Posted by Micah Cook on November 4, 2009 at 2:15pm
I know that by now my blogs are starting to get some attention. I think that is a good thing. I know people need to know what I have to say. These years that we have ahead of us is going to get darker and darker. Last year, when Obama was elected, I said that we are going to have a dark 4 years ahead of us. I was right and wrong. It will be a dark four years; however, if the American people don't stand up and do something about it then we may not have an America to call home. You may be saying well that is stupid. We would have to be wiped off the map for that to happen. Let me be the first to tell you that there is more then one way to wipe anything off the map. One way is nuclar. That is a very possible thing that can happen but very unlikely. I thought that it was more likely to happen until recently. I believe that the openess of the One World Governement (OWG) will remap the world. This may sound like I am quoting it from the Bible. It is true that it is in there but if you are really looking at what is going on then you can see that it is a reality. The government will say that the only way to get out of depression is to become one with the world. It is a fact that we do need a new currency since our government has ruined the current currency.On another note, I do want to announce that I am changing my political party. I am no longer going to be a republican. I used to be a democrat also. But can anyone really tell the difference any more? I know that the only difference is the name. Other then that there is no difference. So, I am calling myself a Constitutionalist. A Constitutionalist is an individual that stands behind the Constitution and will stand of for WE THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE need to stand up and tell the governemt that they need to start listening to us.Also, one more thing, if we do need to change our governemt then we need to either recall all of our repersentives or if they don't leave quietly then we need to over throw our government. If we do this we will need allies. Maybe Canada or Mexico? Maybe even a country down in South America, or maybe even Israel? We as a nation need to think ahead and direct our country and not let our "leaders" direct it.
We cannot disenfranchise system of government. It is the plan to erode our confidence in the Founding Fathers. What we need is to transform the political parties, drive them to conservative ideologies. Regardless if they are Republican, Independent or Democrat (RID). We want leadership that in honest and defends the Constitution. If you have no depth of Character then get out and earn it. We will know them by the friends that they keep. I choose to have patriots to be my friends vice traitors and usurpers. Failed Ideologies will generate Failed Policies. These policies do not Liberate us, but burden us with heavier taxes. Let's get the money off our backs and kick them out. Spread the Word about our organization. I am the Founder and the Political Parties can no longer take credit for something they did not start. I call the opportunistic Politician and Profiteers. We are done with them and taking our country. Decide this day will you serve us or your own special interest.