Wake up call!
Posted on NRA-ILA-On August 12, 2011:
“By now you have seen the headlines and images of destruction: the rioting, looting, violent assaults, and arson. London and other UK cities look like war zones and their citizens are afraid to venture out, because the danger is very real. It’s a view of the temporary breakdown of society. It is gut check time; a time when the concept of being able to defend oneself gives way to the stark reality that few viable options to do so exist.
Gun laws in the UK are among the most restrictive in the world. In March of 1996, a deranged man walked into a school in Dunblane, Scotland and killed 16 children and one teacher. In the aftermath of this tragedy, British politicians sought to reduce violent crime by enacting a ban on all handguns. Handgun owners were given a February 1998 deadline to turn in their firearms—and they did. The UK was supposed to become a much safer place—but dramatic increases in crime following the gun ban proved it didn’t.
A July 3, 2009, Daily Mail article reported that “Britain’s violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European Union, it has been revealed. Official crime figures show the U.K. also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa.”
And the current bedlam has proved it further. Restrictive laws concerning long-guns, combined with the outright ban on handguns, leave the country’s citizens largely defenseless (it was reported this week that sales of one type of aluminum baseball bats on Amazon UK rose 6,541 percent). In many places, it was reported that police were unable to stop the mayhem. As a result, panicked, defenseless law-abiding citizens were forced to flee their homes, while others watched as their businesses were destroyed. Compare this to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, when armed citizens were able to protect their lives, families, and property from looters and violent mobs.
An August 11 Herald Sun article reported one resident as saying, “its absolute bedlam on the street. People have been openly looting for an hour, two hours, and the police have been ineffectual. They’ve done nothing.” Another victim, who was trapped in her hair salon in Clapham Junction while a mob smashed its way in and trashed it, said, “They were mocking us, [saying] ‘look, look, they look scared’. Where is the police? I want protection. This is what they’re here for . . . I’m not secure at my workplace. I’m not secure at my home place. Will they be there to protect us tonight? They weren’t here to protect us last night.”
The Telegraph.com.au reported on Tuesday that mobs were forcing hapless victims to strip off their clothes while being robbed, and described a shocking video that shows a bleeding, already-pummeled teenager being robbed in broad daylight by lawless thugs who pretend to help him to his feet, and then steal the contents of his backpack while he can barely remain standing, much less defend himself.
This is what a disarmed country looks like. This is how little is left when free men and women surrender their right to own a firearm.
One has to wonder how differently this all would be playing out if the law-abiding were allowed to arm themselves. How different would the reports be if violent, opportunistic, amoral thugs were confronted with armed resistance from their intended victims?
It has been said that, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In this case, good men and women have been stripped of their ability to do something, and evil has certainly triumphed.
Ironically, the UK is an outspoken proponent of the United Nations’ efforts to negotiate an Arms Trade Treaty. Presumably the UK’s goal in supporting an ATT is to spread the “safety and sanctity” they imagine their country as having to the rest of the world. Perhaps the recent calamities will cause the British to rethink their position; we certainly hope so. It’s time for the British government to drop its draconian gun-control laws and restore the right of self-defense to its law-abiding citizens.
It’s time to face the facts. When law-abiding citizens are disarmed, is their society a safer one? Do gun bans reduce violent crime? Will the police always be there to protect you? England’s current plight is just the latest example to show us, yet again, that the answer to these questions is an emphatic “No.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. British gun laws: Coming soon to a country near you?
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner-By Paul Valone, Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner-On October 13, 2009:
“British authorities are apparently so satisfied with the results of stringent gun laws that they intend to use the United Nations to bring gun control to the United States.
According to “The State,” seven countries have begun a campaign to “regulate the global arms trade” and “prevent the illegal transfer of guns.” And leading the charge is John Duncan, Britain’s ambassador for multilateral arms control and disarmament, who described a recent month-long meeting of the UN General Assembly’s disarmament committee as “pivotal” in launching a new global treaty.
