Tuesday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
The Social Distancing and Quarantine Quagmire
Mark Alexander  
FCC's Carr Hits scumbag/liar-Schiff 
for Secret Subpoenas
by newsmax.com ~ FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is seeking answers from House Intelligence Committee Chairman scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff about his use of secret subpoenas to obtain cellphone records of Rudy Giuliani... House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes and journalist John Solomon during President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing. Last Thursday, Carr sent Schiff a five-page letter demanding answers about the unusual subpoena activity. “Chairman scumbag/liar-Schiff has been collecting Americans’ private call records through a secret & partisan process. He even published some of them in the Impeachment Report,” Carr tweeted last week along with a copy of his letter. “These sensitive records are protected by federal law. His conduct raises serious concerns & I’ve asked for answers. By proceeding in secret, scumbag/liar-Schiff deprived Americans — from private citizens to his political opponents to a journalist — of their legal right to go to court and seek to maintain the confidentiality of their sensitive call records. “As a country, are we comfortable with one political party in Congress having the unilateral & unchecked power to secretly obtain & publicize the confidential call records of any private citizen, journalist, or government official? Chairman scumbag/liar-Schiff has been doing exactly that.” scumbag/liar-Schiff published Nunes’ phone records in the committee’s sweeping impeachment report, indicating that Nunes had multiple communications with key figures in the inquiry: Giuliani, and Giuliani’s Soviet-born associate Lev Parnas, who has been indicted on campaign finance charges. The records also show Giuliani was in communication with Solomon, a conservative opinion columnist. scumbag/liar-Schiff “didn’t notify his targets, and Republican committee members were barred from telling the public what they knew,” Strassel wrote. “Worse, he deceived one of his targets...   https://www.newsmax.com/us/schiff/2020/03/16/id/958608/?oRef=vuukle   

Pompeo Conveyed ‘Strong U.S. Objections’ 
to Beijing Over COVID-19 Accusations
By Humeyra Pamuk
{ freebeacon.com } ~ A war of words between China and the United States showed no signs of let up on Monday, with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a phone call with a top Chinese diplomat... expressing "strong U.S. objections" over what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to shift blame for the spread of the coronavirus. Ties between the world’s top two economies, already complicated due to issues including trade, intellectual property rights as well as press freedoms, have further been tested by the outbreak of coronavirus, which causes the sometimes fatal, highly contagious respiratory illness COVID-19. "Secretary Pompeo conveyed strong U.S. objections to PRC efforts to shift blame for COVID-19 to the United States," Morgan Ortagus, State Department spokeswoman said in a statement about Pompeo’s call with Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China.  "The Secretary stressed that this is not the time to spread disinformation and outlandish rumors, but rather a time for all nations to come together to fight this common threat," Ortagus said. The United States on Friday summoned the Chinese ambassador to protest against comments by Beijing suggesting the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to Wuhan. David Stilwell, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia, delivered a very "stern representation" to China’s ambassador Cui Tiankai.  Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported on Monday that in the phone call Yang told Pompeo that attempts to smear China’s efforts to control the coronavirus "will not succeed" and that actions that harmed China’s interests would be retaliated against. The coronavirus, which emerged in China late last year, has spread around the world, upended many countries’ daily lives, pummeled financial markets, brought flights to a standstill, shut down schools and forced the postponement of almost all gatherings including sports and arts events. Globally over 174,100 have been infected and nearly 6,700 have died. U.S. death toll reached 71, with more than 4,100 people having tested positive for the disease...   https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/pompeo-conveyed-strong-u-s-objections-to-beijing-over-covid-19-accusations/?utm_source=actengage&utm_campaign=FreedomMail&utm_medium=email   

