
 The outcome of this revolution is unpredictable because the authorities now licking their chops don’t look beneath the surface, nary a one of em!  Those self-servers now grabbing center stage begin with their desirable end, the Islamic Brotherhood, with its Sharia law taking the world back to sixth century Arabia, the progressives and their collective good—that which Obama calls collective salvation, taking the world to La La Land.  Both the Brotherhood and the progressives have a common goal: control.   They will argue the details later. The important thing now is control. Obama can be read like an open book.  Now that the Egyptians, at great sacrifice, have opened the door, there is an evil glint in Obama’s eye. If Obama has his way, the Egyptian people could wind up worse off than they were, not to mention the Jewish people.


The above mentioned self-serving predators’ ideas of control have never worked because the powerful don’t understand the fundamental nature of man; that we don’t have the mentality of herd animals.  All they do is muddy the water. It really gets to me that the world’s control freaks begin with their desirable end, and force all the pieces to fit.  It’s called the end justifies the means. For the good of all, the individual is trained to jump through their hoops, this idea hatched in higher schools of learning like Harvard.  What do Harvard people know? Bill O’Reilly, a Harvard man, who says he is looking out for you, after listening to this bombastic buffoon, I conclude that O’Reilly is looking out for O’Reilly. After interviewing Harvard’s Obama on Super Bowl Sunday, O’Reilly pinned roses on himself for days.  I don’t know why. The interview was two babbling egomaniacs, the ill-conceived products of Harvard.  


My vastly superior education came in the school of hard knocks. After ten years of mind-search and making written notes, now putting it all together, I see beneath the surface.  I’ve observed signs along the way. The first sign resulted from my study of the U. S. Constitution in 1973—on my own—my bigger than life calling—and taking legal action against the IRS.  Mine is the Constitution Obama has repeatedly said he wants to change.  I felt that voices from the past were guiding me—inner power I’d never before experienced.  I won.  The Wizard of Oz ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.  What does that tell you about Obama?  He’s now transparent, an out and out hypocrite.  Obama told O’Reilly that people who hate him don’t know him. I know the four flusher. He is bad news for Americans and Egyptians.  I don’t hate him, but as one created equal to Obama—endowed by my Creator with certain unalienable rights, Obama’s power from the seat of his pants, whatever he is he, I don’t give a damn, he doesn’t belong here.  Send him back to Kenya.


The second sign was my cutting from the herd. I departed my old life on Good Friday, said to be the day Christ was crucified. Jesus was nailed to a cross for telling his people that their authority had profaned the Sabbath.  But just like authority to tell you that you are born in sin and must confess your sins in order to be forgiven, and leave some money with authority for this fine service.  Are we daft?


This maverick arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life, with the idea of telling the world that authority had profaned my God-given rights.  We don’t realize, dumbed down as we are,  that “we have only fear itself to fear,”  that under God’s law, we, individually, are in control of our lives.  Why have we ignored what the Founding Fathers left for us, law that says we are to be self-governed. Why have we opted for a hothouse environment, with Washington twisting valves and pulling levers?  Look what the self-serving stumblebums  have done to our freedoms.


The third sign was in the seven lives I miraculously saved from a watery grave, my own included, during my two years at sea.  The message: I am my brother’s keeper.


The fourth sign was in meeting my fourth wife. With three failures in marriage, why on earth would I want a fourth? Frankly, it was the last thing I wanted.  But from the moment I met Karen, I felt I was meeting an old friend I’d not seen for a long time.  After thirty years of married bliss, she remains the best friend a man ever had.  I have a fiend in Jesus. Karen was heaven sent.   


The fifth sign is in having all my dreams come true.   The message: We are meant to be self-governed.  The Constitution says it. Higher Law says it.  My new life did not begin by following the dictates of authority.  Did authority achieve its end. No. I achieved my end.  I threw down the gauntlet.  The Egyptians did the same. They have now won the first round. Will the Egyptians get the message or will authority win the battle?  Hopefully, they will be aware of the facts I’ve given you. If you know an Egyptian send him this blog.


My new life began by studying and knowing the one and only Higher Law. More lately, by studying the first book in The New Testament, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, I’ve found that one does not have to be a Christian to know what Jesus taught.  I’m not. If my good life has anything to say, Muslims, rather than adhere to Sharia law, would do well to know the message Jesus left them.


Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by “But first seek ye the kingdom of God,” implying that God’s kingdom, rather than in earth or in heaven is in one’s own heart and mind.  Therefore, forgo ye, my Egyptian friends, the Islamic Brotherhood and Sharia law. Accept Jesus as spirit, the son of man within us, our individual power, and never ever Sharia law, but “whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets.” It is Golden Rule of mankind, the only way to peace.  I’m non-religious, but not anti-religious.   My father was Christian, my mother Jewish, but she used to listen to Christian evangelist Orville Roberts on the radio every day.  Be Muslims—believing in Jesus.  Like me, your dreams will come true.


Ancient Egyptian priests were very much aware of “in earth as it is in heaven.” The Egyptian god Osiris is known as the “Lord of Love.”  Osiris brought rebirth. I’ve come from a past life.  “In earth as it is in heaven,” when I was born Saturn, the learning planet, was in its most favorable alignment with Pluto, the generational planet.  This means that I would have the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized.   In my chart, other planets lend themselves to this configuration, making this alignment, Saturn trine Pluto, one of the most profound anyone could have.  An astrologer told me that with Saturn trine Pluto I could have considerable willpower and inner strength, having endured many hardships in past lives. Quoting Astrologer’s Handbook, “They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.” 


This brings me to quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life, my science bible.  Under “A God for Tomorrow,” writes Walker: “In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . .The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality,” as Jesus put it, connected with the kingdom of God.  In mind we exist in a state of consciousness,  as limited only by us.


In progressive government, the individual is stripped of his power for the good of all. In my Bible’s introduction, Reverand Scofield writes about the progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, “the increasing purpose” which runs through and links together the ages. In As a Man Thinketh, James Allen: “As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.”


In earth as it is in heaven, we are now moving away from the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is the water-bearer.  The Age of Aquarius, as prophesized by Jesus, is an age of brotherhood and fraternity. 

In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” I’m Aquarius rising, Jeanne Avery writes: “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.”  “In Cosmos and Psyche,” from the back cover we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly  consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.”


I could go on for pages listing coincidences, but this ought to be enough to convince those of us with open minds that so-called authorities, especially those with Harvard educations,  are leading the world on a wild goose chase.  Hopefully, those brave Egyptians  wanting freedom will get the message and spare themselves the misery the world’s control freaks are attempting to push off on them.  





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