When a population moves, metaphorically, in a certain direction it is usually guided or influenced by current national circumstances, by political leaders who feed the masses with what they believe are policies that will ensure their re-election.
In times of self induced debt and economic decline, a nostalgic belief in a socialized system for the equalization of wealth becomes a mantra for those who support government bred entitlements. As we have often stated in these columns, entitlements become part of the DNA or genetic make-up of the recipients. Thus, politicians whose main goal is the perpetuation of their incumbency, will feed these wants and desires at the expense of the national State.
As the State runs out of money and attempts proper fiscal management, the disruption to the flow of entitlements leaves it open to protests and even riots as in the case of Greece. The Greeks are unhappy with the fact they are unable to continue to enjoy the fruits of European membership without cutting some of the overly generous benefits their politicians have been able to bestow. The Germans on the other hand who have the power to rescue them, feel why should they have to work until they are 67 and receive 47% of their last salary, and the Greeks work until they are 54 and get 94% of their last salary?
It is certainly incredible that the old adage, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, is perfectly apt when looking at socialism, its various forms, and its multiple failures. It does appear that government in the USA is headed toward a form of socialism that the population could easily accept, given the proper spin by its advocates. The spin, as with all socialist ideology, is aimed at the working class, the less fortunate in society, and the well intentioned but easily spun liberal. Finally, independent thinkers who are unable to disentangle the disingenuous, the misalignment of statistics, or the outright distortions of the presenter, become susceptible to amnesia of the history of socialism. Thus, we ignore history and embrace what has gone before even though the result will be a foregone conclusion.
To accept socialism is to desire self-flagellation, to accept punishment by accepting government control in many facets of life is to cede one’s freedom to authoritarian rule. One of the most ridiculous statements I ever heard came from a liberal leaning US tourist I was talking to on a visit to Mexico. I happened to mention that I felt sorry for the plight of the poor people in the market place. My friend said, “Oh, they are very happy!” I thought to myself, put yourself in their shoes. You might be happy, but would you be content? Therein lies the difference between those who keep the poor in their place, and those of us who want to raise them up with capitalistic opportunity. If you are poor you want freedom to rise above your station. Only capitalism can provide this opportunity. Ask any Cuban!