Kudlow Explains $800 Billion in Options for 
Direct Financial Infusion to Middle Class
by sundance
{ theconservativetreehouse.com } ~ National Economic Council (NEC) Director Larry Kudlow held an impromptu press conference to describe what sectors of the U.S. economy may need direct financial assistance to bridge revenue gaps... from mandated government policy. The stock market is not the U.S. economy. Calling this type of financial assistance a “bailout” is not a fair term considering the financial impact was created by government instruction. Government orders to shut down restaurants creates a financial loss for restaurants who also have bills and payroll obligations to meet. These types of affected businesses will need immediate assistance. Airlines, hotels, resorts, private parks, gyms, restaurants and various entertainment companies /industries may also need a direct infusion of cash or deferred tax payment to compensate for financial losses. Again, these businesses have been impacted by government ordering their closure. Depending on the size of the business, the need for gap funds may be urgent.  https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/03/16/kudlow-explains-800-billion-in-options-for-direct-financial-infusion-to-middle-class/  
COVID-19 blasts the Chinese economy
by Derek Scissors
{ aei.org } ~ How serious is the COVID-19 outbreak? It turned China honest. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) described January-February economic activity as nothing less than a depression... A short depression to be sure — March and April will be better. And they will be presented by the NBS as better than they actually are. But China did the world a service by being realistic today. The NBS was more willing to be candid than economists Reuters polled less than two weeks ago. As a group, they predicted GDP would grow 3.5 percent in the first quarter. Just slightly off. Industrial output fell 13.5 percent through February. The services index fell 13 percent. So much for the good news. Exports dropped 16 percent, retail sales 20.5 percent, fixed asset investment 24.5 percent. Most shocking, the NBS admitted one measure of unemployment topped six percent. In a post here at the end of February, I guessed GDP would contract 2.4 percent. That was too cautious. March will be stronger, but not nearly enough to achieve only a 2.4-percent contraction. Yet the policy response has been muted. When the global financial crisis hit, bank lending jumped more than 30 percent. In January-February, it rose 12 percent. One reason for this is a much larger loan base — China is heavily leveraged and can’t react as thoughtlessly as in 2009. Another is simply that it’s hard to seek or offer new credit with people confined to their homes. But Beijing also knows this will pass, soon. There has been debate over whether a very sharp, V-shaped recovery is wishful thinking. With many producers and consumers entirely shut down in February, even partial reopening is V-shaped. It won’t be business as usual in a month, but April will continue the upward trend from the second half of March. Over the course of the second quarter, international partners will become the main economic problem. As with China, it would have been helpful if the US and others were not setting extremely low policy interest rates and/or running huge fiscal deficits before COVID-19 hit, since the impact of doing so is now smaller. Still, any stimulus is limited in this situation. GDP measures economic activity and COVID-caused restrictions are designed to curb or halt activity. If such restrictions spread across the globe to protect public health, everyone else’s GDP will plunge as well. This will feed back to slow China after its spring burst. Thankfully, GDP remains overrated as a measure of prosperity. The Communist Party was stunningly honest about the awful numbers because the blow to prosperity was only short-term. January and February ensure true GDP growth will be negative the first half of the year but, by June, the economy will be far better than now for ordinary people. Warning: editorializing ahead. The productivity of American workers will return by this summer. The depth of our financial system is unchanged. Our land provides abundant food and energy. China’s economy will rally soon, and then our economy will rally more strongly than that.   https://www.aei.org/foreign-and-defense-policy/covid-19-blasts-the-chinese-economy/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkdWaE9UTXpZakpsT0RjdyIsInQiOiJnYlQxOWtYXC9EUzh6dFllODJORytlTDN4c0xNNXYxeUdFU05ZY3Z0YW5yb3NMamxrU3FHUVZyUGtmNm9LSkxudkpZZlBOXC9qR2lTeSticytDendGRXErXC9JcGNyUlJiR1pqUjhnaVwvb3dLcW9oNnFHU2NlZUN3QmFTeTVXVW5hUUsifQ%3D%3D   
The plan for the internal destruction 
of the U.S.A. was way too easy
7j7z_g1ATv2Yy7lNmLSzXkNiQ_pqOjSFg_bSRp1BXtwjBTQEvoy6Z9MGFwDW4UCFHzKTsKwegiR_-z31V_9ow6BriPSDvCixY2ljAg=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=  By Sher Zieve
{ renewamerica.com } ~ The reality that the Republic of the United States of America is under assault and that we are a gnat's eyelash away from losing our country – and much of the rest of the world... to the Communist Luciferian Left comes as no surprise to many of us. If there was still any doubt that the purpose of our adversaries is that takeover, one need only look at their latest effort to create fear and mayhem over a "new" disease that appears to cause far fewer deaths than the more well-known and experienced flu. However, the Leftists' current campaign to tout this recent strain of Coronavirus one of many which we've experienced as the 'common cold' for hundreds of years has pushed populations of humans off the rails and into the cold unforgiving arms of insanity. Both men and women are fighting each other over "provisions" in stores. The latest manufactured world-hysteria has caused people to buy and hoard toilet paper, napkins, other paper goods and bottled water in such vast quantities that the manufacturers of said product have been unable to keep up with the demand. Markets are being gutted of foodstuffs in a panic mode that I've never seen before. People are physically fighting inside stores over packages of the aforementioned "white gold" TP, while others are simply stealing the product from others' shopping carts and then running away with their ill-gotten prizes...
China's Real Disease: Not Coronavirus
by Gordon G. Chang
{ gatestoneinstitute.org } ~ Last July, five American analysts who have been consistently wrong told us "China is not an enemy." Actually, this time they were technically right. China's communism is not an enemy. It is the enemy... After the coronavirus pandemic subsides, Americans should not forget Beijing's malicious campaign against their country. For more than a month, the central government's foreign ministry and the Communist Party's Global Times have been trying to tar the Trump administration. The campaign culminated in a series of tweets from rising Beijing star Zhao Lijian, foreign ministry spokesman and deputy director general of the ministry's Information Department. On March 12, in a tweet, he accused U.S. officials of being "immoral." Hours before, he had tweeted that "patient zero" was in the U.S. and suggested that the U.S. Army had "brought the epidemic to Wuhan" -- intimating that America was conducting germ warfare. Also that day, foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, Zhao's boss, twisted testimony of Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to try to show that the coronavirus outbreak had started in America. President Donald J. Trump, in his Rose Garden press conference the next day, March 13, downplayed the overtly hostile messages. He first noted his conversations with Chinese ruler Xi Jinping and then said, referring to Chinese leaders, "they know where it came from." Actually, it is worse if Chinese officials in fact knew where the coronavirus originated. In this case, these officials, by going out of their way to blame the U.S., were demonstrating once again the inherent hostility of their system to America...  https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15745/coronavirus-china-communism   
The Social Distancing and Quarantine Quagmire
Mark Alexander  I have spent more time on conference calls in the last week than in any week since the 9/11 Islamist attack on our nation. Most of those conversations have been on the grim side of the balance sheet. But let me reiterate, what causes me most heartburn right now is the impact the “viral fear pandemic” and the economic realities of trying to mitigate the actual threat is having on working men and women and their families.

