Traditional Marriage: Our Best Social Program


As a creative patriot ( color obvious ) my duty is to make sure more urban youth have parents like these beautiful kids in the portrait gracing this article.
The best vehicle for doing so is the traditional family, a unit defined by the holy union of a man and woman. Black children need fathers in their lives, not alternatives.
Traditional marriage is our best social program. It dominates as the most effective initiative for enhancing crime prevention; education; teen pregnancy and quality of life- period!
This dominance isn't merely confined to America. Traditional marriage is the best social program in human history.
Liberals and even well meaning libertarians seek to reduce traditional marriage to just another option available to free people.
While government can mandate to recognize civil unions; the definition of marriage ultimately rests with faith communities, who overwhelmingly see marriage as between a man and woman.
Black America has a crisis in heterosexual unions, where children are produced with no direction and scant resources. 
Promoting gay marriage in the face of such a crisis is criminal. Insuring gay citizens aren't harassed or discriminated against makes better sense.
Our children need their parents together as traditional families infinitely more than worrying about what gay Americans do in their private lives.
Conservatives and traditionalists agree on one social program above all others: traditional marriage!  
Look at that portrait and tell me every Black child ( or any American youth ) doesn't deserve a loving mother and father.
I'm blessed- I had a three-parent household: my grand parents and divorced mother.
Today's children, especially in the Black community, aren't so fortunate.
Activists and politicians must preserve traditional marriage as an unquestioned norm!
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative. asks:
" Why Can't I Be A Black Conservative Real Life Superhero? "
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