Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
The Great Coronavirus Canceling
Thomas Gallatin 
Iran’s Rouhani warns media, seeks to 
suppress coronavirus coverage
{ jpost.com } ~ Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has met with key advisers and officials to coordinate the suppression of media reports on the coronavirus pandemic in Iran... As numerous Iraqis returning from Iran have been saying, as a massive disaster is unfolding in Iran, the regime in Tehran wants to stop what it calls “gossip.” Iran’s Tasnim reports that the president’s office will “track” media reports. They want to push a campaign to highlight the regime’s response to the coronavirus. Under the guise of “accurate, clear and transparent information on countering  coronavirus,” it appears the main goal is to try to get the public to stop asking questions. “The main need of today’s society is to relax the focus,” the report notes.  Rouhani clams that population movement is currently undermining the mental well-being of society. “Referring to uncertainties, rumors and the atmosphere it is right that media will confront the community with precise information, not gossip, and pave the way for medical staff to confront the disease.” While this could mean the government will be more transparent, in fact since February the government has sought to downplay the crises and even spread false claims that the virus is a foreign conspiracy. Rouhani even claimed the virus was like US sanctions and appeared worse than it is. Iran purposely suppressed coverage in February to get people to turn out to vote. This has resulted in numerous infections among politicians and hundreds of deaths. Iran now has more than 12,729 official cases, among the highest in the world. On Saturday, 97 new COVID-19 deaths were recorded, bringing the official death toll to 621. But the true number is likely much higher. Rouhani warned the media not to be politically motivated. He said that while he appreciated the efforts of media he also recognized they were the main venue for spreading information. “No country in the world facing maximum sanctions could face this widespread outbreak… but some will take any change to exploit the state and destroy the state,” he reportedly intimated to staff. Thus the media must “provide fair and professional information and enhance public participation in the government’s fight.” The government wants the media to boost the morale of medical staff. He said media must explain how the health care system capabilities have succeeded despite US pressure and inhumane sanctions and encourage the government’s system...   https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Irans-Rouhani-warns-media-seeks-to-suppress-coronavirus-coverage-620941?utm_source=Middle+East+Forum&utm_campaign=ac118aacda-MEF_Frantzman_2020_03_16_12_03&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_086cfd423c-ac118aacda-33703665&goal=0_086cfd423c-ac118aacda-33703665&mc_cid=ac118aacda&mc_eid=f33b9e6c12   

Who’s Actually In Charge Of 
Republicans’ Coronavirus Response?
By Christopher Bedford
{ thefederalist.com } ~ Republicans are in a rout. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has relinquished responsibility for a coronavirus response to the administration, the administration has negotiated a Democratic bill that fails to offer relief... to struggling and tanking small businesses, and on Sunday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was forced to defend it all on Fox News. “Let me ask you about this article on The Federalist,” Fox Business Global Markets Editor Maria Bartiromo asked McCarthy on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” “They’re saying that we’re going to see layoffs once this is over from small and mid-sized business,” she said, reading, ‘They need anything they can cling to to stay afloat and delay further layoffs. There is nothing for them in this apparent deal, nothing for the blue-collar businessman this country was founded on. Even the $50 billion that the president previously announced for Small Business Administration loans are only for big businesses who can guarantee it,’ but its bad for small businesses.”“You are getting some pushback on this idea that small and mid-sized businesses are having to put out this big cost,” she continued. “Well,” McCarthy countered, “if they read the final version of the bill they’d see the flexibility that the secretary has. The secretary of Treasury will actually advance the[sick-leave money ahead of time so the small businesses will be able to have the resources if they have somebody on sick leave. Remember there’s a sunset time period, and also remember what we’re dealing with here. Just as White House Coronavirus Taskforce member Dr. Anthony Fauci says, we’ve got to get through that peak.” We must, McCarthy continued, thank the president for his travel bans and other executive actions...
Stocks plunge nearly 10% after surprise 
Fed rate cut fails to stem panic
by Jay Heflin
{ washingtonexaminer.com } ~ U.S. stocks plunged on opening Monday as a second emergency rate cut by the Federal Reserve failed to reassure investors panicked by the coronavirus pandemic... The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 2,200 points, or about 9.7%. The S&P 500 fell more than 7%, triggering an automatic halt in trading at the New York Stock Exchange. “Markets are still in turmoil, despite another emergency action from the Federal Reserve," said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at Bankrate.com. The Federal Reserve on Sunday lowered its benchmark rate to near zero and announced large purchases of government bonds to protect the economy against the coronavirus pandemic. With that move, it is back to the emergency stance it adopted in the wake of the financial crisis. Yet futures contracts dropped suddenly after the central bank's announcement and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's press conference. "The virus is having a profound effect on people in the United States and around the world," Powell said. European stocks fell dramatically Monday. British stocks opened down 7%, similar to drops seen in Germany and France. The markets have seen extreme volatility in recent weeks as businesses and investors have tried to reckon with the fallout from the pandemic. U.S. stocks have entered bear territory, meaning that they are down more than 20% from the recent peak, for the first time since the financial crisis.  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/stocks-plunge-nearly-10-after-surprise-fed-rate-cut-fails-to-stem-panic?utm_source=WEX_Breaking%20News%20Alert_03/16/2020&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WEX_Breaking%20News&rid=5261    

