Thursday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The Progressive
Racial Narrative and Its Beneficiaries
Bruce Thornton
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
In his most direct step yet towards a 2016 White House bid, Jeb Bush will be filling paperwork today to officially launch his leadership political action committee, which will be called the Right to Rise PAC. In a statement to Fox News, a source close to the former Florida governor said, “We will celebrate success and risk taking, protect liberty, cherish free enterprise, strengthen our national defense, embrace the energy revolution, fix our broken and obsolete immigration system, and give all children a better future by transforming our education system through choice, high standards and accountability.” The Right to Rise PAC would also help pay the expenses of a burgeoning staff, polling, and finance Bush trips across the country as a possible 2016 contender. The formation of this leadership PAC as well as a separate super PAC by Bush supporters – could be used to flush other GOP potential aspirants out of the 2016 field, by essentially, flexing the formidable financial strength of Jeb’s donor network. Bush is holding a private fundraiser Wednesday, in Greenwich, Conn., and more fundraising events are planned in Florida and Washington, D.C. in the next few weeks, as are meetings with major donors. - More from Fox News here-Fox News 
 And none too soon -   Reflecting the reality of 2016 frontrunner status, Jeb is already facing ramped-up scrutiny of his views on same-sex marriage. Reacting to a judge’s ruling allowing gay couples to wed in parts of the former Florida governor’s home state, he told the Miami Herald Sunday “It ought be a local decision. I mean, a state decision,” The state decided. The people of the state decided. But it’s been overturned by the courts, I guess.” NYT, citing his long time opposition to same-sex marriages, said Bush “…struck a conciliatory note on Monday, telling The New York Times that ‘regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law.’…Gay rights leaders said they found Mr. Bush’s statement on Monday encouraging. Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, a group that has pushed for same-sex marriage, said that ‘most Republican politicians have been adamant in their opposition and provide no room for evolution.’  Mr. Bush ‘at least is expressing his respect for those who support marriage equality,’ Mr. Sainz said. ‘That’s a big change for Republicans.’”  -Fox News 
 On same-sex marriage, a consistent view but changing language   Buzzfeed reaches back two decades with a deep dive on Jeb Bush’s views on same-sex marriage. “Two decades ago, Jeb Bush wrote there should be no special rights for LGBT people. ‘This opinion editorial from 20 years ago does not reflect Gov. Bush’s views now, nor would he use this terminology today,’ a spokeswoman said. Jeb Bush has said gay couples shouldn’t be ‘discriminated against.’ He has argued that same-sex parents who ‘love their children with all their heart and soul’ are ‘examples to others.’ … The former Florida governor hasn’t changed his position on same-sex marriage. He opposes it, and has since he first ran for office more than 20 years ago.
          But Bush’s recent, somewhat sympathetic language about LGBT rights provides a marked contrast to his early comments on the issue – more in rhetoric than policy.”]  -Fox News 
The New Jersey Star Ledger reports that Gov. Chris Christie’s private jet trips to watch Dallas Cowboys games were paid for by team owner, Jerry Jones. The governor’s spokesman Kevin Roberts, said, “Governor Christie attended the game last night as a guest of Jerry Jones, who provided both the ticket and transportation at no expense to New Jersey taxpayers.” Despite the criticism for his junkets and love for one of the most hated teams in his home state, Christie said he might do it again and fly to Wisconsin for Sunday’s Cowboys-Packers showdown. 
-Fox News 
WBZ: “…[We] asked [Sen. Elizabeth Warren] if her indictment [of corporate influence over Congress] included former Secretary of State Hilly Clinton, a major beneficiary of Citigroup political donations over the years. ‘I’m just calling out the problem we have right now in Washington, and Citigroup is an example of these big corporations who have undue influence right there in Washington,’ said Warren. Asked if the public should be wary of Citigroup ties to Clinton and current Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who was chief operating officer of Citigroup in the years prior to the 2008 financial meltdown, Warren said: ‘The public should absolutely be wary of the influence of Citigroup and other large financial corporations and the power they wield in Washington.’” 
-Fox News 
 Air Force Drone Program On The Verge Of Collapse  
(Jonah Bennett) - An internal memo from senior officials reveals that the Air Force’s drone program is on the verge of collapse due to limited personnel just when the military is stepping up efforts against ISIS, The Daily Beast reports...The memo from Gen. Herbert Carlisle, commander of the Air Combat Command (ACC), reflects a longstanding dispute between the Air Force and the Pentagon. At a time when more drone flights than ever are needed to combat ISIS, the Air Force is struggling to keep up with demand. What’s missing is not equipment: There are more than enough MQ-1 and MQ-9 Reaper drones in stock; but the Air Force is running dangerously low on trained personnel. “It’s at the breaking point, and has been for a long time,” a senior service official told The Daily Beast. “What’s different now is that the band-aid fixes are no longer working.”
 Fighting Red Maps in Purple States  
( Tarini Parti) - Based on the big elections in Virginia in recent years, the Old Dominion is turning reliably blue: victories by Barack nObama in 2008 and 2012, two Senate wins by Democrats in two years, and Terry McAuliffe’s triumph in between...So how is it that Republicans have a stranglehold on the state’s congressional delegation, holding eight seats to Democrats’ three? That question is at the heart of a legal battle over whether Republicans have improperly leveraged their power over the redistricting process. The outcome could have far-reaching implications because the contours of congressional districts drawn by Republican-controlled legislatures are seen as a driving reason why Democrats may be locked in the House minority until at least after the next census in 2020.
 2015: The Year of Diplomatic Disaster in Iran?  
