Eliminate unemployment by bringing back the 4000+ factories that the powers behind the throne encouraged to depart the shores of the U.S. for their own selfish economic reasons. Want to get rid of the debt that is strangling the U.S....... get rid of the Federal Reserve. Revoke their authorization to exist. The U.S. Government should be in charge of the money supply so we won't have to pay interest on printed money. Solving the housing problem will also generate a multitude of jobs. The tremendous loss of wealth in the housing market has forced everyone to overly tighten their spending belts. Cut all Federal spending right across the board regardless of merit, i.e., a good 5 to 10 % cut would go a long way to support Financial confidence in the U.S. Stop the continuous sucession of wars since WW1. We are commiting financial suicide, which is exactly what our enemies want us to do. They can't control or defeat us militarily but they can secretly influence our national suicide by ensuring we waste our monetary resouces. Wake up America before it is too late! We are being taken to the cleaners and don't even realize it. Stop the creeping SOCIALISM that has crippled the U.S. for decades....it gets worse every year. The Socialist are winning the game and the rest of us are losing. Eventually they will really clean our clock and then we wonder how it happened and why were we asleep at the wheel. And finally DRILL...DRILL....DRILL!!!!.
Mine are blogs, not books. To be sure, I leave large gaps for you to fill. You have your experiences. Some of my comments connect with your experiences. Some don't.
I started my blog in February of this year. I've received over 4,000 comments, most favorable, many like yours. I've hit a responsive chord. It supports my idea that a groundswell is building that is going to break and sweep the world. Mark my words, the gaps are going to be filled.
The woes we face today date back in history. Time is the separation of events. Space is the time it takes to get from one event to another. In the beginning, time was in millionths of a second and space was millions of events in the space no bigger than the head of a pin. Since we are traveling with time and space the two remain constant. But if you want to know how the universe works you look at the microcosmic. That’s what quantum physicists do.
If you want to know how we fit in with it all, it takes broad understanding. Religion’s prime concern is the hereafter—for which we are here to prepare. What sense does that make? When I see what is taking place it is insane.
There came the time when I started looking within for answers. Since that time, my life has improved, and now, 35 years later, if life could be any better I don’t know how. I wanted to share my thoughts. That’s why I purchased my own blog, www.mymiraclemessage.com last February. I’m gratified to report that at this writing there have been more than 4,000 favorable comments to my blogs. Not too bad when you consider that my thoughts are far out of mainstream thinking.
Time waits for no man. Time for Tea Party to get on the bandwagon, We're moving on.