I couldn't help but notice that for some reason, there is a PLETHORA of presidential candidates this time around.  This is usually cited as the case for just about any election cycle by the Lame Stream Media, but this time it's a little different.  The Lame Stream Media is ignoring most of this, but still...

...We really DO have a shortage of candidates.  

There is an entire flotilla of eligibles out there, but they are all made of the same cloth.  They say all the same things, and argue with each other over the meanings of the same things they are all saying.  

They fail to address the very issues that will determine if we are to survive as a republic, or die a violent death as a newly-minted democracy, changed from the founding principles from which we were bequeathed, by elite autocrats whose true intentions are made clear only by the ignorance of those who populate that landscape of America that once fought for liberty and threw it aside for convenience, and an illusion of safety.

In other words, THERE IS AN AWFUL LOT OF BS OUT HERE.  I read the blogs, the posts, the comments, and scratch my head in wondering...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT????

Some of these folks make just enough sense to barely qualify for the Jerry Springer Show.  Others are worse...if that's possible, but I suppose it is because we can all read it and testify to it.

The electorate has awakened...and many of them are HERE...

So when a bunch of these folks jump on one, like chickens in a henhouse roost, I have to step back and wonder..."What the hell was in that feed?"..........

So I'm just going to say it...Leah Lax is the only one so far that has a lick of sense, who supports this Nation and our Rule of Law unconditionally, supports the Nation of Isreal, and supports the Founding Documents of this country without an entire hodge-podge of concillatory hoopla designed to do nothing but distract from a real agenda.

I don't agree with this candidate on everything, but then again, I don't always agree WITH MYSELF on everything until I've thought it out.  There needs to be a concerted focus in this country to reclaim the rule of law, remove these criminals who have USURPED our Rule of Law, and PROSECUTE THEM, no benefits included.

To date, I have yet to find, in all the "ponies" at the starting gate, one...JUST ONE...that is willing, or has been willing, to stand up for this nation and our Founding Principles like Leah Lax has, and is, doing.

I see the attacks, the slander, innuendo, and all that 2nd-grade crap.  And that's the 1st Ammendment that I'm proud of and will always fight for.  

Just don't go crying and nay-saying when it doesn't fit your agenda and you are bested by another...

...whoever that may be.

Stay Patriots, and God Bless the United States of America







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