Thurs/Med-AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
Twitter's 'loose lips liar-Biden Protection Rule'
Thomas Gallatin  
Thursday News Executive Summary
Jordan Candler  Coronavirus
  • OFFICIAL PANDEMIC: The World Health Organization declares coronavirus a global pandemic (Fox News)

  • PRECAUTIONS: President Trump announces 30-day ban on travel from Europe over coronavirus threat (National Review)

Business & Economy

  • BEAR MARKET: Dow is down 20% from last month’s record close (CNBC)

  • SPORTS REPERCUSSION, PART I: NBA suspends season indefinitely after Utah Jazz player tests positive for coronavirus (CNBC)

  • SPORTS REPERCUSSION, PART II: NCAA basketball tournaments to take place “with only essential staff and limited family attendance” (Fox News)

Government & Politics

  • RULE OF LAW: Supreme Court justices allow “Remain in Mexico” asylum policy to continue (AP)

  • STAYING THE COURSE: commie-Bernie Sanders vows to stay in race and debate even after crushing primary loss to loose lips liar-Joe Biden (New York Daily News)

  • FOR THE RECORD: worthless-Ilhan Omar reveals she married the man she denied having affair with (The Daily Wire)

  • JUSTICE: Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in prison for sexual assault (The Daily Wire)

Closing Arguments

    • POLICY: How effective would a new fiscal stimulus be? Not very. (National Review)

    • POLICY: Sound policy responses to the economic consequences of the coronavirus (The Heritage Foundation)

    • HUMOR: Trump cancels 2020 election over coronavirus concerns (The Babylon Bee

~The Patriot Post
President Trump Addresses The Nation 
on Coronavirus Pandemic 
by sundance
{ } ~ Tonight at 9:00pm ET, President Donald Trump will address the nation on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from the Oval Office. The address will be carried live on most major news broadcasts with additional livestream links.
After Soleimani, Iran sends Shamkhani 
to Iraq to take control
{ } ~ Iran sent Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, to Iraq in order to try to control Iraq’s political future... according to reports and insider accounts. Shamkhani is a key figure in Iran. Even as the Islamic Republic struggles to contain the coronavirus pandemic which has led to more than 7,000 infections and hundreds of deaths – even among Iran’s ruling elite – Tehran is plotting to control Iraq’s chaotic politics. Iraq has been rocked by ongoing protests since October, and its prime minister, Adel Abdel Mahdi, resigned in November due to the killing of protesters. Some 600 protesters have been killed, many of them by Iranian-backed militias, and some 20,000 more wounded. In late December Iran engineered rocket attacks in Iraq against US forces that resulted in the death of a US contractor. Washington retaliated; pro-Iranian groups stormed the US embassy compound; and the US killed Iranian IRGC Quds Force head Qasem Soleimani and pro-Iranian militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. That killing, amid the protests, set in motion a different set of protests led by populist Iraqi Shi’ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and Hadi al-Amiri’s Badr Organization to oust US troops. At the same time, Iraq’s political parties – of which Sadr and Amiri lead the two largest in a parliament that is fractured between Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurdish factions – appointed new prime ministerial designate Mohammed Allawi. But he failed in mid-March to form a government, tossing Iraq’s politics back into chaos. For Iran, the chaotic situation in Baghdad is problematic. Iran has invested heavily over the last decade and a half in co-opting politicians in Baghdad. Documents leaked in November show how Iran has a network of agents in Iraq. This network was a key to Qasem Soleimani’s role in Iraq over the years. He worked through local militias that became part of the Hashd al-Shaabi, or Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). His death in early January left a vacuum. Now Iran has sent Shamkhani to pick up where Soleimani left off. He met with Iraqi intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi, and referenced the expulsion of US forces from Iraq. “The role of intelligence and security bodies to manage the new conditions is of paramount importance,” Shamkhani said, according to Iran’s IRNA news agency. The “countdown” to get rid of the US in Iraq has begun, he added. This is the same language used by Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, a pro-Iranian group in the PMU which has been sanctioned by the US...
Trump officials cut testimony 
short at coronavirus hearing
{ } ~ Top Trump administration officials on Wednesday cut short their testimony at a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on the response to the coronavirus... with the White House saying they were needed at a meeting focused on the spreading virus. Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said at the start of the hearing that it would end an hour and a half early because President Trump called an “emergency” meeting with the witnesses, who are leading the government’s coronavirus response. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were testifying at the hearing. Both are members of the coronavirus task force. “This morning we were informed that President Trump and Vice President Pence have called our witnesses to an emergency meeting at the White House,” Maloney said. “We don't know the details, just that it is extremely urgent.” At about 11:30 a.m., she ended questioning from lawmakers, saying she received notice from the White House that the witnesses needed to leave “now.” “I don't know what's going on at the White House,” she said. “There seems to be a great deal of confusion and a lack of coordination at the White House. I hope this does not reflect on the broader response to this crisis.” A White House official told The Hill that the meeting was scheduled on Tuesday “and is part of the administration’s ongoing whole-of-government response to the coronavirus.” Two people familiar with the matter questioned whether the meeting Maloney referenced was in fact an emergency, and it was unclear if it was separate from the daily 4 p.m. meetings that have been led by Pence...
Border Officers Catch Smuggler Using 
'Inhumane' Method: Hiding a Man 
Inside a Car Seat
By Erin Coates 
{ } ~ U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in Southern California found a Mexican national hidden inside a car seat... a tactic CBP described as “inhumane” — crossing into the United States on Monday night. An 18-year-old woman driving a black Mitsubishi arrived at the Calexico West port of entry at approximately 1:10 a.m., according to a CPB media release. The driver, a U.S. citizen, and her car were sent for further inspection by the booth officer. When a CPB canine examined the car and alerted officers to the vehicle’s rear seat, they discovered a 48-year-old man hidden inside a non-factory compartment. The man, a Mexican native, was taken for further processing and the woman was taken into custody and is being held at the Imperial County Jail. “The primary focus of our national security mission is to protect the American homeland from all threats,” Pete Flores, CBP director of field operations for San Diego, said. “Although we routinely encounter individuals attempting to enter our country illegally, this incident serves as another example of the inhumane tactics human smugglers will utilize in order to circumvent our laws,” Flores said. This is not the first instance this year that federal agents have found people hiding inside vehicles crossing the border. In February, Texas border agents arrested 36 illegal immigrants found beneath a wooden plank inside a dump truck in the South Texas corridor, Fox News reported. The immigrants were hidden underneath a wooden plank inside the truck that appeared to be filled with gravel and dirt...   

