Today's Big News

“US labor groups hoped to turnout the largest crowds yet in demonstrations planned in every state capitol in the nation to show solidarity with Wisconsin in fighting the proposal they see as trying to break the labor movement.” 


One can assume millions of people all over the world are out on the street today protesting, because they don’t have it as good as they want it.  Every single one of those protesters have some authority they look to.  Not one of them knows he has the power within himself to control his life.  Not a single one of the protesters knows that he was created with the same reason and logic as the authorities he looks to. Every last one of the protesters has been taught to look to the powers that be to  produce the lives they desire.  Every single one of the protester’s energies are concentrated in the particular movement that supports whatever his hopes and aspirations happen to be.  Thanks to powerful, self-serving groups, America is almost bankrupt morally, spiritually, and fiscally.  


I observe that powerful groups don’t exist in nations such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran. There is only one group with power, the dictator’s group. Come the revolution, that’s the group I’m going to join.


Until then, the Tea Party, people from all walks of life who appreciate their freedom to do their thing suits me.  We don’t have a powerful union or politician to look to. We do the talking; they do the listening.  We look within for the power to bring us the kind of lives we desire. I’ve got no reason to protest.  My life is good.


You can never get what you want by massively protesting. The labor movement protesters will not be satisfied until nobody as anything—everyone equally with nothing.  But this is a fast moving storm. When it’s over, and protesters are satisfied, we will pick up the pieces and move on to our intended future.  Some will make their lives good, others will not.  It will be back like it was again because that’s the way it is.  

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