I happen to dance all over the line of what some people, mostly the liberal socialist communist democrats, would consider crazy or insane. In short, I believe in God, and not only that, I believe in prayer. To top it off, I have received many verbal communications from the, so called, spiritual realm. To explain how this all happened and where I’m coming from in making such fanatical claims, I’ve written two books, Hell Avenue and Lighting The Spiritual Flame Of America. I’m not trying to sell books here because I purposely have withheld publishing them. The books have been done for almost ten years. And as I look back, I thank God that I  have not released them just yet, which is another story in and of itself. My reasoning for mentioning them, and you can take this with a grain of salt, so to speak, I want to move on to the meat of what I want to talk about with my fellow Patriots and avoid trying to give all the  past history of my direct spiritual contact just to justify  what I feel is my spiritually informed opinion.


It took me many years, 32 to be exact, to finally learn that what I receive from God is for me and for me only. By my own doing I have been slapped upside the head with it. Never in a bad way, God does not work that way, but with a gentle rebuke as any loving father would do with his son. At first, I thought I was chosen by God to be His  mouth piece on earth until one day I was set straight, very straight. Once again, not in a bad way, but in a way that penetrated to the very depth of my being where I saw the light. I only saw the light at the end of the tunnel and had absolutely no clue what it meant until 20 years later. But, after a communist got elected a second time to the White House it became crystal clear and I had one of those, holy cow! moments.


My Christian rock band, Agent, was invited to perform at a prison by the prison’s Chaplain. The details of what happened in the prison that day are in my book, Lighting The Spiritual Flame Of America, the chapter; With The Wave Of My Hand. To make a long story short and not to leave you hanging, my band was getting ready to perform at the California prison. When I looked out over the 300 or so inmates in attendance God spoke to me as I was about to start our first song. He said and I quote; “Ask them if they ever had an experience from God.” Without hesitation I walked up to the microphone; “How many of you have never had an experience from God?” Almost every hand went up. Once again, I was about to start our first song, because that’s what we were there to do, play music, not waste their time talking. God spoke to me again. He said, “Tell them you are going to wave your hand over them and they will have an experience from God.”


At this point you must understand none of this was out of the ordinary for me. I wasn’t nervous or hesitant in the least bit, this was normal behavior for me. Earlier, while being cleared to enter into the population of criminals we were instructed by the guards what to do in the event of a riot. Basically it was; if you’re taken hostage the prison would not negotiate for our lives. Not to mention, I was also told by the prison’s Chaplain that we were the first Christian rock band they had perform in a long time. He said he’s tried many bands in the past but they got booed and ridiculed so he stopped having bands.


There were five of us going in, four musicians, 2 guitars, bass and drums and one audio engineer. Each one of us were asked two times, face to face, if we understood the riot procedure. When the guard got to me, I’m thinking, if anyone will be negotiating for their lives it will be the inmates because I had no doubt I was taking God in with me and as the old saying goes, if God be for you who can be against you. It took us about 45 minutes to set up our equipment in the gymnasium with the standard bleachers for seats. We didn’t have time to do a sound check because the prisoners were already being systematically escorted in. They were orderly and very quiet. All that could be heard was the slight hiss of our PA. We played very loud and in that gymnasium we knew we’d blow their socks off. I did as God instructed; I walked up the microphone, “I am going to start my hand over here,” I pointed to my right, “and as it passes over you, you will have an experience from God. An experience that you know in your heart is from Him."


I started to slowly wave my hand, and as it passed over them, I started to hear heart-wrenching sobs that turned into loud painful cries. At the time I had no feelings about what was happening to them, it was God’s business not mine. But now when I think about it and I hear those painful sobs recalled in my memory I can hardly hold back my emotions. As I recall that day, it was the most emotionally painful thing I have ever heard. The entire gymnasium erupted in heart-felt moans as if they all had just lost a family member or lost someone they loved with all their hearts. It echoed in there very loud. I waited for a few minutes just listening to them cry from the depths of their being. I went back up to the microphone and I said; “Those of you who God just touched please come down here. The entire place immediately erupted into what the guards thought was a riot. They quickly ran out the doors and locked the place down. The prison was now on yellow alert, riot in progress, and all the guards were gone. When I heard a door loudly slam behind me to my left I turned to see. I saw about six guards with fearful faces, obviously nervous, pressed against the thick bullet proof glass. I motioned to them, while mouthing, “It’s alright. It’s alight.” A little yellow light was spinning above the doorway. Many of the sobbing inmates made their way down to the front of where we were set up and prostrated themselves with their faces six inches off the floor while their tears made little puddles. Many remained in the bleachers still sobbing. I did not know they were not aloud out of their seats. As I said, the exact details are in my book.


