Video: Islamic State jihadi claims responsibility for Manchester Ariana Grande concert jihad


( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

to ,watch video

Brace yourself for jihad attack part two in the information battle-space, as jihad spox groups such as CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc. take control of a sharia-compliant media and proselytize and lecture us on “fear of reprisals” and “backlashophobia” while clubbing us bloody with the mind-numbing manta that “Islam is peace.”

Strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers (Quran 8:12)

Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them (Quran 8:12)

The Qur’an guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111)

Across dozens of pro-ISIS channels, we’re seeing celebration of this atrocity. They are hashtagging it #مانشستر which means #Manchester

 “This is only the beginning.”

Thanks to the feckless policies of the UK government and governments all over the West, that is undoubtedly true.

Source: Jihad Watch

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  • America wake up, expel the islamics from our land, the responsibility for terrorist incidents should fall soundly and directly on democrats and rinos in Washington. Europe and N America haven't learned anything from the 1500 years of war Islam has waged against Christianity and Judism, they war because of the birthright of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and not Ishmael. Why anyone would believe a word from the mouth of Islam is crazy. Hell Islam eats their own. We are in the days and you will see a peace accord and "Then they shall cry peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh".
    I pray that the political correctness will not harm another innocent but 1500 years of murderous, pedophilic and womanising tradition coming from these cowardly bastards will not end. Now Britain has allowed so many to migrate they can look forward to more and more Manchester's. When your overrun with varmints you are forced to destroy them all or give up your homes.

    God Bless America and the State of Israel

    Live Free or Die
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