Fleeing California
by ~ Why are millions of people leaving California and moving to other states? What do those states have that California doesn’t?... PragerU’s first mini documentary explores the root causes of this mass exodus from the Golden State. “Fleeing California,” featuring PragerU’s own Will Witt, sheds light on one of the most significant but underreported stories of our time.
FBI Cleared Extremists Who Carried Out 
Deadliest U.S. Attacks Since 9/11  
by ~ Nearly two decades after its well-documented transgressions culminated in the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil... the federal law enforcement agency responsible for protecting the country against a repeat still struggles to do its job and it has cost dozens of American lives. The failures have allowed homegrown violent extremists (HVE) to carry out more than 20 attacks in the U.S. since 9/11, some of them after the agency, the FBI, closed counterterrorism investigations of the attackers. The negligence has resulted in the death of 70 people murdered by at least six terrorists who had been under investigation by the FBI, according to a report issued recently by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General. In all the probes the FBI closed the cases quickly after ruling that the extremists presented no threat to national security. The agency examined its mishaps in the aftermath of the deadly events. “Following these attacks, the FBI conducted reviews and determined there were weaknesses in its HVE assessment processes,” the agency watchdog writes in its report. “However, we found that the FBI has not taken sufficient action to address these weaknesses.” There is more that may not have been included in the probe. The DOJ IG goes on to disclose that “in 2017, the FBI conducted an enterprise-wide review and identified potential terrorist threats that may not have been adequately assessed during calendar years (CY) 2014 through 2016, which amounted to 6 percent of the total assessments reviewed. We found that the FBI did not take adequate action on nearly 40 percent of these assessments for 18 months.” The latest FBI transgressions resulted in some of the deadliest terrorist attacks since Islamic jihadists carried out their plots in 2001, killing thousands of innocent Americans. They include the 2009 massacre at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the 2016 mass shooting at an Orlando, Florida nightclub and the 2017 attack at the Fort Lauderdale Airport in south Florida. In 2011 the FBI opened a counterterrorism lead into Nidal Hasan, the perpetrator of the Fort Hood shooting, but the probe was closed five months later after agents evidently determined that Hasan did not pose a national security threat. Months later he massacred 13 people at a U.S. military post. The Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, was also under FBI investigation before he carried out his attack for making statements that displayed his radicalized ideology. Less than a year later the probe was closed after agents ruled the information to be unfounded. Mateen killed 46 people. Boston Marathon terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev was also on the FBI’s radar before his attack, but the agency decided that he and his terrorist brother, Dzhokhar Tsarvaev, did not pose a threat to national security, according to the IG report. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother who was eventually killed in a wild shootout with police, was under investigation by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) after Russian authorities notified the agency that he had become radicalized. The scumbag/liar-nObama administration  could have deported Tamerlan Tsarnaev years before he detonated bombs at a major sporting event over a criminal arrest, according to information uncovered by Judicial Watch shortly after the bombings that killed three and injured hundreds. The government also dropped the ball on Esteban Santiago, who killed five people in a 2017 attack at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. Weeks before the rampage, the FBI closed Santiago’s probe ruling that he did not pose a threat to national security. It seems that little has changed since 9/11. After the attacks, the FBI got blasted for missing many opportunities to stop the hijackers and failing to uncover important intelligence about them. In fact, a DOJ IG report disclosed that the FBI missed at least five opportunities before the 2001 terrorist attacks to uncover crucial intelligence about the perpetrators. The watchdog specifically blamed the FBI for not knowing that two of the 9/11 hijackers lived in the U.S. and for failing to follow up on an agent’s theory that Osama bin Laden was sending students to American flight schools. A decade and a half later, a panel created by Congress to determine if the FBI had adopted post-9/11 recommendations found that the problems persisted. In a 2015 report the 9/11 Review Commission was critical of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force’s ability to detect terror plotters before they strike and found the agency’s computer hacking investigations were lacking.   

