And yet again we have another school shooting. Already the liberals are lining up and demanding guns be taken away. Those of us capable of sane thoughts must ask ourselves, how is it the guns fault? How can something that is incapable of thought, unable to have feeling, devoid of the ability of movement be the guilty party to all the school shootings and other violence thats attributed to guns. Obviously to a sane person, the guns are not the problem. Yet if guns are not the problem, then what is we might ask. I am an aircraft mechanic by trade and as a mechanic I have to be able to effectively troubleshoot problems. If something blows a fuse, I can replace the fuse and then a day or two later its blown again and I can change it again, or I can ask myself “what changed to make the fuse blow. What causes this problem?” The same thought process can be applied here. Twenty, thirty forty or more years ago school shootings was unheard of and unthinkable, yet is becoming common now. What has changed to make this happen? Thirty years ago when I was in school it was comon to be able to walk through the school parking lot and see a bunch of trucks with shotguns and rifles in the back windows. It was the norm. Yet never once was there a school shooting. Kids played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians. They had cap guns and BB guns and toy bows and arrows yet none of them went to school and killed a bunch of their fellow classmates. Yet now none of that is allowed and school killings have happened more than a few times. Why we must ask. Deeper we must dig. When I was in school the mention of God was not taboo. In 1962 the Supreme Court ruled on ENGEL v. VITALE. The case was about a school requiring students to participate in prayers. The first part of the courts decision I agree with. To force a child to pray is unconstitutional. Yet the court in the infinite wisdom went way beyond the call of the ruling and decided that God has no place in school period. This part of the ruling is unconstitutional in itself for it should be up to the community, not the Supreme Court or the Federal Government to decided if the school has open prayer or not. As long as any child is not required to participate in the prayer then no constitutional violations have occurred. The second part of the ruling of this case not only made a law respecting a religion, for atheism is a religion of itself, yet it also made a law prohibiting the free practice of religion. It took to the late seventies to early eighties before God was totally removed from all schools. So we can deduce that the liberals banning God from school is one thing that has changed since when we never could imagine a school shooting to today, yet is that all that has changed? Sadly thats not all the liberals been up to these last few decades. In the late seventies the liberal rallying cry was child abuse. Now I agree anyone who abuses a child deserves every kind of hell there is. But the liberals true to form went way overboard. Now a days parents are scared to spank a child. If a parent lightly slaps a childs hand in public the parent can and many cases shows that they have been put in jail for this as well as had their children taken away. Back when I was in school, if someone did something really wrong, what was the common thing said? Usually it was “my dad is gonna kill me” or “my parents are gonna tear my butt up for that” or something along those lines. And the kids would go home, usually get their rear ends tanned and that was it. Lesson learned. Now a days that is considered child abuse. An old saying of spare the rod and spoil the child is very true, yet this day and age liberals refuse to let you have a rod. So we look at it. Since the days when it was unthinkable for a kid to go to school and kill other kids compared to today we see that liberals have removed God from schools as well as removed a parents ability to discipline a child. Is that all or is there anything else we can add to our troubleshooting tree? The liberals have decided that no kid is special for they all are special, they all deserve the prize, they all get equal trophy's. The kids who worked hard, put in the effort are no better than the kids who didnt care, didnt try. What does that do to a childs self esteem to know no matter how hard they try they will never be any better than those who didnt try. Why should kids even care when the liberals take away all competition, all reasons to strive to be better. In the end we can all jump on the band wagon of guns are evil, guns need to be banned, yadda yadda petuh or we can be logical about this. If we compare from a time when kids killing kids was unheard of and unimaginable to today we can see the major changes between then and now are all liberal changes. With that in mind it is very easy to deduce that the real reason children are killing children is because of liberalism and as such liberalism needs to be outlawed and banned. Makes a lot more sense then blaming an inanimate object like a gun for the problem.
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