That being said, there has been a lot of social-media misinformation about a “Stafford Act” presidential declaration of a “national quarantine” for most “nonessential” workers nationwide. Allow me to dispel that rumor, and to clarify the purpose of the current quarantines and “social distancing” measures — the motives of which are to prevent overwhelming our medical-response capabilities.

On Friday, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency as authorized by the Stafford Act, an important measure supporting the government and private-sector response to the COVID-19 epidemic in the U.S. This was a major step to reducing government regulatory and bureaucratic barriers to response and recovery, and it provides significant economic assurances for state and local governments and businesses nationwide. That was an important measure, and while there are no “good options” for dealing with this epidemic, some options are better than others, and the administration continues to implement those options.

For context, as I have written previously, the notion of containing the WuFlu epidemic is absurd. It was nationwide by February. And, to be clear, infectious-disease deaths associated with COVID-19 could far exceed the 2017-18 flu season, when the CDC estimated the U.S. flu death toll was 80,000.

About that “presidential quarantine”? There is NO proposed presidential declaration of a national quarantine, much less any Stafford Act or constitutional authority for such. Quarantines have obviously and necessarily been in the range of discussions for the last three weeks — and have been part of the pandemic table-top planning exercises for three decades. Because of misinformation circulated on social media – most likely disseminated by Chinese or Russian directorates of disinformation, in recent days some people have declared they have a “friend of a friend” who has a direct line to the White House or Pentagon. Nonsense.

