Your Letter to     Congress


Art, thanks for taking action on behalf of Dickmorris.com. Your     messages are on the way.


An individual copy of your letter will be sent to each official:
    October 26, 2012
    Dear Representative Cuellar,
    Dear Senator Cornyn,
    Dear Senator Hutchison,
    We the undersigned call on the governor of our states to refuse to permit     election monitors from the United Nations or The Organization for Security     and Cooperation in Europe to monitor the polling places in their respective     states. We do not need the U.N. interfering with our elections. The     American people, those who work con tribute and fund this nation have a     message to you in the United Nations. You are in no way whatsoever, at any     time now or in the future, welcome in the United States. Your presence in     our nation will be considered an invasion. Though we may not be aggressive     toward your innocent personnel we will not allow you to have any freedom of     movement while you are here. You will not engage any American voter in     conversation, that would clearly be a criminal act against our election     process. Remember, you are in a very precarious situation just being on US     soil, we do not want you here and if you get out of line you will be     removed by force. Should any of your people be injured or worse it will be     your own fault. There will be no regret or remorse for you or any of your     employees. The UN is not recognized by the American people, the American     people, you will find out soon who make the rules in America. Do not tread     on Americans and if you do you better have the ability to back it up. We do     no t like you at all.
    Mr. Art Phillips
    225 Brian Drive
    Pleasanton, TX 78064


You can still also have     your letters printed and hand-delivered to each official for just $3     each.


Thanks again for taking action, and keep this email for your     records.


Also, be sure to visit http://dickmorris.rallycongress.com/     for more important action items.


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