Wed/Mid-AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
Quarantines and Open Borders?
Arnold Ahlert   
Wednesday News Executive Summary
Jordan Candler  Above the Fold

NEARING A KNOCKOUT: loose lips liar-Joe Biden wins hard-fought Michigan, deals major blow to commie-Bernie Sanders (AP)

SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT: “You’re full of s—t!” loose lips liar-Biden rages at Michigan auto worker over gun rights, “AR-14” (The Daily Wire)

REPRIMANDS: Chuck scumbag-Schumer’s Supreme Court saga not over, as GOP presses forward on historic censure (Fox News)


UPDATE: Known coronavirus cases in U.S. top 1,000 (The Hill)

FOR THE RECORD: Here’s why coronavirus stats are fake news (

VULNERABLE OLD MEN: Next Democrat debate to be held without an audience (CBS News)

WHY NOT TO ELECT A SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT: Gov. Andrew Cuomo announces one-mile “containment zone,” deploys National Guard to epicenter of New York coronavirus outbreak (National Review)

Government & Politics

ACRIMONY: Saudi Arabia throws down gauntlet to Russia, raises crude oil supply to record high (The Daily Wire)

SEEMS LEGIT: Hunter Biden to skip deposition in paternity case, citing coronavirus and pregnant wife (Washington Examiner)

“A REAL LEADER”: President Trump endorses Tommy Tuberville over Jeff Sessions in Alabama Senate runoff (National Review)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: scumbag/liar-nObamaCare at 10: A massive failure (Issues & Insights)

POLICY: Why social-justice investing is a load of politicized hypocrisy (The Federalist)

HUMOR: Democrats promote book burning as an alternative to fossil fuels (Genesius Times)  

