Thursday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Getting the facts straight
about Islam’s threat to the civilized world
Kevin Coach Collins
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
W.VA. -- West Virginia is reeling from a political earthquake. The last Republican to serve as speaker of the state House of Delegates, John William Cummins, left office 84 years ago. That was also the last time that both houses of the Mountain State’s legislature were in Republican control. (By comparison, the U.S. House has changed hands eight times over the same span.) So despite trending Republican on the federal level for 14 years, few here believed that things would really change on the state level. But as the freshly stenciled doors attest, that’s exactly what will happen on Wednesday. And while the change is breathtaking on the state level, West Virginia is just one part of the biggest political story almost no one is talking about.
          The GOP now controls more state legislative chambers than at any point in the party’s history: 68 out of 98 partisan state legislative chambers, up from 59 prior to the 2014 cycle. And while West Virginia still has a Democratic governor, 23 states have Republican chief executives and GOP-controlled legislatures compared to just seven for Democrats. And while much of that is a function of dismal years nationally for Democrats in 2010 and 2014, it also reflects a sea change in Republican thinking after the 2008 presidential election, when states began to matter to a party that had been almost singularly focused on the White House for three generations.
          After the back-to-back beatings the party took in 2006 and 2008, the Republican State Leadership Committee and other groups like GOPAC and the he Redistricting Majority Project got deadly serious about winning on the state level. The goal, laid out by party leaders like former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie, was to build a ground-up party as opposed to the prior Republican approach of trickle-down political prosperity. Given the clout of government worker unions in state politics, Democrats had ridden out Republican waves of the past secure in their state-level primacy. They could draw the new congressional maps, develop candidates and organize for the next cycle and advance their preferred policies. But after President nObama’s win, Republicans decided it was time for payback. While Democrats shoveled everything they had at keeping the White House, they got swamped on the state level. That money and organization, combined with the new phalanx of energetic first-time office seekers spurred by outrage over nObama’s agenda, proved unstoppable.
         And the success hasn’t just been in swing and red states. Republicans now control 31 governorships, including deep-blue states Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois. Republicans control legislative bodies in Nevada, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico and New Hampshire. And those defeats came after Democrats had tried to get back on offense in 2014, but mostly failed. As the National Council of State Legislatures
reported “The GOP’s November landslide gave the party control of both chambers in 30 states, the most since 1920. Republicans bagged 11 formerly Democratic chambers and gained roughly 290 new House and Senate seats for control of about 4,100 of the nation’s 7,383 legislative seats.” (Statescape has the breakdown by state and party here.)
         And like many of the 29 other state legislatures that are beginning legislative sessions under Republican control this winter, West Virginia lawmakers are preparing a nightmarish list of legislation for Democrats. New restrictions on late-term abortion, tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks are all part of the plan, but so too are measures aimed at breaking up the still-potent collaboration between government worker unions, trial lawyers and the Democratic party. When Republicans here talk about tort reform and changes to union power similar to those that have already been put place in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana, they are talking about cutting off the multi-generation revenue stream for the Democratic Party.
         While West Virginia Democrats say they are confident they can retake at least the House and retain the governorship in 2010 – “Nothing could be worse than nObama was for us,” one longtime Democratic lawmaker told Fox News First -- the realization here is like it is in much of the country: Republicans have figured out how to pull the plug on the Democratic power source, and that means big trouble.  -Fox News

On this
day in 1929, legendary lawman of the Wild West, Wyatt Earp died in Los Angeles at the age of 80. Best known for the 1881 shootout that killed 3 members of the Clanton-McLaury gang at the OK Corral, the Earp brothers were found to have done no wrong, acting in official police capacity. That decision did not go down well with some residents however and the Earps popularity waned in Tombstone. The gunfight didn’t closeout the feud either. Numerous counterattacks by the Clanton-McLaurys left Virgil Earp without the use of his left arm and a separate incident fatally wounded Morgan. After avenging Morgan, Wyatt traveled throughout the West speculating in gold mines. He ran a saloon in San Francisco, raised thoroughbreds in San Diego and eventually wound up as a consultant for Hollywood Westerns, coaching fledgling industry stars like William Hart and Tom Mix. Wyatt wasn’t able to cash in on his fame however, which was to come after his death when a young journalist named Stuart Lake published Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshall, a wildly fanciful biography that portrayed the gunman as a brave and virtuous instrument of frontier justice.   -Fox News