(Bruce Thornton) - Prognosticators from the London Times to Democratic pundit James Carville are predicting that President nObama this year will finish a deal with Iran regarding its nuclear program...With a record of foreign policy failure, nObama is eager for a seeming success, even if the agreement leaves the mullahs with the capacity to quickly build some nuclear bombs at a time of their choosing. Such an outcome would obviously be a strategic disaster, leaving this country and its regional allies vulnerable to an inveterate enemy driven by an apocalyptic ideology. nObama and his foreign policy team will bear the brunt of responsibility for this failure, as they should. In addition to displaying sheer incompetence and ignorance in his foreign policy, the president has serially sacrificed our security and interests to political needs. Time and again he has made decisions based on partisan calculations that tried to reconcile the ideological dogma of his left-wing base with the demands that something should be done about global threats.
 Hanoi John Kerry Lied: The UN Wants to Take our Guns! 
(Tim Brown) - Ever since September 2013, the day Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, I have been bothered by the complete disingenuous concern he presented and outright lies he told to those gathered to witness the signing, and the American people...Here's the video of the signing and his remarks. The first thing I thought of was that this is a former senator who is signing a three inch document, which I'm sure he has never read. This is the disingenuous part of what he is doing. Second, in discussing what the treaty is not, he declares "This treaty will not diminish anyone's freedom. In fact, the treaty recognizes the freedom of both individuals and states to obtain, possess, and use arms for legitimate purposes. Make no mistake, we would never think about supporting a treaty that is inconsistent with the rights of Americans … to be able to exercise their guaranteed rights under our constitution."
 2015: The Year nObamacare Died?  
( - When Congress convenes on January 6th, it will have a much different makeup than it did in December. Thanks to a Republican blowout in November, the GOP has control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives...And while there is plenty of concern about where loyalties lie when it comes to Republican leadership, even establishment representatives are interested in making some headway against nObamacare. Much of the problem as it pertains to GOP opposition to the Affordable Care Act lies in the lack of an alternative. Going back to the old system is a non-starter. As much as American voters hate nObamacare, there are few convincing arguments to abolish it without replacing it with something new. Too many people would lose their health insurance, making it the kind of political third rail that no one’s going to touch. However, there are signs that Republicans are finally ready to coalesce around a conservative healthcare plan.
 Hilly Out? Democrats Should Beware The National Enquirer  
(Roger L Simon) - Say all you want about The National Enquirer, but Democrats of all people should know the scandal rag is one of the few places that does any honest investigative journalism anymore — or even can afford to...Don’t believe me? How do you spell John Edwards? The folks at the New York Times are still trying to get that one right. Now the Enquirer has another hot story: “Bill Clinton Underage Sex Lawsuit Shocker!” It begins in the mag’s inimitable prose: Bill Clinton has been identified in a sex lawsuit involving underage girls – and the sleazy scandal threatens to blow up his wife Hilly’s bid to be president!
 Hamas leader Mashaal said deported from Qatar  
(Elhanan Miller) - According to a report in left-wing Turkish newspaper Aydınlık, Qatar has faced significant pressure from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to deport Mashaal...amid a diplomatic reconciliation process currently underway between the small Gulf state and the Arab world. According to CNN, citing a Hamas-run news agency, Mashaal and other Muslim Brotherhood members were most likely to head to Turkey.
 nObama Rolls Dice With American Lives Over GITMO Releases  
(J. D. Gordon) - Yes, just like craps, such is the randomness of President Barack nObama’s gamble on releasing so many radical Islamic terror suspects from Guantanamo and hoping they don’t kill Americans and our allies...Yet sadly it’s no game, countless lives are at stake. Of the 779 detainees ever held at Gitmo, almost 650 detainees have been released. U.S. intelligence authorities report that nearly 1 in 3 are confirmed or suspected of having returned to terrorism. Ex-Gitmo prisoners have become leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Ansar Al-Sharia in Libya. One became a suicide bomber in Iraq. They’ve killed Americans or our allies in each place, most notably in Benghazi.
 Erdogan Grooms a New Jihad Generation  
(Abigail R. Esman) - First, he promised to build a new, "religious generation." Now, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to be going one step further...creating, too, a new generation for jihad...If that sounds a bit like the Islamic State, there is one significant distinction: IS leaders shape their youth by teaching them to use Kalashnikovs and knives. Erdogan is shaping children's minds. And that can be far more dangerous. This is not to say that Erdogan is himself a terrorist leader, despite his cozy relationships with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. And perhaps has has never realized the full gravity of his programs. But is there, leaving many in Turkey's Western, secular, intellectual elite to worry about their children's future.
 America Is Abandoning the Northeast — and Heading to Texas  
(Zach Noble) - Where did Americans move in 2014 — and what states did they leave behind?...A trio of moving companies has released their reports on U.S. moving patterns, and the results show a continuing exodus that’s leaving the Northeast barren and filling up states in the South and West. On Allied Van Lines’ report, Texas had a net gain of nearly 2,000 families, taking the top spot for incoming movers — for the 10th year in a row. The least attractive states: Illinois, Michigan, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
The Progressive
Racial Narrative and Its Beneficiaries
Bruce Thornton
     ( - A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll reveals that nearly 6 in 10 people believe race relations are bad, with 23% saying they are “very bad.” The causes of these perceptions are many, including nationally publicized police killings of two black men, disorderly and violent demonstrators ignoring the facts of the cases to brand the police “racist,” a lazy media neglecting to dig up and then publicize those facts, and a president, Attorney General, and mayor of New York willing to exploit and widen racial division and consort with hustlers like Al Sharpton.

