You bet you bro, any old time. I am a Watchman for the Cross of Christ. God gave me that title and office back in 2003 as a focal point of how He was turning me into what He needed to see in and through me of Him.
8 years of homelessness brought me to my knees unto learning solely of Him. The particulars of how I got there are of no importance really. The real deal about that spance of time was studying my own Obedience level unto Him in my learning of who He really is, His Son and the importance of His duty and call in His Life before, during, and after His death, burial, and resurrection. But, most importantly of all was knowing who and where His Holy Spirit is.
I'd asked Him 5 times over the course of 1 of those years to show me His Holy Spirit. I said, Father, Show me Your Holy Spirit. I need to know who He is. For You had our Patriarchs mention and write about Him. He must be important to You and knowledge of Your Wisdom and Grace. Please show me Your Holy Spirit.
You know what He told me every time?
Shut up! And Keep Reading! All 5 times.
The 5th time though, I got it. What I had been doing, as He instructed of me to do, as a simple act of Faith and Obedience, was reading out loud His word unto Him. For Jesus said: "And Ye shall be Witnesses unto Me!" Sure, it goes on, but the BUZZ words in that abbreviated sentence struck home. He gave me a little prayer which goes: Father, may I minister unto You? From Your Word? From one You LOVE "In" Your Word; From one who loves You, Me!
Then I would read His Word aloud unto Him, ministering and praying fervently as it went.
When I got it (the Knowledge of His Holy Spirit), it was at that 5th time when the Father told me to "Shut Up! and Keep Reading!" It hit me like a ton of lead, lights, bells, whistles, I mean to tell you brother it was one great big WOW! all the way through me. Here I'd been so close to Him all that time, yet, because of the learned behaviors of the Traditions of Men, I was aloof of the real thing.
The Realization and Rationale of His Spoken Word "ALOUD" is the Holy Spirit come alive in the performance of Reading His Word unto Him.
Nothing magical or mystical. I just learned that I had become too intelligently smart for my own spiritual health and well being. I had to Dummie Down to get what I'd yearned to learn all of my life.
My soul Hungered and Thirsted for His Right Righteousness. I intuitively knew that there was more in His word than just the written word on those pages. I'd read my Bible 25 times in my life, but the last 5 times were the greatest thing and eventfull movement ever.
And, all the while I'd been taking notes, read - study, 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 years of my 8 years of homeless.
In 2005, October I believe, I'd gathered so much information through His tutilage through His blessing me with the spirit of Discernment, and the Revealings He'd given me, I once thought about putting them together in a book form, quite possibly for myself to read again and again to keep these things fresh, alive, and new throughout the rest of my life. And the Holy Spirit tagged me on it and said, Write it! Whoa! Dude! Chills of WOW! filled every crevass of my being. I'd never written a book before, I'm a musician, I write songs to go along with my guitar playing.
But, I put that baby to task, actually He did, within me, just for this point! Once completed, it wasn't all cut and dried! Nope! I had to live it out in my own life to somewhat test the waters as it were, as to verify what He'd given me was of a truth, or if it had all been a driving force of the anti-christ, or Satan himself.
Another 4 years of homeless, but now ministering to others as homeless as myself or worse, to Proof Him Faithful and True, that all He'd given me had come to fruition and exactness of life eternal with these proofs.
Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Tough going most times, usually on a moment by moment basis every day. If it had been any at all different, I may have continued missing the mark and never reached any goal in Him at all, and remained the self-righteous pig I'd always been to that point.
He is an Awesome God we serve in and on this earth my friend.
Just a snippet of the things I'll share with you. The COMMUNION!
Jesus said: Every time you eat and drink! (there too it goes on) Yet, every time, "This Due! That's right, this due ( as in paying our dues, OK?) in Remembrance of ME! Well, I'll tell you brother, that settles a lot in my heart, mind, and life, knowing that if that's all it takes,(not titheing, being put to the axes to grind type of stereotypical worldly chris T Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, Hannity and Holmes, anity) to know Jesus as Lord, and to Please Him, to know Him and forthrightly know for a certainty that He knows me, is just so simple as to welcome Him to my table every time I eat and/or drink, well so be it done, amen! And to Remember Him until He comes, simple acts of Obedience go a long way my friend.
The title of the book He gave me is called:
Keeper of The Knew, The Fullness of The Gentiles, copyright 2006. If you would like to have a complimentary copy (FREE) please send me your email address to: or and I'll zip it out to you asap.
The Real Zeal of the Living God is jam packed inside each and every page of the book. Yet, I enforce it by appealing to each ones soul to fervently open and study avidly with your own King James Bible to partner with your souls learning capacity. For, the soul is what needs to grow in leaps and bounds, so the Personality leaves its denial, manipulations, and distractions out of the equation of hearing the Voice of God, as you seek His Face, to know His Thoughts of and about you, in every moment, of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. For all we really have is Right NOW!
Bless you my brother, Keep the Faith of Christ alive within you, always, and in all ways, in Jesus' name, amen.
See you soon. Keep in touch. Smile Big for Jesus!
Always in Christ,
Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
Like Jesus said: Do Not let your Left hand (the hand which holds the leftovers)
know what your Right hand (the hand that is always doing, believing, and acting upon the Word of God and the Compassionate Heart of Jesus, Gods RIGHT Righteousness, not selfrighteousness of man)
IS (it exists and is profoundly straight up on this issue)
Doing! (active, pro active, alive and well meaning always.)
Pretty simple huh?
Always in Christ, Always American
Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