
Barack Obama, a former Harvard law professor, then community  organizer in South Chicago, a lawyer for Acorn, member of Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ for 28 years (Wright “goddamned” America), then U.S. Senator for a couple of years (judged the most liberal in the Senate), and finally President of the United States, why?


In two years, Barack Obama has increased the national debt over $5 trillion, making it now $14 trillion. Every man, woman, and child owes America’s creditors over $45,000. The economy has not improved when you consider the debt “Bush caused.” Be that as it may, the economy is an accident waiting to happen.  Barack Obama’s attempted transformation caused the Tea Party to form.  The Tea Party caused the Democrats to lose the House big time.  Barack Obama caused Glenn Beck to have one of the largest audiences ever—Obama, not what I’d call the liberal’s best friend, but, then, what could you expect?  George Soros is ready to replace Obama. But Senator Reid, Obama’s pocket veto, says when the economy improves the Tea Party will go away.  Yes, and when a frog has wings it will not bump its bottom when it hops.


Speaking of transformation, take Glenn Beck’s transformation and compare it with Obama’s transformation. Beck’s transformation is an amazing story. He lost his wife. He was a hopeless alcoholic, “a miserable down and out dirt bag,” in his words.  He is now a recovering alcoholic; has a wife and family he loves and is loved back; is wealthy and famous.  


Take me. My transformation is known by very few. I’m one of the bottom fish. From surface reflections, I can’t be seen.   I had lost my 25 year business enterprise; my wife was divorcing me. I was 49 years old in 1975 and locked out of my apartment for non-payment of rent. I was out of sight, out of mind. Today, if life could be any better, I don’t know how. All of my dreams have come true. How could that be?  I’m not blinded by surface reflections. I’m not leaping out of the water, doing impressionable acrobatics to put myself in the limelight.


The odd thing about my transformation is that although both Beck and I believe that Jesus is our savior and redeemer Beck is a Christian; I’m not religious.  Like Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence, I believe in nature and nature’s God, without specific reference to a religion.  I’m too independent to be religious.  I’m not a team player. I’m a nonconformist, the kind that left Europe and set sail for an unknown land rife with peril.


I dig the mindset of early Americans. None of the activist flapdoodle for me. My transformation began when I studied the Constitution, with this in mind: taking Uncle Sam to court over my income tax. Early in my transformation, I happened upon an astrologer who created my astrological chart and gave me an audio recording of his interpretation. In his tape he said I learned from practical reasons. Exactly! I don’t learn simply for the sake of learning.  In the process of learning the rights I had under the Constitution, I had a bigger than life calling. Being put on the street by the IRS didn’t stop me. I was thinking about those with roofs over their heads. My life was secondary.  At the time, Jesus was non-existent.  I was my own moral compass.


Peculiarly, though, I departed my old life on Good Friday, the day Jesus is supposed to have died on the cross.  I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday, the first day in my new life.  It didn’t mean a thing to me until I wrote my memoirs. The events of my life began to connect.


My astrologer had said he noted “a part of fortune” on my chart that told him people who do things behind my back to harm me end by my being rewarded. The IRS and my wife conspired to cheat me.  The divorce court gave me 20 times as much property as it gave my wife. The IRS ended eating crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.  Somebody was surely on my side, perhaps my spiritual guides, what?


After the divorce, I bought a live-aboard sailboat and spent two years on the South Atlantic.  Early in my life at sea, I thought I heard voices crying for help.  I searched the sea with my field glasses and saw nothing but water. Why I didn’t sail on I don’t know. I was somehow compelled to sail in the direction from which I heard the voices. I found three exhausted young people. They had been snorkeling over a reef and got caught in an ocean current.  They had been drifting for hours. They were miles from their reef. My astrologer had told me that my chart had the configuration of the most famous psychics in the world.  This was the first time I was aware that I’m psychic. Was I getting a message that I was picked for a bigger than life purpose? I dare not cease to reveal that which has been revealed to me.


I was sailing with three friends from Nassau in the Bahamas to Palm Beach, Florida.  We encountered a violent storm that lasted for hours. I had been sailing a southwesterly course that allowed for the northward movement of the Gulf Stream. During the storm, I was on a northward course. I should have been far out to sea and far to the north of my destination.  I spotted smokestacks in the west that turned to be Florida Power and Light’s a mile south of our Lake Worth Inlet.  This could not be. However, we were in the Bermuda Triangle, where there has been evidence of time warps.


As we approached the inlet, we were horrified to find huge breaking waves completely across the inlet. Something told me to go for it. We slid down a huge wave into the inlet. It never broke. My friends said it was a miracle that we survived.  All three were experienced sailors. As far as I know, not one of them ever went to sea again.  Somebody was definitely looking out for me.


After I left my life at sea, I took a job in Portland, Oregon. I loved to dance. I was at the Greenwood Inn dancing with the single girls.  I asked my future fourth wife, Karen, for a dance. The moment our hands touched I felt her warmth. She was like meeting an old friend I had not seen for a long time.  Thirty years later I feel the same. Karen was sent to me. We are spiritually united from some other time. 