~The Patriot Post     

Texas-based company claims 
to have developed coronavirus vaccine
{ } ~ Texas-based genetic engineering firm Greffex claims to have developed a vaccine for the coronavirus... The company will soon begin testing it on animals to meet licensing requirements.  Greffex CEO John Price told Fox News the company was "confident in the quality of the vaccine," but that next steps depended on "what the government wants to do in terms of testing."  Greffex has a track record in vaccination development, having previously formulated a vaccine for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. "The disease that we're working with right now, COVID-19, has a tremendous number of similarities with MERS. So what we were able to do was take the knowledge" we already had to create the vaccine, he said. However, it won't be available to the human population for some months at least, as the prototype vaccine will first need to be tested on animals. "The earliest, we think, would be the end of the year," Price said, "The latest would be eighteen months. But we think we could – depending on the approval process of the government – get something in 2020." The vaccine could potentially be available earlier in the year, as there are ways to fast track the process, Price said, but he added: "Again, that's a policy decision for the government," including classification of the virus according to threat. "If it's truly a pandemic, then you can pretty much do whatever you want," he said. "The process is roughly four weeks for the first animal test, and then you go into human trials. That's the part that will be determined by the government."
BDS or Coronavirus? 
Israel Leads Way for Vaccine
by ~ As Israel leads the way in developing a coronavirus vaccine, the question is: Will the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement supporters turn their backs on the vaccine if it is developed in Israel?... It’s a question that looms in the air as presidential candidate commie-Bernie Sanders tweeted that any coronavirus vaccine should be free. While commie-Sanders does not claim to support the BDS movement, many of his surrogates and Muslim supporters do — including Congresswomen worthless-Ilhan Omar and worthless-Rashida Tlaib who was recently photographed wearing a T-shirt that wipes Israel off the map and lowlife-Linda Sarour. Presumably commie-Sanders’ newly appointed campaign adviser Philliip Agnew supports BDS as well, since he is on record as denouncing Zionism as “racist” and rejected former President scumbag/liar-nObama’s comments justifying the Jewish nation. Shockingly, House Democrats blocked a bill proposed last week that would have prohibited U.S. support for the BDS movement, including prohibiting U.S. support for foreign boycotts of Israel from groups including the European Union and the U.N. Human Rights Council. The bill did not interfere with a person’s First Amendment rights to free speech as it explicitly stated it did not prohibit “a person’s noncommercial speech or other noncommercial expressive activity.” The BDS movement against Israel aims to strangle the Jewish state economically while at the same time calls for the flooding of Palestinians into Israel to destroy the Jewish character of the state. According to the definition of anti-Semitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which has been officially adopted by the U.S. and 31 other nations, the BDS movement has been deemed at its core anti-Semitic. This is fundamentally because the movement “applies double standards by requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of by any other democratic nation.” For example, there are at least 100 land disputes across the globe that are not subject to “BDS” movements. So, with global and U.S. markets crashing and the entirety of Italy on lockdown, what will the anti-Semites say if Israel successfully develops a vaccine against coronavirus? 
COVID-19 virus has caught humanity 
off guard, unlikely to wane in summer
{ } ~ Israel’s blanket 14-day self-quarantine requirement on everyone arriving from abroad is likely to remain in force for longer than the scheduled two weeks... a top physician has predicted, adding that the virus is unlikely to wane in the summer heat as some have suggested. Most of Israel’s coronavirus restrictions are open-ended, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers have put the new quarantine rules in place for 14 days. Prof. Allon Moses, director of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at Hadassah Medical Center, told The Times of Israel: “There’s a good chance they will go beyond this.” The new restrictions came as US President Donald Trump appeared to mock concern about coronavirus. He tweeted on Monday: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!” Netanyahu, often in agreement with Trump, is taking a totally different attitude to the coronavirus. He insisted in Sunday’s cabinet meeting that it represents a “global pandemic, even if this has not been declared officially.” Across the Israeli government, there is a conviction that the coronavirus is in a different league from the flu. Moses said that the reason Israel is unleashing measures now that it never used against even the most harmful strains of flu, such as swine flu during the 2009 pandemic, is that COVID-19 has caught humanity off guard. People have some immunity against flu even if they haven’t been vaccinated, but are completely undefended against the new virus, he said. Moses said that in view of this, “if we want to keep up the small numbers of cases, we have to be extreme in our measures. This restriction on all returning Israelis and any tourists who arrive is important and I support it.” Netanyahu announced on Monday evening: “After a day of complex discussions, we have made a decision. Whoever arrives in Israel from abroad will enter quarantine for 14 days. This is a difficult decision but it is essential to maintaining public health, which takes precedence over everything.”...
Trump’s New Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows
Self-Quarantines After Possibly Meeting 
Individual With Coronavirus
{ } ~ President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff Mark Meadows announced Monday that he will be self-quarantining... after possibly meeting the individual who attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) while infected with coronavirus. Mark Meadows was advised this weekend that he might have come in contact with the individual. Meadows took a  precautionary test which came back negative. Meadows’ chief of staff Ben Williamson said: “He’ll be self-quarantined till the 14 day period passes Wednesday.” The news comes as a number of Republican congressmen are self-quarantining after meeting the individual who attended the CPAC while infected with coronavirus. Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was the first to announce the self-quarantine Sunday, saying that he will be staying home in Texas for the week. Cruz made it clear in a statement that he has not had any symptoms  since the interaction at the conference and that it was a quick conversation and a handshake, but he said in order to be safe he will be staying home instead of returning back to Washington D.C. Cruz also said he has spoken with health officials across the board. The Senate passed an $8.3 billion funding bill Thursday to help fight coronavirus as the disease continues to spread in the U.S. President Donald Trump signed the bill Friday.  
Coronavirus: Human Trials Set 
for Possible Vaccine
by ~ The coronavirus has not slowed its spread. More than 160 people in the US are infected, and 11 have died as of March 5, 2020... Officials are trying hard to slow it down, but without much success thus far. However, there’s a glimmer of hope in the news that a pharmaceutical company will be ready to test a vaccine on humans. Inovio Pharmaceuticals said it’s making progress on its vaccine. The medicine will use DNA to squeeze a protein from the cells of patients with the virus, triggering the immune system to recognize the virus, develop the necessary antibodies and attack. #SARSCoV2 #vaccine to enter human trials in USA during April Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced an accelerated timeline for developing its DNA vaccine #INO4800#Vaccine  development news @   #pharmacists  #nurses #digitalHealth — Don Hackett (@donaldhackett) March 4, 2020. The company says the vaccine is currently in pre-clinical testing, but Inovio is working on finalizing the clinical trial design. Originally, the biotech business planned to test it in the summer, but the urgency of the situation has them moving the date up. They’ll develop 3,000 doses for the trial phase next month, then hopefully deliver 1 million doses by the end of the year. The testing will start with 30 healthy volunteers in the US and then possibly expand the trial to South Korea and China. For more information on the coronavirus and how to protect yourself, please check out this post.   

