The following comments/snippets regarding Socialism have been taken from the late English author Nesta H. Webster (24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960) a writer, historian and theorist. It seems to me, what with all the talk of Socialism during the past two years, obtaining a perspective from the past would shed some light on it.
1. "While Bolshevism sets out to destroy Capitalism at a blow, Socialism prefers a more gradual process. It is the difference between clubbing a man on the head and bleeding him to death - that is all."
2. "The fact is that all Socialism leads to Communism in the long run and therefore to disaster. The Bolshevist regime brought ruin and misery to Russia not because of the brutality of its methods, but because it was founded on the gigantic economic fallacy that industry can be carried on without private enterprise and personal initiative."
3. "As a life-long Socialist has frequently observed to me, 'Socialism has never been a working-class movement; it was always of the middle or upper classes who sought to instill the principles of Socialism into the minds of working men'."
4. "Socialism has only been able to make headway by borrowing the language of Anarchy in order to blast its way to power. Socialism is thus essentially a system of deception devised by middle-class theorists and in no sense a popular creed."
5. "The world-revolution is not a popular movement but a conspiracy to impose on the people a system directly opposed to their real demands and aspirations, a system which, moreover, has proved disastrous every time an attempt has been made to put it into practice."
6. "For not only has Socialism never been known to succeed, but all its past failures are carefully kept dark by its exponents."