Peter Navarro Discusses Executive Order 
to Move Critical Items Toward Domestic 
Production (Out of China)
by sundance
{ theconservativetreehouse.com } ~ White House trade and manufacturing advisor Peter Navarro discusses the administration effort, a possible executive order, to shift U.S. dependency for critical health sector and pharmaceutical products back to domestic production.
New York City Closes all Schools, Restaurants, 
Bars, Nightclubs, Cafe’s, Coffee Houses, 
Movie Theaters, and Public Spaces
by sundance
{ theconservativetreehouse.com } ~ The Big Apple is about to get very interesting… A dense, mostly liberal population, all bound up in close proximity, now instructed by executive order and forced mandatory compliance, to essentially shut down. “Our lives are all changing in ways that were unimaginable just a week ago. We are taking a series of actions that we never would have taken otherwise in an effort to save the lives of loved ones and our neighbors. Now it is time to take yet another drastic step. The virus can spread rapidly through the close interactions New Yorkers have in restaurants, bars and places where we sit close together. We have to break that cycle.” Effective tomorrow, March 16, New York City schools will close. “Tomorrow, I will sign an Executive Order limiting restaurants, bars and cafes to food take-out and delivery. Nightclubs, movie theaters, small theater houses, and concert venues must all close. The order will go into effect Tuesday, March 17 at 9:00 AM.” “This is not a decision I make lightly. These places are part of the heart and soul of our city. They are part of what it means to be a New Yorker. But our city is facing an unprecedented threat, and we must respond with a wartime mentality.”  https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/03/15/new-york-city-closes-all-schools-restaurants-bars-nightclubs-cafes-coffee-houses-movie-theaters-and-public-spaces/ 
Israel Helps Palestinians Prevent 
Coronavirus; Arabs Betray Them
by Khaled Abu Toameh
{ gatestoneinstitute.org } ~ While Israel is working overtime with Palestinians to curb and prevent the spread of the coronavirus... the Arab states appear to be doing what they do best when it comes to helping their Palestinian brothers: nothing at all. In the past few days, Israeli authorities delivered 200 coronavirus testing kits to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. In addition, Israeli and Palestinian professional teams have been working together to prevent the spread of the virus. The Israeli authorities have also delivered another 200 coronavirus testing kits to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, despite the thousands of rockets  and incendiary and bomb-carrying balloons that the ruling government, Hamas, has launched from there towards Israel. In addition, Israeli authorities have coordinated the transfer of 20 tons of disinfectant material from Israeli factories to the Palestinian health sector. The material included chlorine and hydrogen peroxide, used for disinfection, preservation of hygiene and sanitation. These disinfectant materials are used for cleaning surfaces in open areas and help in cleaning closed areas, including mosques and churches. It is worth noting that Egypt, which has a shared border with the Gaza Strip, did not send any test kits or disinfectant materials to the Palestinians living there. Palestinians in Lebanon, meanwhile, are worried that the Lebanese authorities may use the coronavirus as an excuse to intensify restrictions even further on their refugee camps...   https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15739/israel-palestinians-coronavirus 
The Great Coronavirus Canceling
Thomas Gallatin  Some are calling it a responsible action in light of the threat — postponements, partial shutdowns, and outright cancellations as fear of the coronavirus has spread across the nation. Certainly, what has become known as “social distancing” to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 is needed (along with basic hygiene), but when does responsible action become panic-induced overreaction?

What we know of the novel COVID-19 is that it is highly contagious and poses the most serious threat to the elderly and those with chronic health problems. The World Health Organization, which has officially labeled it a pandemic, notes that for at least 80% of those who contract the virus, their symptoms will be “mild” — fever and a cough. The biggest concern is overloading the healthcare system, which means that isolation has become the go-to response.

Cancellation of all public events seemed to really take off with the NBA announcing on Wednesday evening — immediately after President Donald Trump’s speech meant to quell fears — that it was suspending all games indefinitely. The following day, all other major sports leagues followed suit. Simultaneously, the popular March Madness college basketball tournament followed the cancel campaign, which then bled over into classes — colleges and universities all over the nation have suspended classes and are having students take their courses online.

Then Disney announced it is closing its theme parks, all of New York City’s Broadway theaters have canceled  shows and shut down, and the Mormon Church has  canceled all church gatherings worldwide for at least a month.

With all these cancellations and the rippling impact it’s having on everyone, the greater problem caused by COVID-19 may not be health related but rather economic devastation.

Here is just one example we in our humble shop have experienced thus far. For months we have been planning and preparing to host a booth at the upcoming NRA Annual Meeting in Nashville. That event was canceled on Thursday over coronavirus concerns. That’s certainly a hit to our small business, but others are faring far worse.

Schools have closed their facilities all across the country, instructing students to stay home and take their classes online. What are families with two working parents supposed to do — leave their children home alone? And, like it or not, many kids get one or even two meals a day from their school, adding another hardship for these families.

Or what about all the businesses that depend upon sports leagues and the entertainment industry? How many restaurants and hotels will have to cut staff or reduce hours because there are no games or public entertainment attracting people, or because people are simply self-isolating? And that’s not to mention the bear market, which has cost millions of Americans a significant chunk of their retirement savings. (That’s why the Federal Reserve announced it will pump $1.5 trillion into short-term markets for stabilization.) The economic ripple effect of these mass cancellations after all the recent market volatility is already enormous.

However, much like the 2008 recession, those who will feel the least impact are mainstream-media talkingheads and DC politicians. Worse, they’ll be the ones to tell us what a great job they did when this is all over. In the meantime, hang tight, keep calm, take care of your family and neighbors, and wash your hands.  ~The Patriot Post


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  • Bonnie

    They will do anything to get at Trump. Just like the dems and the media.


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