The National Security Council released a statement refuting the misinformation yesterday: “There is no national lockdown. The CDC has and will continue to post the latest guidance on #COVID19 #coronavirus.”

For the record, such a “national quarantine” would be exponentially more economically devastating than the current state- and local-mandated measures, and the Trump national-security team is, appropriately, more leaving decisions about what to shutter and where, to state and local governments. The administration is rightly concerned that any centralized “one size fits all” approach would not be effective.

To that end, five states took additional measures over the weekend to close restaurants and bars — and that is how these decisions should be made. But it should be noted that state quarantine declarations could significantly impede commutes between states.

Accelerating the “national quarantine” rumor was a revised CDC guidance with more restrictive recommendations for group gatherings. But what most set of the misinformation bomb were remarks by the highly respected director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who also serves as the administration’s spokesman for the epidemic response.

According to Dr. Fauci: “I think Americans should be prepared that they are going to have to hunker down significantly more than we as a country are doing. We feel that with rather stringent mitigation and containment, without necessarily complete lockdown, we would be able to prevent ourselves from getting to where, unfortunately, Italy is now. … With regard to domestic travel bans, we always talk about it, consider everything. But I can tell you that has not been seriously considered, doing travel bans in the country. … I don’t see that right now or in the immediate future. Everybody has got to get involved in distancing themselves socially. … Everything is on the table. Right now, myself personally, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant. I just wouldn’t because I don’t want to be in a crowded place.”

Dr. Fauci had earlier said, “I would like to see a dramatic diminution of personal interaction. … Whatever it takes to do that, that’s what I would like to see. … The virus is not a mathematical formula. There are going to be people who are young who are going to wind up getting seriously ill. So, protect yourself.”

He noted, “For most people, the coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. … The vast majority of people recover. People with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three weeks to six weeks to recover.”

Regarding the notion that the recommendations are overkill or overreacting, he added, “If you think you’re in line with the outbreak, you’re already three weeks behind. So you’ve got to be almost overreacting a bit to keep up with it. … People need to understand that things will get worse before they get better. … What we’re trying to do is to make sure they don’t get to the worst-case scenario.”

Dr. Fauci is an academician/physician and government-agency head — which is to say his views, while very informed from the medical perspective, are not tempered by other realities, like the economic implications for American workers and their families.

To better understand the motives behind “self-quarantines” and “social distancing,” these measures serve primarily two objectives.

First, the measures are NOT to “contain” the virus. It is assumed that about half of Americans will contract the coronavirus variant causing COVID-19 illness, and a fraction of those will require significant medical attention. Fauci’s reference to what has happened in Italy is a reference to the spike of those requiring medical attention, which overwhelmed Italy’s domestic medical capabilities.

Thus, the objective of increasing individual isolation here is to “flatten the infection curve” in order to retard the exponential rate of spread — how fast we get it — and thus not reduce the infections but spread the demand on our ability to provide medical attention over a longer period of time.

To be clear, the isolation measures being taken by citizens at higher risk — those over age 60 and those with medical conditions that make recovery more difficult — will prevent infections. But again, the coronavirus variant causing COVID-19 illness will remain in circulation nationwide for a long time, especially if it is not slowed by warmer weather as is often the case with seasonal flu epidemics. Wide distribution of effective vaccines is still at least 8-10 months out, if not longer.

The second motive behind increasing individual isolation is equally important. Retarding the rate of infectious spread allows more time to develop and ramp up medical-treatment protocols.

The key question about “hunkering down” is, for how long? Are we going to flatten the infectious-spread curve so long that we flatline the economy?

Here is what I can tell you for sure. Donald Trump has more business experience than any president in a century. As I noted above, while there are no “good options” for dealing with this epidemic, some options are better than others, and this president and his administration understand that as well as any president in my lifetime.

Moving forward, as Trump declared last week, “Everybody has to be vigilant and has to be careful. But be calm.” I would add for those who are in judicious contact with others, maintain an infectious and confident smile, and pass it along!

(Visit our updated COVID-19 contagion preparedness and response resource page, “WuFlu and You,” and see our related pages.)  

~The Patriot Post


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