people.  I’m thinking about writing a second book.  I give myself six months to write it. That would put it on the market in March 2013.  The public will then know how right or wrong I was in my first book.  If I’m wrong, a second book would be a waste. At least, it will have kept me occupied. I haven’t anything better to do with my time. I’m hedging. If I’m wrong, there will be no change. Obama will be our president.

 Presently, I’m depending on government.  One way or the other, I win.  If my books don’t sell, I can move to China.  I should be appreciated in China.  I won’t be a government dependent .  


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  • Gerald Celente is forecasting that Obama will be President. I am forecasting that a revolution will come to America at the end of 2014-beginning of 2015. 

  • If u need help in China, let me know.

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