Fellow patriots, over the last two years it has become painfully obvious that John Boehner does not have the backbone we need as a Speaker of The House. I was totally dismayed at his response to Obama's illegal appointments in January of 2012. The House's response was nothing at all. I even wrote my Congressman about it and called for the House to draw up Impeachment Articles. The response I got was that it was the Senate Responsibility to confirm the appointments. While that is true, it is the House that has to draw up Articles of Impeachment and hold the hearings.
Also, during the debt ceiling crisis it was Boehner who blinked. That was a point when a stronger leader could have held Obama's feet to the fire along with Reid's. But NO, we don't want to cause the Federal Government to shut down. That would be bad. Hello, does anyone remember President Reagan? Didn't he shut down the Federal Government three times when the Democrats refused to work with him?
What we need is very strong leadership in the House. We need a Speaker of The House that has a very strong spine. That person is not John Boehner. We need to write our Congressmen and Congresswomen, and tell them to support another person for the Speaker of The House. We need someone who has the GUTS to stand up to Obama and Reid.
Even though there are many good conservative Republicans that could fill this position, I think a very good choice would be Paul Ryan. We got a glimpse of his coolness under pressure in the Vice Presidential debate. I personally think he made the “elder statesman” look like a clown. He kept his cool even in the face of some of Biden's flat out lies. He made his case.
Paul Ryan also is a fiscal conservative. He understand the fiscal cliff this country is heading for and understands what needs to be done to fix it. I believe he would stand his ground even with the heat of the liberal media coming down on him.
Write your Congressman or Congresswomen. Let's get this done so we can block the Obama/Reid agenda and get Obama's foot of the accelerator as we move toward the fiscal cliff we are heading.
Here is an example of a real leader. http://madmikesamerica.com/2011/01/hate-begets-hate-julia-gillard-t...
I have been posting blogs in response to many military members who are really down on Paul Ryan since he agreed to the reduction in retirement pay. Little do most of these people understand who Paul Ryan is. They are reacting on emotion and I have challenged many of them and suggested they do some reading on really what is going on. Too many of them want to take up an armed resurrection against all of government. I will now also refer them to your excellent post.
My name is Robert Bradshaw, and I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a veteran, retired and very conservative.
Recently, the idea of forming a 3rd party to combat the madness we are witnessing in Washington D.C., has gained more and more popularity. I think it is time for the Tea Party to stop being a propaganda machine for conservatives, and become a fully functioning political party. We must bring all the separate Tea Party groups together, rather than leave them as loose ends as they are now.
Unlike previous 3rd party movements, the Tea Party already has a following of millions of people, and a like number who share the same values and ideas. It also has great name recognition, thanks to the media bashing, name calling and outright lies that have been perpetrated by the mainstream media, the left wing socialists and the most corrupt President in US history. Recently, we have seen the Veterans, truckers, bikers and others begin to challenge the current administration. In response, Obama has been using more and more force or threatened force against us. But, he holds his arms wide open for the "Illegal Aliens" while at the same time, closing memorials that honor our veterans who have died and given their lives so that we could live in a free society.
If the Tea Party would start pulling conservatives into a new political party, we could begin a peaceful revolution now and with a great effort can defeat the left at the polls, beginning in November 2014.
A New Conservative Party needs to be established. The name Conservative Party, Tea Party or Constitution Party or even perhaps the name Freedom Party might be good? Leaders like Palin, Cain, Bachman, Santorum, Pawlenty, Perry, Cruz and others should together lead this. Many conservative Dems, Blacks and Hispanics should be a part of the leadership. We need to group together and decide soon. The RINO's shouldn't dictate what we social conservatives should do/believe or who we should nominate. We bowed to them twice with their Moderates. Enough is enough. We won't stand down on the moral issues of pro-life and traditional marriage.
More than a "change" in leadership - -we need a "leader", a good, honest American leader!
I wrote my guy!
There we go! Good plan, so let's write our reps and tell them. Find them here;