Trump Makes Major Announcement In
Providing Economic Relief For
Coronavirus Outbreak
By  Ryan Saavedra
{ } ~ President Donald Trump announced on Monday that the administration was going to seek to cut payroll taxes and provide economic relief to hourly employees who suffer economic harm from the coronavirus... which originated in China.  “We are going to take care of and have been taking care of the American public and the American economy,” Trump said. “We are going to be asking tomorrow, we’re seeing the Senate, we’re going to be meeting with House Republicans, Mitch McConnell, everybody, and discussing a possible payroll tax cut or relief, substantial relief, very substantial relief, that’s a big number.” “We’re also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting help so that they can be in a position where they’re not ever going to miss a paycheck,” Trump continued. “We’re going to be working with companies and small companies, large companies, lot of companies, so they don’t get penalized for something that is not their fault, it’s not their fault.” “It’s not our country’s fault,” Trump continued. “This was something that we were thrown into and we’re going to handle it and we have been handling it very well.” “The big decision was early when we shut down our borders, we were the first ones ever to do that, we’ve never done that in our country before,” Trump continued. “We would have a situation that would be a lot more dire.” “Also, we’re going to be seeing Small Business Administration and creating loans for small businesses,” Trump continued. “We’re also working with the industries, including the airline industry, the cruise ship industry, which will obviously will be hit. … We’re also talking with the hotel industry and some places will do well and some places won’t do well at all, but we’re working also with the hotel industry.” “But the main thing is we are taking care of the American public and we will be taking care of the American public and I really appreciate the professionals behind me,” Trump concluded...   

Quarantines and Open Borders?
Arnold Ahlert   “I respect no borders and cannot be contained by any walls.” —part of loose lips liar-Joe Biden’s vision for restoring America’s “moral” standing in the world, July 11, 2019

“Sen. commie-Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Thursday released a sweeping immigration plan that would impose a moratorium on deportations, ‘break up’ existing immigration enforcement agencies, grant full welfare access to illegal immigrants and welcome a minimum of 50,000 ‘climate migrants’ in the first year of a Sanders administration.” —Fox News, November 7, 2019

“In FY19, a total of 851,508 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border.” —U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which further notes that 161,051 people have been apprehended so far in FY2020

“Some 328 illegal immigrants from China have been nabbed jumping the U.S.-Mexico border so far this year, according to Homeland Security data that raises the prospect a coronavirus carrier could sneak into the country via the border.” —Washington Times, March 5, 2020

Today’s Democrat Party is many things. Tragically, one of the main things is having the conviction that America is an inherently racist nation requiring fundamental transformation. Thus when the Trump administration imposed a suspension of entry visas for those traveling from China — as in the epicenter of the coronavirus  outbreak — loose lips liar-Joe Biden once again reminded the nation of his party’s twisted priorities. “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus,” loose lips liar-Biden stated at a January campaign stop in Iowa. “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.”