Now Democrats want to kill ELECTIONS, 
starting with their own
by ~ The South Carolina lawmaker credited with rescuing loose lips liar-Joe Biden's dying presidential campaign with his timely endorsement now believes it's time to shut down the Democratic primary race... and declare the former vice president the winner over Sen. commie-Bernie Sanders.  House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., told NPR as the results came in Tuesday in six primaries that if loose lips liar-Biden were to win all of them, it would be best for the party to put an end to the primary race, debates and all. "I think when the night is over, loose lips liar-Joe Biden will be the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic nomination, and quite frankly, if the night ends the way it has begun, I think it is time for us to shut this primary down, it is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates," Clyburn said. The lawmaker likely had the widespread concern about loose lips liar-Biden's cognitive health in mind when he added that "you don't do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you.""This is incredible,"  said radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh. "They want to shut it down before anybody has the number of delegates needed to win the nomination. You want to talk about screwing commie-Bernie Sanders twice, this time they're doing it in public. This time they're doing it in front of everybody. They screwed Crazy commie-Bernie in 2016 with the superdelegates and so forth. He went along with it. Now they are screwing the guy in public, folks." On Wednesday, however, commie-Sanders, who won only sparsely populated North Dakota and awaits results in Washington state, announced he will remain in the race. The self-declared democratic socialist argued that exit polls show the popularity of his radical proposals, including Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. He insisted he's "winning the ideological debate" and capturing the younger generation of voters, including people in their 30s and 40s...
Twitter's 'loose lips liar-Biden Protection Rule'
Thomas Gallatin  Twitter has labeled a Trump campaign video as “manipulated media” in line with a new standard the company recently introduced in its attempt to cut down on “fake news.” The video in question featured a clip of loose lips liar-Joe Biden at a campaign rally stumbling over his words as he appears to inadvertently give an endorsement for President Donald Trump. The clip shows loose lips liar-Biden saying, “We can only reelect Donald Trump,” but it’s cut off before loose lips liar-Biden goes on to plug himself as the answer to Trump.

Trump’s campaign team quickly blasted Twitter for its biased and uneven application of its new standard, which it called the “loose lips liar-Biden protection rule.” The Trump camp specifically noted several loose lips liar-Biden campaign videos that are clearly “doctored and deceptively edited” yet untouched by Twitter. “The loose lips liar-Biden campaign is scared as hell that voters will see the flood of unedited and embarrassing verbal stumbles that will continue to go viral if ‘Status Quo loose lips liar-Joe’ is the nominee,” said Andrew Clark, the Trump campaign’s rapid-response director. “Twitter shouldn’t be an enforcement arm of loose lips liar-Joe Biden’s campaign strategy, but if they choose to police every video clip they must hold his own campaign to the same standard.”

In fact, loose lips liar-Biden’s campaign has produced a slew of deceptively edited and manipulated video clips of Trump that clearly run counter to Twitter’s new standard. One in particular truncates and splices Trump’s comments to make him say things he didn’t say. Yet Twitter has failed to label them as “manipulated media.” To any objective observer, it sure seems that Twitter is actively assisting and protecting loose lips liar-Biden.

This news comes as no surprising to conservatives who have long blasted Silicon Valley’s social-media giants for blatant politically leftist bias and active suppression of free speech. Twitter’s refusal to hold both political campaigns to the same standard only serves to once again underscore the fact that social-media giants aren’t interested in fairness or freedom. Instead, they’re concerned only with forcing their perspective onto the entire population.   ~The Patriot Post  

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