On our first date, a hike in the mountains near Mt. St. Helens, on the day the mountain erupted, we were sitting on a log chatting. Karen blurted out, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship. At that moment, we saw the northwest sky turn black and hurried back to the car.  Fifteen years later, Karen handed me an astrological compatibility printout from her friend’s computer software.  In it I read, “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you.  Even if lovers, you will always be good friends.” The signs keep coming that someone is looking out for me. The eruption of St. Helens was symbolic of after the calamity, hope and renewal.  The same for the 9-11 event.


While writing my memoirs, I wanted to quote the Bible. Karen’s Bible, the Scofield Study Bible, which was given to her when she was a little girl, had a large concordance to help me find the passage I wanted.  I read the Introduction written by Reverend Scofield. I was impressed by this: “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures harmonize.’”


Karen’s Bible was coming apart. When she asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I requested a new Scofield Study Bible.  She gave me the one with the large print. In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, everything Jesus said in red print, I made note of this: “in earth as it is in heaven,” and “seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Ancient astrologers see it as on earth as it is in heaven. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God,” distinguishes the kingdom of God from the kingdom of heaven, says Scofield in a footnote.


My science guru, quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, makes the distinction in The Physics of Consciousness by stating, “a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.”


Walker: “Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. (He is speaking of Newton’s laws of motion.) But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter.  In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . .”


Having observed that my astrologer had me pegged, I’ve been studying astrology. In Astrologer’s Handbook, I read under “Saturn trine Pluto,” meaning in favorable angle, “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these laws consciously or unconsciously.” In my chart, Saturn is trine Pluto.  Continuing,  “If other aspects to Saturn and Pluto are also favorable and the chart as a whole indicates occult leanings (my astrologer said my chart has the configuration of the world’s most famous psychics), the natives can have a vast comprehension of the nature of life and of the universe.”


Continuing, “The natives have tremendous will power and are relentless in working toward a goal. . . They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others’ lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”


In light of what I learned in Astrologer’s Handbook about the trines, the most favorable of alignments,  when I read on the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, that “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography,” I bought the book and read it. Under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” under “The Saturn, Pluto Cycle,” November 2008 to August 2011 – square.”


Turning now in Astrologer’s Handbook to “The Squares,” when the Sun is square the Moon, “The effects of this adverse aspect are not as specific as those of squares from the Sun and planets. However, the aspect does create a conflict between the conscious will and the unconscious and inherited habit patterns.  Self-expression is hampered by these habits, and the disharmony causes them emotional insecurity.” The square always says conflict and disharmony.  In today’s America, disharmony and conflict are the worst since the Civil War.


What happened in November 2008? The Saturn, Pluto cycle moved into place when Obama was elected President, thus incurring and increase of conflict and disharmony.  It’s just like Jesus and Richard Tarnas said, “In earth as it is in heaven.”


Put yourself in President Obama’s place.  He started as a nobody from Nowheresville, with a burning desire to be a leader, to transform the world into his Marxist notion of what it should be. Put  yourself in Einstein’s place.  Einstein toyed with the idea of everything connecting—both the qualitative and the quantitative. His colleagues talked him out of it. They told Einstein that he would make a fool of himself. Put yourself in the pope’s place. If he admitted that the universe is nothing like he says it is, he would be out of office in a New York second.  


Jesus was a wanderer with nothing of a tangible nature.  He was here with a message. I dare not cease to deliver my message. The spell would be broken.  The establishment seeks power and control. When I read what Jesus said, I believed he spoke the truth. The truth was not what the establishment wanted in Jesus’ time.  In Jesus’ time, first the authorities tried to trap him with questions. When that didn’t work, they arrested him. Under Jewish law they couldn’t execute Jesus, so they took him to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, stating that Jesus was a rabble-rouser, knowing the Romans were sensitive to that kind of behavior.  The Romans were nervous about a Jewish rebellion.  Pilate asked Jesus if he claimed to be the king of Jews.  Jesus told Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world, which told Pilate that he was no threat.  But playing politics, Pilate picked the day the Jews celebrated Passover, on which day Romans released a prisoner as a gesture of good will.  A crowd gathered at the governor’s palace.  Pilate appeared and washed his hands, which was indication that he wanted no part in the problem the Jewish establishment had with Jesus.  He gave the Jews their choice, the release of Barabbas, a convicted murderer, or Jesus. The Jewish hierarchy shouted Barabbas, Barabbas! Their followers chimed in.  Jesus took Barabbas’ place on the cross. How does that make Jesus dying for my sins?  Clearly, the orthodoxy of the time did away with Jesus. Twenty years later the Jewish temple was destroyed and the Jews taken to Rome as slaves.  That says it all.


We hear Obama is going to demand that we have a national Internet identity. He’s now drafting the rules.  Would Jesus “goddamn America?”  Would Jesus be for “collective salvation,” the individual naught, Obama’s stand, or would Jesus be for your individual salvation? Jesus said we can’t serve two masters.  You are either for Jesus or against him.  So identify yourselves. I’m for Jesus.  I’m against Obama.





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