Tuesday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
loose lips liar-Biden, commie-Sanders,
and Potential VPs
Thomas Gallatin   
OPEC Cartel Failure Drops Oil Prices, 
Rattles Markets
by Bob Adelmann
{ thenewamerican.com } ~ Following the failure of a meeting by members of the oil cartel known as OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) in Vienna last week to extend its production cuts... Saudi Arabia’s oil company, Aramco, announced price cuts across all markets and an increase in its production. The failure came on the heels of an announcement by the International Energy Agency (IEA) that it had reversed its previous estimate that demand for oil would increase in 2020 and predicted that worldwide oil demand would drop by 700,000 barrels a day instead. That announcement was historic, the biggest drop in demand in a decade. It also occurred at a time when the concerns over COVID 19/coronavirus had reached panic proportions, leaving hotel rooms, airlines, and tour companies facing sharp declines in passenger bookings. In other words, the timing was perfect for what happened next. Oil prices dropped by more than 20 percent over the weekend, feeding concerns that the coronavirus was going to turn into a worldwide pandemic of historic proportions. This led to trading curbs being applied within minutes of the opening of the stock market on Wall Street on Monday morning as stock prices at the open fell by more than seven percent. Cartels are notoriously precarious instruments as they depend upon their members to agree to subordinate their own separate interests in the short run to gain both market share and profits in the long run. But when early overtures to Russian president Vladimir Putin by Saudi officials to extend the present agreement to restrict production and then to expand it failed, the meeting in Vienna ended suddenly. Saudi officials declared war on Russia through price cuts and promises to expand production into an already oversupplied world market, seeking to punish the recalcitrant non-member for failing to go along with the members of the cartel. The Wall Street Journal noted that “the price cuts are aimed directly at Russia’s market share, Saudi officials said … while in addition planning to boost its crude output as well.” Some are blaming the Saudis for the drop in oil prices because of its attack on Russia, while others are blaming Putin for not going along with extending the production-cut agreement. But the real cause of the drop in oil prices is the failure of the cartel to keep oil prices above free market levels. The cartel has been successful in keeping prices abnormally high since 2016, when the agreement to limit oil production was first announced. Keith Johnson, writing for Foreign Policy magazine, expressed it this way: “Friday’s collapse was a stunning setback for OPEC which has since 2016 aggressively managed the supply of oil to keep prices from falling too far.” In other words, up until Friday, the cartel had succeeded in keeping oil prices inordinately high. But with the collapse of the agreement and the acrimony following the ending of the two-day meeting in Vienna on Friday, the world is about to see what oil prices should be without the OPEC cartel’s intervention...  https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/energy/item/35090-opec-cartel-failure-drops-oil-prices-rattles-markets?ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_12_2_2019_15_37_COPY_01)&mc_cid=fb120436a0&mc_eid=8ab66f2b22   