Despite previous U.S.-led resistance to international gun control, when U.S. ambassador John Bolton repudiated such efforts, Duncan and other supporters hope to have the U.N. General Assembly vote on a draft treaty later this year.
American Versus British Crime Rates:
Ironically, the same Britain now trying to export gun control has experienced an explosion in violent crime since virtually banning guns in 1997. In an article just three months old, the British MailOnline reports that England and Wales now have the highest violent crime in the European Union – a rate which, in fact exceeds that of the United States and even hyper-violent South Africa.
Says MailOnline:
“In the decade following [the election of the Labor Party] in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77 percent to 1.158 million – more than two every minute.”
Indeed, the U.K. – a laboratory for the near-complete prohibition of private gun ownership – has a violent crime victimization rate of 2,034 per 100,000 residents.
Meanwhile, the U.S., with its far less restrictive gun laws, has a violence rate of only 466 crimes per 100,000 residents.
Even South Africa’s rate is lower, at 1,677 violent crimes per 100,000.
Downplaying the report, British Police Minister David Hanson cited differences in crime reporting to call the figures “misleading.”
Other Countries:
Also supporting the U.N. effort are Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica, Finland, Japan and Kenya. While violent crime rates are not readily available for Argentina, Costa Rica and Kenya, anecdotal evidence suggests violence exceeding our own.
Argentina: The Argentine Post, conducting a survey of households in 40 urban centers, reports fully 32.7% or respondents had a family member who had been victimized, and only one-third of such crimes had been reported.
Finland: With gun laws the BBC laments as “among the most liberal in the world,” Finland has a violent crime rate of only 738 per 100,000.
Japan: While violence is historically low in Japanese culture, suicide rates are invariably high, despite a near-complete ban on private gun ownership. Additionally, Japanese residents live in a virtual police state.
Australia: Another laboratory for gun control since restricting gun ownership following the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, MailOnline reports a violent crime rate for Australia of 92 per 100,000 residents. This seems unlikely, however, since The Australia Institute of Criminology reports that assault alone occurs at a rate of 840 per 100,000 – a rate which increased dramatically since the Port Arthur ban. Other sources, including Austin Gun Rights Examiner Howard Nemerov, report either flat or increasing trend lines for violent crime since the ban.
Speaking of Australia...
And since the Australian government seems to want its restrictions brought to the U.S., perhaps we should glimpse what its subjects can expect in the future. “The Manly Daily,” of Australia, reported on October 9 that pursuant to the Australian Firearms Act of 1996:
“Northern Beaches Police will be turning up on the doorstep of every licensed gun owner in the area over the next four years to check their firearms are stored correctly.
“Operation Aston follows the gun amnesty that ended on May 31 and will target guns stored incorrectly and the security of gun safes, Northern Beaches Commander Doreen Cruickshank said.
“Gun owners have a responsibility to ensure their weapon is safely stored at all times when not in use,’ Supt Cruickshank said.
“Licensing police will be attending the home of every licensed firearm owner in the northern beaches over the next four years to inspect every weapon and check the gun safe.
“Officers will be examining all gun safes to ensure they comply with the legislative requirements, particularly in relation to the standard and security of safes.’” [Emphasis added]
II. Proposed U.N. Treaty to Regulate Global Firearms Trade Raising Concerns for U.S. Gun Makers!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Maxim Lott-On August 5, 2011:
III. U.S. news agencies 'looking to disarm American people'!-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On August 4, 2011:
IV. Lawsuit Challenging the Obama Administration’s Multiple Sales Reporting Requirement!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On August 4, 2011:
V. NRA Chief LaPierre: Eric Holder Must Go!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Wayne LaPierre-On August 3, 2011:
VI. Gun Groups to Sue Over New Obama Regulations!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Mike Levine-On August 3, 2011:
VII. Video: Fierce Battle Over Gun Rights!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On August 5, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?
Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and “sanctuary cities”!
How Much Longer Will We Be "Allowed" To Keep Our Guns?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!