Michelle Bachman is going to start a Tea Party Caucus in the House. That’s great. I’d like to add my two cents worth. The United States, contrary to the will of the people, believes the big and powerful are too big to fail, and, at the American people’s great cost, sees to it that they don’t fail. With Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Christopher Dodd at the helm, who have already caused our economic meltdown, the United States has just passed a financial control bill of 2,500 pages nobody read to assure that Frank’s and Dodd’s policy continues in perpetuity. It’s insane.
Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd types take precedence when a nation has had it too good for too long. For the past half century, thanks to this type of control, America has been living on borrowed time. You better believe we’ve plenty to talk about in the Tea Party Caucus. America’s Declaration of Independence stated, sequentially, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Most Americans today take life and liberty for granted. They are primarily interested in the pursuit of happiness. How we achieve happiness is the question before us.
Coincidentally, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, an age when people have been extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others, when they’ve mentally absorbed the ideas and outlooks of those around them, an age when people have desperately wanted to do the right thing but are mostly lacking in willpower. Unfortunately, these Piscean personalities are ripe to being influenced by external factors (from Astrologer’s Handbook). When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
Coincidentally, we could be entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity, and unlike any age ever before in recorded history, wherein, sequentially, first comes life, then liberty, and lastly the pursuit of happiness. There are a lot of different opinions on when we enter the Age of Aquarius. It depends on how willing we are to change. Not many know how we are going to change to make our lives better.
Over the ages there has been an understanding of what has been known as a supernatural force: God. The cutting edge of science, from studying the microcosmic world, from taking matter apart and studying its aspects—subatomic particles—calls God a nonlocal force, an undivided wholeness.
The issue before science at this time: can the microcosmic be separated from the macrocosmic? Classical physics says yes, the mind is in the brain. Quantum physics says the mind is in a nonlocal state. Theirs is a new understanding of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a greater conscious awareness than ever before of God and who we are, what we are about, a galactic consciousness if you will.
This new scientific idea comes from the absolute, irrefutable fact that once two quantum systems have interacted, their possibility waves become entangled so that atom A’s wave is mixed with atom B’s wave in such a way that action on atom A instantly and without mediation causes a change in atom B—in the mathematics, at least, if not in the world and galaxies. Quantum physics’ mathematics is being questioned. It doesn’t fit the mix Einstein and Newton gave us. The good old boys of science will never allow faster than light communication. In quantum physics’ mathematics, there is an uncertainty principle. We can’t directly know everything about the universe and how it comes together. This is the rub. To use a legal phrase—circumstantial evidence—testimony not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but from other facts from which deductions may be drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved, if we convict criminals from circumstantial evidence, why not accept indirect evidence in science? No deductions allowed, period! This answer because this has no precedence in classical physics, where all interactions either occur through direct contact or are mediated by local fields, such as gravity and electromagnetism. Also, it has no precedence in religion, which leaves the supernatural God of yesteryear in charge of our lives. Not good! It’s authority’s notion of too big to fail. Why not fail? We’re not authorities. We have nothing to lose.
It boils down to this question: is God supernatural or natural? If God is supernatural, then God is anything man says God is, and we must then separate church from state. All too conveniently, then, state is anything man says it is. Conveniently, we are being divided.
If God is a natural, nonlocal force, then God is a scientifically proven fact and the mind is in a state. If so, God exists in you and I—on earth as it is in heaven, so to speak—an undivided whole. Based on the present uncertain circumstances, a big change clearly imminent, a change back to the Dark Ages? If we are to proceed in the Age of Aquarius, too big to fail has got to go. Individually, not collectively, we are our brother’s keeper. On earth as it is in heaven, time to move forward. Has the Age of Aquarius arrived? No way, says authority. It’s the status quo, first, last, and always.
I found that first comes getting a life, then liberty, and lastly pursuit of happiness. In numerology, I’m in the “9” cycle, the final cycle in my life. I’m supposed to apply my energy to universal service. I’m no authority, but my world is as good as it gets.
Are you ready for a change that never in recorded history has ever happened? Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd bring America answers that will bankrupt us. Your self-serving government, with its too big to fail policy, take it or leave it, but the only way to accept the change I bring to your attention is to look within for your answers. You will never make it to the Age of Aquarius and brotherhood with an external manmade God too big to fail. If you continue to look externally, you will surely lose everything the American people have gained. We’ve come to a jumping off place. Clearly, the old way must move aside for the new age.