We Need Solutions

Today, Glenn Beck reported that he sent every Member of Congress, all 545 of them, a copy of a one-half page non-violence pledge, asking that they sign it.  He put his whole staff on the phone calling them. Only 14 signed.  Your representatives have too many personal reasons not to do anything you want them to do.  You can’t depend on them.  Leave it to Congress and the America you know will be no more.  


I note that bloggers here are long on criticism and short on solutions.  Think of yourselves as bigger than life, here to serve your fellow man—what is needed to save your America—and that you are more than willing to do your part. That is the only way we are going to save the nation.

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  • Mr. Smith,

    I tip my hat to you. We need more people like yourself to defend us from tyranny. Tyranny can be caused by government out of control and large companies taking over the marketplace.


    The government is suppose to be protecting us from our enemies; including not only foreign governments, but also from out of control corporations who are destroying our free markets. This has happened in far to many markets. These large companies have bought the votes of our politicians who look the other way  as free markets are consumed.


    We need more Americans like yourself.


    For some time I have been trying to understand why the stock market has recovered significantly since the crash of 2008/2009 while the housing market is still falling.Well, I finally arrived at a premise that makes some sense. It is supply and demand. One of the bad guys, Wall Street, seems to be the winner from this disaster. Not only were they bailed out by the tax payer, but now the product that they are selling is in demand and competition has been eliminated.
    Stock Market Surge - Housing Purge!
  • You are right. I did know what the Constitution meant before Beck. I'm 85.  Moreover, I know the Constitution from a practical point of view. I used it to make the IRS eat crow.  But I'm happy for anyone to stand in support of the Constitution. 

    Be my quest. Use it.  It works.

  • I think you knew what the constitution meant before Beck. So why don't we you the constitution to defend against the tyranny brought on by oligopolies?  More
    Oligopolies -Who is at fault?
  • Telling you what Beck contributes is easy. Beck is telling the nation what the Constitution means, something I learned on my own 35 years ago.  One doesn't know what the Constitution can do until he uses it to protect his personal rights. And you don't have to hire a lawyer to do that.  I used the Constitution to get my rights back. It worked. And more than that, feeling impowered, my life kept getting better and better.
  • I will as soon as someone tells me what Beck contribute.
  • How do I know what you contribute? You contribute division by calling Beck an ass.  I'd like to know what else you contribute.
  • Not all Tea Party members follow Beck and all Tea Party members are not asses. How do you know what I contribute? You don't know me. There you go jumping to conclusions without the facts. That is one of Beck's traits.


    I think you need to buy a dictionary and look up the word coward. No wonder you like Beck. You let him do your thinking. I guess that makes it easier. and makes him rich.

  • Banicki. you are a coward , now you call Tea Party members stupid as they are following an ass and making him rich. Yet because know one knows you and you are not volunteering anything about yourself you are a coward.

    As for Obama, yep with name recognition and definably shares his political positions openly, he is many things I don't like but he is not a coward like you.

    As for unions bribing Beck your a new coward to the political seen and obviously don't know Beck.

  • Black,


    Let's see; if someone has name recognition you think they are great. You must love Obama.


    I will say this about Beck, he has figured out a way to get rich off us Tea Party members!


  • Banicki, your an ass! Beck has done great things for this country, the name Banicki don't ring a single bell.
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