Two weeks later I get a call from the Warden, “Mr. Donohoe, this is Warden Johnston. What – in – the – hell did you do up here?” My mind raced with trying to figure out what I did. Waving my hand over the inmates did not cross my mind. I thought maybe while we were leaving we drove over their flower bed or something. I remained silent. I was truly at a loss until the Warden asked, “Can you do that again?” Then it dawned on me what he was talking about. I said, “Yes.” He then asked me, “how in the hell did you do that?” I said, “It was the Holy Spirit.” “I have never in all my life seen anything like that. Would you ever consider coming up here to be our Chaplain?” I answered with an absolute, no. “Why not?” the warden disappointedly asked. “You could help so many.” I told the Warden that it was not what God had planned for my life.


About a week or so after that call, what happen next is so way, way out there, even the Christians would desert me. Unfortunately, you will have to read the book to find out what that was. I have never spoke about it publicly except to a few friends. That’s not so called teaser bait, I can do the story no justice in this short article that is already getting to long. Besides, it doesn’t really have anything to do with the point I am trying to make. My point being, every Patriotic America lover that I know, knows the Obama administration is a criminal organization filled with communist, murderers, thieves, liars, pedophiles, democrats as well as republicans, much like the 300 prisoners I found myself standing in front of. The only difference between the Obama administration and the inmates is that Obama and his cronies aren’t in prison yet, but it’s coming. What Obama is doing to destroy America he is also doing to God. God founded this country, not the mostly white, racist slave owners as the democrats preach. God is responsible for the founding of America and he used men and women, regardless of their petty faults, to bring about his will.


I worked hard at trying to get Romney elected as well as trying to get some good honest politicians elected on the local level. I put in countless hours because I knew we had a godless individual in the White House and everyone I ran across knew it too. In my heart, in my gut, I had no doubt Romney would win. When I woke up the day after the election, I literally felt punched in the stomach. It was very difficult going before God in prayer and asking him, what happened? I was somewhat afraid of the answer. In fact, I got no answer. I only got a strong reminder of what God once said to me when I was complaining about some other petty thing. He said, “This is hell. What on earth did you expect?” Back then it put petty things in perspective and the day after the election that recollection also put things in perspective.


I have no doubt we are going to endure set-backs. We are going to endure criminals in the White House for one reason and one reason only, we are either going to see the wave of God’s hand over the criminals and watch as God instantly changes their hearts or this is truly the end of America. Because of my perspective and what I witnessed God do in that prison, I have faith God is going to save America as only He can do at this point. The entwining of evil just runs to deep for God not to intervene on our behalf. Those who do not know God personally are in for some rough terrible heart-wrenching times. Those of  you who do know God personally are also in for some terrible heart-wrenching times because the blatant evil we have sitting on the throne in the White House, no not on the toilet, you are who Evil is looking for and they have no clue why you have not appeared on the scene yet. Obama is doing everything he can to squeeze the Holy Spirit into a corner. Forgive him, for the idiot does not know what he is actually doing. On the other hand, the evil within him is very well aware and has been fully empowered because of the deadening silence of those filled with the Holy Spirit. God is long-suffering so it stands to reason His children would be the same and patiently wait for God to give them His marching orders. This will not be a bloody fight for the most part, don’t forget we are dealing with criminals that think it’s okay to kill American citizens without due process. I can say, this spiritual fight will be as easy as cleaning dog crap from off the bottom of your shoe, but it will still stink. As for me and my household, I will serve the Lord. What about you and your household? Where do you stand? In my heart I know this is the question God is asking the American people right now. The line is being drawn in the sand. Stand for America, or, can’t stand America, will be the only choice you’re asked to make.

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