This isn't Rocket Science Mr. Speaker!

Budget Negotiations Obama Style.

Obama wants no short term fixes, FANTASTIC! - Then why the heck are you folding again, and reducing our starting amount of deficit reduction from 4 Trillion to 2 !

It appears that Obama has just outflanked you once again. I am all for long term responsible politics but let's get something straight; the longer the term of the fix the higher the amount we are going to demand. If anything Mr. Boehner you should be raising our demand from 4 Trillion to 6, not reducing it! The longer Obama wants to draw this out the higher the amount of the reduction MUST BE!

Obama is very proud of his slick double talker and most of the time he is impressed with himself. He acts as if he has something to offer when in fact he is pulling one over on you. There is absolutely nothing Obama has to offer, which is why he does not operate with concessions in mind! It is He who has dug himself into a hole, not us. We are merely trying to get him out of it and that is going to cost him! Listen to what Dumbo has just said to the media - he just told them that he wants to get as much as he can, and you tell him that we are reducing our demand!? That even sounds like something President Carter would have said.

Here is the deal: The LONGER THE TERM of deficit reduction THE HIGHER THE AMOUNT will be! We do not negotiate the rate of reduction, but if Obama wants a longer term deal then give it to him and raise the amount!

You folded the last time and he still pulled one over on you, don't fold again! Deficit ceiling and reduction is not negotiable! If Obama wants a long term deal then lay it out for him, tell him how many years we'll give government to get the debt wiped out, and if that comes to a 2 Trillion per year then tell him we'll give him the short, or long term. 2 Trillion (per year) for short term, and 4 Trillion (per two years) for the long term. End of discussion! 

If Obama wants to reduce the amount from 4 Trillion to 2, then we'll give it to him, in half the time - Amen!

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  • Please, let me express my deepest appreciation for the service your loved ones are giving to our Country, and the sacrifices they are making! My son served as a scout sniper in the Marine Corps. He did two tours, Iraq and pirate operations. I am retired, and I too depend on Social Security. I lost my pension and retirement benefits at the end of my career - my government gave them away!

    I don’t purchase things I do not intend to pay for - your government does!

    I do not purchase things with other people’s money, much less on their credit - your government does!

    I would never let a third party purchase their home with your money, much less on your credit - your government does that!

    I have taught my children not to want for things they cannot afford - I expect the same of my government! My children listen to me, my government does not!

    Regarding a debt ceiling freeze - Social Security and Medicare recipients are affected ONLY if Obama decides to freeze them! This is blatant and irresponsible fear mongering by Obama, a misrepresentation of facts and purely done because it works politically. 

    I have paid into Medicare since the day the bill was passed by President Lindon Johnson, in 1968 - Today, in retirement, I now pay more for Medicare insurance than I have ever paid for health insurance while still employed - I pay for this with my Social Security income.

    We did not raid these funds - your government did!   

    If my children spend money I don’t have, I cut them off - I will do the same with government!

    Airplanes and boats for the rich are not the kind of tax loopholes we need to be concerned about, they create far more in jobs, tax revenue, and economic activity than we can ever hope to save from closing them. It is about the dumbest thing Obama could have come up with, and is just as irresponsible as is scaring old folks with social security checks. The last time this was tried our business aircraft and luxury boat industries almost went out of business. If you are talking about GE, Obama's special interest friends, now there is a justifiable loophole that needs to be fixed.  

  • Yes Dear Molly, I have considered the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling, very carefully, and it is precisely for reasons of irresponsible spending, and government failing in its duties, that we must now put on the brakes or this great Nation we are part of will no longer belong to its people, and your freedom and independence will be no more! Doesn't it alarm you, when the full faith and credit is brought into question by those responsible for the worst fiscal mess since WWII? We are truly going to wish that we practiced fiscal restraint should we be so foolish as to give this present administration the only rope left to hang us with.
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