     What we see at work in these events is the long established racial narrative in which endemic white racism accounts for all the ills that afflict black people. Not just individual whites harbor this original sin, but our educational, political, social, justice, and economic institutions are racist as well, favoring white people and hence conferring on them “white skin privilege.” The wide scope of racism means that no matter how well meaning towards blacks, or how socially and economically disadvantaged, individual whites cannot purge themselves of racism. Only radical transformation of all our institutions can redeem America from racism.

     This fairytale regularly ignores numerous facts. The decline in black poverty, for example, calls into question the notion that there is “institutional racism” warping the economy. Thanks to postwar economic growth, the black poverty rate decreased from 87% in 1940 to 28% today. Similar improvement can be seen in the growth of the black middle class and increases in black home ownership. And the claim that blacks are shut out of the job market is hard to square with the fact that millions of illegal aliens are working in this country, and immigrant entrepreneurs are creating small businesses.

     Similarly, the idea that the police are an “occupying army” targeting blacks, a cliché we heard repeatedly during the recent demonstrations over the police shootings in Ferguson and Brooklyn, is exploded by simple statistics that show about 200 blacks a year––most shot while possessing a gun or knife––are killed by police officers, while almost 6,000 a year are killed by other blacks. It’s a strange “army” that endangers itself in order to protect and save the lives of those it’s allegedly “occupying.”

     Then there’s the “voter suppression” charge, the assertion that attempts by states to ensure only legal voters cast ballots really are designed to discourage black voters. The increasing numbers of black people registering and turning out to vote belie this claim, as does the much greater number of blacks holding elected office. Indeed, in 2012 the proportion of black voters turning out in the national election was greater than that of white.

