"I place Economy among the FIRST and MOST important of virtues, and Public Debt as the GREATEST of dangers. To preserve our independence, WE MUST NOT LET OUR LEADERS load us with perpetual debt! We must make our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy." Thomas Jefferson

"A country cannot be both ignorant and free..."
Thomas Jefferson

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  • That is why you can't trust the politicians, nor the current 'Obama administration', for sure! WE may have to do what the people of Iceland were forced to do.  Run the whole bunch off, and practically start over. They have managed to accomplish some tremendous results. And at their last referendum vote, there was a turn out of 78%. Our country is doing good to accomplish 40% turnout, at time when things are going well!  Other than that, it is time for every individual citizen to take a stand on principle, accept responsibility for being one of the many, who have been like the population of Tel-Aviv, Israel who choose to ignore all the serious threats in their region; and they just pretend everything is great and there is nothing to be concerned about!  Talk about a group with their head in the sand, we have so many Ostrich's in this country, one might believe that they were on the Serengeti plains of Africa. Other than that, it is time for all of us to humble ourselves, asking GOD to forgive us all, for allowing this nonsense to ever get started, with hope that will hears us and heal our land!  ALL IN WITH JESUS CHRIST~ Rev.Jerry L. Robertson


  • Well Jerry :

    It is to late for this, we are already over our heads in debt and nearing the tipping point where a crash of the markets and a currency hyperinflation is unavoidable.




    I could post 100 links and not even begin to post 2% of them.

    Do your research and when you are done

    "BUY GOLD AND SILVER"  or suffer the fate of being broke along with 95% of AMERICA

    A one eyed man would be king in a blind world and most Americans are blind to this.

    The Silver Bear Cafe
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