Science? During the outbreak of a possible viral pandemic, science is about isolation, quarantines, travel restrictions, and every other effort employed to contain that virus. Science is about realizing that containment and porous borders are mutually incompatible concepts.

Politics, by contrast, is attempting to obscure that reality in service to naked partisan interests. “The last thing that the border states need are infected illegal aliens coming through, blending into the population, and spreading the disease to health care workers, and in poor neighborhoods,” states columnist Daniel Greenfield. “But that’s exactly what the Democrats seem to want.”

It’s not the first time. In 2014, this writer posted a column asking “anyone with an iota of investigative journalistic integrity, in combination with a team of dedicated epidemiologists, to determine beyond a reasonable doubt whether the current outbreak of Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) — which is killing and paralyzing American children — is directly related to the scumbag/liar-nObama administration’s decision to allow 66,000 illegal alien children and their families virtually unfettered entry into America.”

That too was a triumph of politics over science, as the unfettered entry was abetted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It violated its own guidelines barring unvaccinated individuals from entering the country. As a result, children with infectious diseases like chicken pox and tuberculosis were given free rein — and the same media that has raised the alarm about coronavirus to a level bordering on overt hysteria remained virtually silent about a virus that killed at least nine children and afflicted 50 more with full or partial paralysis.

“During the peak of the humanitarian crisis, we were apprehending around three Chinese nationals per day. This year we are seeing approximately five per day,” stated former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach in a recent interview. He further noted that in the last year “there was an 85% increase … in the number of Chinese nationals sneaking in the country illegally over the southern border.” That number, he says, is “estimated upwards of 12,000 a year.”

The word “estimated” should infuriate every sentient American concerned about a viral epidemic. According to a 2017 Homeland Security report, 55% to 85% of those attempting to illegally cross the border were apprehended or interdicted in 2016. In a better nation, a 30-point spread would be embarrassing. In this one it has led to a promise by both Sanders and Biden to provide a “pathway to citizenship” for the 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing in America.

Unfortunately, that too is an estimate. A research study  led by Mohammad M. Fazel-Zarandi, a researcher at Yale and MIT, pegs the number of illegals residing in the United States at somewhere between 16.5 million and 29.1 million.

Regardless, this nation has endured a wholesale invasion of illegal aliens for decades. It is an invasion that serves the interests of both political parties, each of whom had control of the White House and both chambers of Congress for two years (Democrats from 2009-2010 and Republicans from 2017-2018) and did absolutely nothing to stem the flow.

And let’s not forget our activist judiciary. In the midst of a viral outbreak, a three-judge panel from the left-leaning Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the Trump administration’s efforts to keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their claims are being processed. They also ruled that Border Patrol agents must process claims for illegal border crossers.

That ruling was stayed, but during a House Homeland Security Committee meeting on March 3, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf was chastised by Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) for making a connection between illegal immigration and the coronavirus, even though as of that date Mexico had five confirmed and 21 possible cases. “You were not, surely, suggesting that the problem that we are seeing in this country with the coronavirus is the result of — or was caused by undocumented immigrants coming across the south border. Is that what you’re saying?” Demings asked.

How would one know for certain, Mr. Demings? Moreover, what — exactly — are you and your party willing to risk for the sake of pursuing a political agenda that makes a complete mockery of the Rule of Law?

Greenfield knows the answer. “The Democrats want open borders for drug cartels, human traffickers, and the coronavirus,” he writes. “And if the outbreak and its financial repercussions improves their political prospects, then it’s a win-win situation. When the coronavirus spreads, when our economy shakes, then the Democrats win.”

In other words, we now have a major political party so consumed by a combination of Trump hatred and bankrupt ideology that its leaders would countenance possibly the most damning Pyrrhic victory in the history of mankind.

Coronavirus will ultimately wane. The Democrat Party’s ideological bankruptcy is enduring.   

~The Patriot Post  

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