     The fact is, by global standards the largest number of politically free and well off blacks is in the United States. As for those blacks still mired in dysfunctional communities filled with crime, violence, unemployment, drugs, and fatherless children, those evils do not reflect white racism or a “legacy of slavery.” Rather, they can be traced to what Michael Gerson called the “soft bigotry of low expectations,” the culture of dependence and the erosion of self-reliance and self-responsibility created by government handouts and the liberal narrative of endemic white racism that demeans blacks as helpless victims incapable of improving their lives or being accountable for their actions, since through no fault of their own they are imprisoned by “institutional racism.” And don’t forget progressive government policies that inhibit economic growth, historically the great engine for improving black lives, and the culture-wide degradation of sexual mores and the collapse of traditional marriage.

     So cui bono, as the lawyers say, who benefits from this narrative? The federal and state entitlement industry, of course, whose agencies and bureaucrats profit from having a permanent underclass of clients. So too the Democratic Party, which buys black votes with promises to keep the transfers and set-asides flowing. So too the racial grievance industry, that gang of activists, academics, ethnic studies professors, “diversity” consultants, and shakedown artists like Al Sharpton who use black misery as leverage for more power and pelf. So too the leftover leftists, who find in racial discord a weapon for attacking the country that kicked their cherished collectivist ideology into the dustbin of history.

     Most black Americans aren’t invested in this narrative. They’re too busy working and raising their families. But let’s not forget the role this narrative plays in camouflaging the privilege of those millions of blacks who live better and have more social clout than millions of white people. By ignoring their economic advantages and brandishing their scars from alleged racist wounds, many in the black upper-middle and upper class, particularly those in education, sports, entertainment, and government, can gain vicarious victim-privilege and hence social leverage. Thus through a spurious claim to racial brotherhood, they plunder and spend the capital of black suffering many of them have never experienced. They then can enjoy a social cachet and a whiff of exotic authenticity that sets them apart from their bland white counterparts, and that gives them an air of gnostic racial wisdom embodied in the can't phrase, “It’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand.”

     The phoniness of this ploy can be seen in the various claims well off blacks make about their personal experiences of racism. In the 90s it was the epidemic of racist cabdrivers refusing to pick up black passengers. That one faded when research showed that many of the cabdrivers were themselves black, and were prudently avoiding the murder and mayhem they often experienced at the hands of black passengers. Then there was the “driving while black” trope, which focused on the disproportionate number of blacks pulled over for traffic violations like speeding. Department of Justice investigations ended up with sanctions imposed on states for “racial profiling.” But the study done of drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike, a much-publicized case of “profiling,” revealed that while blacks were 25% of all speeders, they were 23% of those pulled over. That is, they were underrepresented, not overrepresented, among those stopped.

     More recently we have heard affluent, privileged blacks like Eric Holder, and the white father of a half-black son, New York mayor Bill De Blasio, indulge another hackneyed trope, the “talk.” This is the conversation black fathers must have with their sons in order to “train them to be very careful when they have . . . an encounter with a police officer,” as De Blasio said, lest they give a policeman a pretext for the violence incited by their racism. The irony of this claim is that if reflects just how privileged these children are, for people who grow up in the dangerous neighborhoods the police must frequent drink that wisdom in with their mother’s milk. Worse yet, it assumes that a white kid who resists arrest, fights a cop, curses him, or otherwise challenges his authority will be treated with kid gloves. I’ll have to see some hard data before I believe that. The reality is, the biggest danger to a young black man today is not a policeman, but another young black man.

     No doubt some blacks have experienced rude cops or cabdrivers, or have been subjected to the other evidence of racism like those nObama claims to have experienced, such as women clutching their purses more closely in an elevator, or locking their car doors at the approach of a black man. But even if true, these slights don’t amount to “systemic racism.” They more likely reflect prejudices, many acquired through unpleasant experiences. If you want to see what real racism looks like, visit this site and peruse its collection of lynching postcards. You’ll see just how much progress has been made over the last half-century.

     But facts or even common sense don’t matter when it comes to a narrative with so many beneficiaries, the biggest one being Barack nObama, who never would have become president without it. The saddest part of all this, however, is that the black people truly suffering today aren’t on that list. In the racial narrative, black lives don’t matter.

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