Because of 'We the People' having demonstrated our power of  RELENTLESS PRESSURE upon

Congress, more and more Democrats realize the U.S. is on an unsustainable path

and that reforms must be implemented NOW instead of putting them off any longer.


The vote was good news, but this is only the beginning of the fight.


NO increase on the debt ceiling.

Unless you tell your Representative and Senators where you stand, they

may be tempted to cut a deal which will raise the debt limit while

making only symbolic and marginal spending cuts.


Both Democrats and Republicans need to learn from history,

particularly the Democratic Truman Administration. That's why I sent

this letter to Congress, from which you may borrow or copy . . .

I understand the concern you have about making the drastic spending

cuts necessary to balance the budget and maintain the current debt


However, the last time the national debt was this high relative to

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was at the end of World War II.

Economists Jason E. Taylor and Richard K. Vedder tell us what a

Democratic-controlled White House and Congress did to the budget after

World War II. They . . .


* slashed spending by more than 50% in one year

* removed ten million servicemen and one million civilian employees

from the federal payroll

* lifted wartime economic controls, AS WELL AS many New Deal era

regulations/Instead of a new Depression, the opposite occurred . . .

* The economy grew by 10% in two years

* Unemployment was under 4.5% in the first three postwar years

* By 1947, budget surpluses reached 6% of GDP, and the U.S. started

paying down the debt

This isn't surprising. It makes economic sense . . .

* More money is available for capital investment and economic growth,

when government spends, taxes, and borrows less.

* It is less expensive to hire new workers, when regulations are reduced.


1. End the wars, cancel defense contracts, and bring the troops home.

2.Cut spending to balance the budget, AND lift regulations that strangle the economy.

3.Follow the 1946, Truman formula, and America will adapt quickly to a

more free and more prosperous reality. 

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