 CIA bides its time  
(Reuel Marc Gerecht) - The CIA’s Directorate of Operations doesn’t have an acute memory. But it does have durable institutional sentiments. So here’s a guess...In a few years, few operatives in the clandestine service will remember Langley’s rebuttal to a recent Senate report on detention and harsh interrogation practices after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Feinstein has told us that she decided to release the “torture report” because “history” was going to “judge us by our commitment to a just society governed by law and the willingness to face an ugly truth and say ‘never again.’ ” The senator will be disappointed. Whether or not the CIA should feel ashamed of its performance post-9/11, it won’t. If the opportunity arises, the president commands, and senior members of Congress assent (and they always do), America’s shadow warriors won’t be deterred from using “ugly” practices.
 Senate Advances Keystone Bill, but...  
(Pete Kasperowicz) - More than thirty Senate Democrats on Monday voted against the idea of starting work on a bill to approve the Keystone oil pipeline, even though no Democrats at all objected when a similar vote came up in November...when considering the bill was seen as a way to keep Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) in the Senate. The Senate voted 63-32 in favor of a motion to take up the bill, and every “no” vote came from a Democrat or an Independent. With that vote, the Senate confirmed what everyone already knew — that back in November, Democrats didn’t object to the bill due to the purely political reason of trying to help a fellow Democrat who ended up losing her election anyway.
 Protesters at Clinton Foundation to Complain of 'Missing Money'  
(DANIEL HALPER) - Protesters gathered outside the Clinton Foundation in New York City to complain about "missing money" from the Haiti recovery effort from the 2010 earthquake... "In Harlem, people raised their voices to call attention to the missing money," said the local New York City reporter.  "This protest outside the offices of the Clinton Foundation, which helped lead the reconstruction fund." As secretary of state, Hilly Clinton devoted much of her time in 2010 to the Haiti recovery. Is this a scandal in the making?
 Banning jobs for the poor  
(Scott Walter) - Lots of nonprofits “advocate” for the poor, the underpaid and unemployed. They would surely voice their outrage if a lawmaker stood up and said, “It should be illegal to hire the poor!”...How odd, then, that many of the poor’s self-proclaimed advocates have in fact worked and advocated so hard to make it illegal to hire large numbers of those who most need jobs. I refer, of course, to the demands that the legal minimum wage be raised and raised again. This is currently one of the Left’s favorite causes, in part because it is one of the few items on their agenda that enjoys wide support from Americans.
 How the West Destroyed Libya  
(Raymond Ibrahim) - The full impact of Western intervention in Libya was recently highlighted during a televised interview of Worlds Apart with guest Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Norwegian author and historian who was born and raised in Africa for 20 years...Herland also pointed out that, according to UN figures, Gaddafi’s Libya was once the most prosperous nation in Africa. While Oksana Boyko, the host, sometimes disagreed with Herland, she agreed about the West’s counterproductive role, pointing out that Gaddafi “was very active in trying to advance women’s rights, he brought a lot of women into universities and the labor force [a thing few people in the West know, as usual, thanks to the “MSM”] and now what people and women in Libya are facing is Sharia [Islamic law], with the possibility of some of them being sold to ISIS fighters as virgin brides.”
 Welcoming Terrorists at the International Criminal Court  
(Deborah Weiss) - Amidst the rise of ISIS and the jihadi attacks in Europe, the International Criminal Court (ICC) admitted the Hamas-linked Palestinian Authority into its ranks, in effect, welcoming terrorists...The Palestinians have long sought statehood. The official narrative proclaims a desire for an independent state in the “occupied territories” of Gaza and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capitol. But in reality, Palestinians consider all of Israel to be “occupied” and many seek the extermination of the State of Israel entirely. Israel and Palestine are bound by the Oslo accords to negotiate for peace through bilateral talks. The premise is that Israel will relinquish land in exchange for peace and security. But when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, instead of receiving peace, Israel was bombarded with 10,000 Kassam rockets and Palestinians renamed their streets to “honor” jihadi martyrs.
 Western leaders refuse to address threat from radical Islam  
(Pete Hoekstra) - Brian Lilley: Kill them and spit in their faces. Run them over with your cars. This the new video from ISIS with threats against Canada and other Western nations...The propaganda video was posted online by the terrorist group calls on Muslims to use whatever means necessary to kill Canadian civilians, police, members of the military. The video shows footage of the terrorist attacks in Ottawa, Montreal It also calls for American, French, British and Australians to be killed as well. I want to read off an RCMP internal email that I received talking about the video. It says 'The nine-minute video instructs to kill in any manner or way however it may be, not to ask for anyone's advice and not to seek anyone's verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling.' The RCMP internal email went on to say 'Given the recent terror attacks in France and in Canada, this new threat should be taken seriously.' Pete Hoekstra is former Congressman and former Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. He joins us now from Washington. Congressman I have to ask you is this more of the same or is this to be taken seriously?
 CAIR asks Fox News to drop 'Islamophobe' commentators 
(Thomas Lifson) - How do you say "chutzpah" in Arabic?  For that's the most appropriate word to describe a Hamas-linked organization designated by the United Arab Emirates as a terror organization telling an American news operation to stop talking about jihad...Recently, Sean Hannity's outstanding frankness was joined by Bill O'Reilly telling the truth on jihad.  And throughout the day, FNC has featured knowledgeable commenters, in addition to CAIR apologists, in a "fair and balanced" presentation – something CAIR does not want.
 MSNBC Blurs Charlie Hebdo Cover During Interview  
(Chuck Ross) - MSNBC blurred the cover of an issue of Charlie Hebdo during an interview with a contributor to the magazine, sticking to its policy of not airing cartoons of Muhammad which Muslims might deem offensive...More embarrassing for the news network, Caroline Fourest, the Charlie Hebdo contributor, predicted during the interview that the network would blur the cover, a decision which she called “the saddest news” she’s heard as journalists around the world rally around the satirical magazine.
 Pulosi name Muslim Congressman to House Intelligence Committee 
(Tim Brown) - In a meeting on Tuesday, Minority Leader Nancy Pulosi (D-CA) announced that she would be naming the first Muslim congressman to the House's Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence...Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) was the one indicated by Pulosi to be named to the position in her weekly caucus meeting. Carson, only the second Muslim to be elected to Congress, represents the seventh district of Indiana. This is just the beginning, they will be more to come and then they will start to change our laws to sharia.
Getting the facts straight
about Islam’s threat to the civilized world
Kevin Coach Collins

