67000 page tax code is corrupt, businesses not only pay excessive taxes but as well pay for protection from the IRS, and also pay for the book keeping and accounting for the taxes, and yes it all adds up and if you don't pay for protection they destroy you, and that is not an opinion it is fact.
Tax freeze or not is not the issue that is a deflection from the real problem!!!!
Wake up Tea Party, you are all about taxes aren't you, now is the time to fix this corruption.
Tax extensions// tax cuts, won't matter, we need tax reform, Current Tax Code repealed.
Health Care
Civil Unrest
Fed Reserve
Voter Fraud
Illegal Immigration
Border Security
Social Issues
Privacy Issues
What ever you want, we need to address all but the one they do not want to address is the most important Tax Codes, put in place illegally and continued, "Victory Tax" come on people all the distractions are not helping us get out of economic disaster. Go to India and across Asia 200 million a day so we know it will be more, Tax Code
Don't you see the TV commercials of all the former IRS agents feeding like sharks on the blood of Small Business, haven't you heard through the Health Care Bill Obama add 20,000 more IRS agents!!! Tea Party Where Are You!?????!!!!!!!!!
Suspend IRS action and collections Today and business and hiring will surge tomorrow!!!!