Posted by Micah Cook on November 4, 2009 at 2:14pm
I would like to say that I do LOVE our country; however, this government has gotten out of control. It has been out of control for years but they are going too far and continue to push further. This "health care" issue will destroy the health care industry. This will be a huge advatage to those that are into population control. The government doesn't know best!! This government has offically turned us into a Socialist State. We are no longer a Democracy!! I repeat, WE ARE NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY!! We look like one but we are not one. A Socialist State is one step closer to being a Communist State. We as a people need to stand up and say NO!!, to our government. We need to let them know that we are not cattle. We will stand up for what is right, fair and JUST. If people do not stand up then you are just as guilty as anyone in the White House. I pray that We The People will stand up before it is too late. The White House is talking about making it illegal to not take a new vaccine that is coming out for this "swine flu". They are over playing this too much. The regular flu kills more people every year then the swine flu has come close to. In that case, doesn't it make you think that there is more than meets the eye with this? Why the push? They are about to release something dangerous as well. The govenment needs to back out of our lives. We should recall ALL of our elected officals and rebuild this country from scratch. I will be labeled a person of interest. I will be watched because of my views and because I wont stand down. People, please watch, listen, and learn. Don't be bullied by our goverment. They are suppose to be for us, not us for them. We are their boss'.Micah Cook