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  • There is one simple common sense way to continue SS for many years to come

    1st  remove the earnings cap of $110,800 above which no payroll contributions are required

    2 nd  cut the crap about reducing the payroll by 2% which reduces p/r contribution to the SS trust fund, If we are to have a payroll tax reduction it should be out of the general tax revenue and offset by eliminating cronyism so rampant in the beauracratic payrolls.

    3 rd require all government employees from the president to the janitor to be subject to the SS payroll tax

    4 th include non payroll income swuch as political perks, royalties in excess of $10,000 annualy, capital gains in excess in excess of $10,000 annualy  speaking fees in excess of $5,000 per engagement and other sundry revenue sources of individuals to be subject to SS contributions.

    I am working on the 1st item by pestering various members of congress over the past 8 years



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