     ( - The typically cowardly way the lowlife Islamists in Paris murdered their prey-de-jour has given rise to a new round of apologia in support of Islam as the so called, “Religion of Peace.”

     The west’s cowardly media and detestable politicians have once again begun to explain the beauty of Islam and proclaim that the very few murders they acknowledge as being connected to Islam are the exceptions rather than the rule.

     While these people are busy trying to tell us the sky is brown up is really down and in is really out the truth cries out to be heard.

     *Those who are adherent Muslims believe that murdering non-believers the surest way to enter paradise upon their death.

     * They believe in the fiery painful ending of the world as a way to find favor with Allah whom they think is God.

* Being sneaky ambushing innocent people and cheating are part of Islam.

     * Muslims use a “holy book” that contains commands to do the following despicable acts:

     ”But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.”

  • Muslims believe women are little more than specialized farm animals and breeding new Muslims is their only purpose in life.
  • Muslims believe their god wants them to take control of every country on earth by whatever means may be necessary.
  • Becoming a Muslim is a one way street. One can never leave Islam. Those who do are marked for death and become walking tickets to paradise for any thug willing to kill him/her because this is what Allah tells them to do. It is because of this “once in, never out” law that anyone who understands the basics of Islam knows Barack nObama is a Muslim.

     He went to a Muslim a school as a child and since becoming a Muslim is accomplished by merely saying “Allah is God there is no God but Allah” three times and attending a single Friday afternoon service in a mosque, it is impossible that nObama had not fulfilled this requirement. Therefore it is a certainty that he is a Muslim.   

  • There head of the CIA John Brenan is a Muslim convert.

     Given all of these facts, allowing Islamists to come to America is sheer madness and an abrogation of our government’s responsibility to protect us.  Don’t be fooled. They want to kill every last one of America’s non-believers and that includes you and me.      

Get your free PDF of Coach’s book “Crooks Thugs& Bigots: the lost, hidden and changed history of the Democrat Party.” If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

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