I taped the debate on YNN of the debate of 3 contenders for the republican senatorial candidatacy for N Y and after reviewing it severasl times, I would like to share my perceptive on the casndidates. Congressman Bob Turner apparantly has a good awareness fo the various problems facing our great nation and has apparantly done a good job furthering many of the principles embraced by many teapartiers< he has a good voting record- votinmg in favor of many of the house bills that now languish in the dark recess' of senator Reids secret archives and I question the wisdom of having him give up his seat in the house for an unknown. He does not strike me as the type who coiuld be an effective force in the senate. The small business man of the group does not appear to me to have any kind of a grasp on the ways our congress works and I applaud him in the manner in the ways he beliueves the congress would operate, he doesn't appear to me that he has sufficient grasp of the magnitude of governmental finances as opposed to the financial operation of a small business. Wendy, seems to have the intellectual capacity to grasp the magnitude of national operations in the overall picture and she appears to possess the dynamicsm that could help the process of reforming the government and she was unamisously selected as the canditate of the consertative party of N Y and was very impressive throughout the debate.