WE THE PEOPLE: Even as a young man when I first heard these words read in school, they fascinated me. The statement that opens the constitution of the United States of America was written in a style that had flair. I assumed that it was the central purpose behind those three words.

But then I began reading the constitution and its history and background. It was during this process that the true meaning of those majestic words came to light. On the surface it seemed to only apply to those involved in the initial process of birthing a Nation, yet its implications run far deeper. Our founding fathers were men of education. They chose the words carefully, wisely and with thought for their impact as time passed.

This was not a document of the immediate, but a forum for the future of a Nation and its people. A strong groundwork upon which our Country could build and grow. The words were inspired, thoughtful and profound and powerful in concept.

WE THE PEOPLE applies to every American, throughout all of its history. Not just that first generation of our founding fathers, but to every generation that would follow. WE THE PEOPLE – expresses an obligation upon every citizen of this land to actively participate in the conduct of our representative government.

It is not the sole duty of our elected officials, nor the realm of the intellectual or academic, but it is the people’s task to see that government serves the people and not the people serve the government. The fact that our Nation is in its current state, is a reflection of our failure to be that driving force behind our Republic as viewed through the eyes of the founding fathers.

In the early period of our Nation, our fore people understood the precept and actively participated in the administration of government. But over time, the cares of life filled our time and we became lazy, selecting others to do our bidding and make decisions for us. 

We abdicated our responsibilities, and simply allowed others to assume them for us. We decided that the burden of our civil responsibility was too great. We wanted the government to do for us, and in doing so we opened the Pandora’s box.

When left unchecked, even the best of men are corruptible. James Madison understood this very fact when he said “The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted”, and “If men were angels, no government would be necessary”. Thus when the people fail to hold their elected officials accountable, and relinquish their responsibility, tyranny follows.

We the People are the responsible parties in this great social experiment. 

Board of Directors – Responsibly Armed
Senior Law Enforcement Advisor

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