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I do not for the Life of Me why I don't see adds on every Mistruth or Lie that Obama has said.He made many campaign promises but broke most of them no commercials on these such as the Attacks on Bush when gas was High:

such as

Now that gas prices are higher than they were during the Bush administration and threatening to go to $5/gallon, where are all the cries for investigations???

Five dollars per gallon of gas by 2012! A former president of Shell Oil considers this likely. The average price on Christmas Day for a gallon of regular gas reached $3.28 in Los Angeles County, the highest price since October 2008. In one month, the price rose 13 cents, up 35 cents year to year.

Where are the calls to sic Obama's Justice Department on Big Oil to hold the oil companies accountable for "market manipulation"? Why aren't we hunting down the amoral "oil speculators" responsible for repealing the law of supply-and-demand in order to line their pockets?

During President George W. Bush's administration, we constantly heard demands to hold the President accountable for "Big Oil's price gouging." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., just two years ago, knew exactly whom to blame for "skyrocketing" oil prices: "The price of oil is at the doorstep; $4-plus per gallon for oil is attributed to two oilmen in the White House and their protectors in the United States Senate."

In 2007, when the average national price ranged from $2.17 to $3.22, then-Sen. Barack Obama demanded that the Federal Trade Commission investigate Big Oil for "price manipulation." In 2008, presidential candidate Obama urged the Justice Department "to open an investigation into whether energy traders have been engaged in illegal activities that have helped drive up the price of oil and food


We allow Obama to get away with this because the Media Protects Him.

The Democrats ar the first to go Negative and telling mistruths.We have the Truth but do nothing

  • 10 year cost estimate is based on 10 years of taxes, Medicare cuts, and penalties, but only 6 years of service.  Can anyone say “red flag?”
  • Takes $50 Billion in Social Security revenues and applies that money to Obamacare.  Um, what about Social Security?
  • Takes $72 Billion from the CLASS Act premiums (long term care subsidy) and counts them as Obamacare funding.  Um, what about the CLASS Act?
  • Takes $500 Billion from Medicare directly.  But not as part of a fix, it just guts the program.  What do you think happens to Medicare providers and Medicare recipients?  Hmm? Hmmm?
  • Ignores the $370 Billion bill to make Medicare providers whole – they are short changed every year, so the government appropriates money to pay them.  This is not counted at all in Obamacare.

If I am wrong plese school me !!


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