UK: Primary school took pupils to meet an ‘extremist’ imam at the mosque where Lee Rigby’s killers worshiped

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

“Mr Begg even praised the children for their keenness to learn about the faith during the visit.”

When do Islamic schools in Britain take their students to churches to learn about Christianity? That’s right: never.

How do British authorities think all this is going to play out? What do they think Britain will look like in five years? Ten? All this appeasement of jihad preachers such as Shakeel Begg, and demonization of foes of jihad terror, can only lead to surrender and submission, and/or civil war. When that war breaks out, Britons can thank Blair, Cameron, and May.

“Primary school took pupils to meet an ‘extremist’ imam at the mosque where Lee Rigby’s killers worshipped,” by Katie French, Mailonline, April 16, 2017:

Primary school children were taken to meet an Islamic preacher described as ‘extremist’ at the mosque where Lee Rigby’s murderers worshipped.

The trip saw pupils from Kilmorie Primary School in Lewisham, London, meet controversial preacher Shakeel Begg, who the High Court said ‘promoted and encouraged religious violence’.

Students at the school, aged eight and nine, were taken to the Lewisham Islamic Centre to take part in a discussion with the imam….

Photographs of the visit were posted to the mosque’s website which shows children sitting attentively on the floor as the imam addressed them.

Mr Begg even praised the children for their keenness to learn about the faith during the visit….

Mr Begg, chief imam at Lewisham Islamic Centre, was described in a High Court judgment at the end of October as a ‘Jekyll and Hyde character’.

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave also warned that Mr Begg’s role as imam put him in a position to ‘plant the seed of Islamic extremism in a young mind’.

The imam brought a libel case against the BBC after Andrew Neil, the presenter of the Sunday Politics programme, had accused him of promoting extremism on air.

But a judge ruled against him in the High Court and said he ‘had recently promoted and encouraged religious violence’….

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