Trump Recently Spent Time With Doug Collins 
And Matt Gaetz, Who Both Just Self-Quarantined Themselves Over Coronavirus Concern
{ dailycaller.com } ~ Republican Georgia Rep. Doug Collins and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz both announced Monday afternoon that they would be self-quarantining themselves... after learning that they interacted with a coronavirus-infected person in late February. The announcement comes after Collins just spent Friday with President Donald Trump visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Gaetz was reportedly on Air Force One on Monday. An NPR reporter tweeted Monday that Collins was not on Air Force One on Friday, but had other contact with Trump. “I was radio pooler on President Trump’s trip to CDC. Collins did not fly on Air Force One, but he did shake Trump’s hand when he got off the plane. He did not ride in ‘the beast’ with Trump but did tour CDC with him,” Tamara Keith tweeted. Gaetz was on Air Force One with Trump Monday, according to multiple sources.  The White House declined to provide comment to the Daily Caller. Collins and Gaetz both made contact with the infected person at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland late last month. CPAC announced over the weekend that someone attended the conference and later tested positive for coronavirus. Collins and Gaetz are joining Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Republican Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar in  quarantining themselves. Both Gosar and Cruz had interactions with the same infected person.  https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/09/trump-spent-friday-doug-collins-corona-virus-quarantine/?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12176  
HHS Secretary Alex Azar Discusses 
Latest Coronavirus Efforts
by sundance
{ theconservativetreehouse.com } ~ As the U.S. stock market continues to collapse, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar appears on Fox News to discuss the latest developments in the Coronavirus effort.
Coronavirus market rout and oil plunge
pressure Trump and the Fed to prevent disaster
by Jay Heflin
{ washingtonexaminer.com } ~ U.S. stocks plummeted Monday as the coronavirus outbreak tests the global economy, with the disease now having spread to 30 states and taken more than 20 lives in the United States... Shortly after opening, the New York Stock Exchange paused trading after the markets dropped more than 7%. If indexes drop 20%, the markets would be closed for the day. Concerns over the coronavirus and the markets have sent yields on 10-year Treasury bonds to a new low of 0.3469% Monday. In addition, U.S. oil prices tumbled Monday by more than 30% to below $30 per barrel as Saudi Arabia flooded the market to gain market share from Russia. The market turmoil has raised anticipation for major reactions from federal lawmakers. The Trump administration is under renewed pressure to enact emergency economic policies to stem the fallout from the spread of the coronavirus within the country. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve, having already implemented one emergency interest rate cut in response to the market turbulence, is now expected to lower its interest rate target all the way to zero, as it did in the wake of the financial crisis. The central bank's monetary policy committee's next scheduled meeting is March 18. States such as New York and Oregon have declared states of emergency in response to the virus. Oregon health officials announced Sunday seven new cases of the virus in their state. In New York, at least 90 people have been infected by the virus as of Saturday. Fears that public events could further spread the coronavirus has led to several cancellations of conferences, movie releases, and concerts, including the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, between March 16-22, and the 2020 Game Developers Conference, held in San Francisco between March 16 and 20. The State Department warned Sunday against traveling by cruise ship.
Trump Admin Takes Out Yet ANOTHER 
Jihadist Leader
by Wes Walker
{ clashdaily.com } ~ One of Trump’s big election promises was doing everything he could to make ISIS into Was-Was. This is what a promise kept looks like... Trump has a very simple solution to militant jihadis that threaten regional stability — bomb the hell out of them. And that’s exactly what he’s been doing with regional leaders responsible for plotting militant terrorist attacks. We’ve seen it with whose-your-al-Baghdadi. We’ve seen it with the Iranian tears shed over the death of terrorist scumbag Soleimani. There have been others along the way. Now we can add one more to the list: Bashir Mohamed Qorgab. He is — WAS, actually — a ‘senior terrorist commander’ in Al-Shabab. He was in charge of attacks on military bases, and was also involved in operations in Kenya, the report said. Qorgab was killed on 22 February in the southern Somali town of Sakow, following a joint operation by the Somali army and US military, Somali state radio reported. …Al-Shabab is linked to al-Qaeda and controls much of southern and central Somalia.
Torture, Abductions By Dubai Ruler:
Court Reveals
by clarionproject.org ~ Abductions, torture, intimidation and death threats were just some of the alleged horrors perpetrated by Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum... according to a series of judgments by the High Court in London. Against the wishes of Sheikh Mohammed, the court published the judgments, ruling they were in the public interest. The judgments were part of an ongoing divorce and custody battle between the 70-year old billionaire and his sixth and youngest wife, Princess Haya Bint Al-Hussain, 45, who is the sister of King Abdullah of Jordan. Princess Haya alleged that her husband was planning to marry their 11-year old daughter to Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, which would have made her the second wife of a man 22 years her senior. Basing its ruling on accounts by witnesses, the court revealed that the Dubai ruler was responsible for the abduction and continued captivity of two of his daughters from another marriage. Fearing for her life, Princess Haya fled the United Arab Emirates to the UK in April 2019. Since then, she has she has been subjected to a “campaign of fear and intimidation.” Princess Haya’s lawyer said that even before she left, his client had been threatened as she began to doubt her husband’s version of the captivity of his two daughters who he claimed had been “rescued” and returned to the family...
loose lips liar-Biden, commie-Sanders, and Potential VPs
Thomas Gallatin  On the eve of six more Democrat presidential primaries, with Michigan being the biggest prize, the field of candidates has narrowed down to just three — loose lips liar-Joe Biden, commie-Bernie Sanders, and Tulsi Gabbard. However, as far as the Democratic National Committee is concerned, there are only two remaining. The DNC has once again changed the rules for qualification for the next debate, ensuring that Gabbard won’t be on the stage. So much for the DNC’s supposed commitment to diversity, as the party’s presidential contest has boiled down to a choice between two old white men. No wonder the DNC is seriously worried about voter enthusiasm.

Speaking of voter enthusiasm, loose lips liar-Biden’s big Super Tuesday has most watchers concluding that he will be the eventual Democrat nominee, leading naturally to political pundits pontificating about a running mate. loose lips liar-Biden has certainly scored the most endorsements, as all of the most competitive candidates that dropped out eagerly lined up to endorse him. That excludes Elizabeth dinky/liar-Warren, who we assumed would throw her support behind her ideological comrade commie-Sanders, but she has somewhat surprisingly refrained. Maybe her accusation of commie-Sanders calling her a liar on national TV stung more deeply than many assumed.

Meanwhile, some pundits have made hay over a slip of the tongue by Amy Klobuchar over the weekend. While offering a hardy endorsement of loose lips liar-Biden, she appeared to say she was joining “the ticket.” It may very well have been little other than her misspeaking, but there is near-universal consensus that loose lips liar-Biden will choose a woman as his running mate, and Klobuchar could theoretically help him in the Rust Belt and most certainly in Minnesota.

lowlife-Kamala Harris has thrown her hat in the ring for a loose lips liar-Biden ticket with her endorsement over the weekend. Obviously, she waited to voice her allegiance until the most opportune moment — when it appears that loose lips liar-Biden is on the cusp of securing the nomination. She checks both the female and minority boxes and therefore may have a leg up on Klobuchar, but it’s not clear that lowlife-Harris delivers any constituency that loose lips liar-Biden doesn’t already have.

Yet, irrespective of who loose lips liar-Biden chooses as a running mate, his biggest hurdle is likely himself. As we have previously noted, and as many Democrats have quietly observed, loose lips liar-Biden is looking old. loose lips liar-Biden has always been “gaffe prone,” but it’s clear to everyone watching that his best days are behind him, that his political form has slipped.

This may be why scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton has thus far pointedly refused to endorse him while releasing a documentary series about herself. For one thing, she may view his campaign as a sinking ship she’d rather not be on when he gets overwhelmed in a Trump victory wave. Secondly, she may be holding out faint hope that loose lips liar-Biden, at 77, doesn’t make it to the convention and she will be there standing in the wings to “save” the Democrats from commie-Sanders. This is obviously a long shot, but it’s also likely scumbag/liar-Clinton’s last opportunity for a shot at the presidency.

In any case, tomorrow’s primaries should make it clearer whether commie-Sanders is able to mount any kind of a comeback or if loose lips liar-Biden has the nomination wrapped up.   ~The Patriot Post


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