The United States is refusing to do its job of protecting U.S. citizens from illegals crossing the southern border. The Department of State is taking Arizona’s new law, which allows Arizona to ask for identification if someone is stopped for other that suspicion of illegal entry. The feds ask for identification if and when they suspect illegal entry, but Arizona’s law could cause racial profiling. The feds are above that. So it is O.K. for them to ask for identification.
We, the people, are consciously aware of far more than our ancestors. In the month and year of my birth, September, 1925, Werner Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics, and quantum mechanics responsible for the atom bomb, the backward leaning dictatorships, including Obama’s, we are witness to with the atom bomb is a threat to all human life. Look out! This is a dangerous moment in time. It is incumbent on the people to know more.
In the introduction of my Scofield Reference Bible, Rev. C. I. Scofield writes, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, “the increasing purpose” which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.” BTW, the Scofield Reference Bible is the most widely read in the U. S. I suggest that you read the Scofield introduction and think long and hard on it.
Regarding “the increasing purpose,” in The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,” quantum physicist and M.D. Evan Harris Walker writes, “Every path we have taken to learn something of the structure of the universe finally comes around to the same result. Whether to understand the interconnections of will, to understand the most basic facts of quantum theory, or to discover the beginnings of the Big Bang universe, each path leads to the fact that there must exist a supreme Consciousness out of which everything else springs.”
Therefore, with regard to “the increasing purpose” (which runs through and links together the ages), in that we are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, what would be our increasing purpose?
We read in Astrologer’s Handbook that the Piscean personality is “extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others,” and certainly to authorities, we can suppose, in that “they desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.” We read that they are easily influenced by “external factors.” Redistribution of the wealth of America, Obama’s thing, is an external factor. The Piscean personality would be easily victimized by the carrot and stick approach, that which redistribution of wealth brings, the stick for taxpayers, the carrot for millions who are perfectly capable of taking care of their own needs, those who feel society owes them for the wrongs society has done. For these “disadvantaged” folks, many living better on the taxpayers backs than many taxpayers, Obama was elected. Obama was elected to transform America into something foreign to most Americans. We thought Bush was bad for America. We the people were blindsided.
Therefore, the increasing purpose, it seems, should be to operate as equals among equals, to be more determined, to be more independent, and to derive security from being in the company of others—and our brother’s keeper—precisely what Astrologer’s Handbook says is in the Aquarian’s nature.
Coincidentally, Astrologer’s Handbook, as to the changing ages, is in tune with Scofield’s thought on “increasing purpose.” Also, we note that Obama, bucking humankind’s increasing purpose, pushing hard to take us back to a time when ordinary mortals had zero rights, to a time when divine rulers passed out all rights, Obama has the ears and the hearts of those described in Astrologer’s Handbook as being Piscean in personality. Obama says he is a Christian. Yes, he is, most assuredly. He is a “liberation theology” advocate; that is, of the collective savior Jesus school of thought. Obama is a disciple of the world’s Marxist class warfare Lord.
I’m reminded that on August 28, 2010, Fox News’ Glenn Beck drew to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., thanks to the Marxist class warfare Lord in Washington, a crowd of between 300,000 and 650,000 believers in God in the individual, who want to take the country back. When asked about it, Obama brushed this phenomenal event aside with, “It is no surprise to me.” What a laugh! Out of fear and trepidation, Piscean personalities, when it is they who are out of step, take the position that Beck and his following are out of mainstream thinking; that they are ridiculous racists. Obama’s following is whistling Dixie. They are just too funny in their remarks. Expect anything from them. Why have we not made the connection of the welfare state opposing our brother’s keeper—in God we trust opposing trust in man’s devises? The Lincoln Memorial throng were there to make the statement that progressives are bankrupting America, morally, spiritually, and fiscally.
Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces with an Aquarian message. The United States came to be born with an Aquarian message. Quantum physicist Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, with an Aquarian message, points out that a “physical domain exist that is governed immutable laws”—physical laws. “But these laws leave open a range of happenings. . . Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered that we exist as more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality.”
Objective reality, or Marxist reality, or collective reality, the end justifies the means—all one and the same—is rapidly being replaced in America by the observer, a dimension of infinite possibility, and the mind interacting with matter to produce reality. There is no such thing in nature as objective reality.
Therefore, pursuant to our increasing purpose in life, according to Walker, “We have found ways to take the measure of consciousness, to study its content with the functions of the brain (Walker was a brain doctor), and to discover how the mind, through the agency of the will, affects matter and transcends the limits of time and space.”
It is little wonder that the Roosevelt legacy is desperately trying to save its life. With Walker’s thoughts in mind, and given the true meaning of one of a kind Glenn Beck and the throng at the Lincoln Memorial, an icon for tomorrow’s God—on earth as it is in heaven—welcome to the Age of Aquarius and the second coming of Christ. We are entering a time of brotherhood