Wednesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
Coronavirus in Fact and Fiction — Mostly the Latter
Mark Alexander   
Lawmaker Says liar-Pelosi Tripled Coronavirus 
Bill Cost With ‘Christmas-Tree Ornaments’
by Martin Walsh
{ } ~ When House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi more than tripled the amount of taxpayer money that will be used to combat the coronavirus than the White House originally requested... several Republicans were not happy about it. When several Republicans voted against the bill, many wondered why. Now, we know: liar-Pelosi and Democrats snuck in several “poison pills” that were ridiculous. During an interview on Fox News with host Tammy Bruce, Republican Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado — one of two conservatives to vote against the measure — revealed why. “The president asked for $2.5 billion. I would have supported that,” Buck said. But that’s not what he was asked to vote on. The price tag for the final package of programs totaled $8.3 billion, according to Politico. “The speaker decided to add all sorts of Christmas-tree ornaments to this bill. It was unnecessary. It was too much money,” he told guest host Tammy Bruce. The poison pill she and Democrats added? American taxpayers are now footing the bill for other countries. Buck’s office told Fox News that Buck disliked the $1.25 billion set aside in the bill for funding public health responses in other nations. Buck also opposed the inclusion of $500 million to expand Medicare’s telehealth services. “I work on Capitol Hill and I see politics every day,” Buck said. “And unfortunately, I see people that try to make political gain out of things that they should not try to make political gain out of. “And to try to lay this issue, which starts in China, comes the United States and is being handled as well as we could possibly hope — to try to lay this at the president’s feet as unfair,” he said. “And I think most people have seen three years of unfair treatment by the Democrats of this president.” Biggs, for his part, issued a statement explaining his opposition to the final proposal. “In true Washington, D.C. fashion, congressional appropriators turned the president’s reasonable $2.5 billion request into a bloated $8.3 billion package,” he said. “By passing this larded-up bill, Congress again fails to wisely appropriate taxpayer dollars. I would have supported the president’s request for $2.5 billion, knowing that, if we spent all the funds, Congress could have provided additional funding,” he added. Last week, the White House announced that the president gave his quarterly salary to the Department of Health and Human Services in the effort to combat the coronavirus. Trump has not accepted his presidential salary — which is $400,000 per year — and each quarter he donates $100,000 to a different government agency...  
Trump Admin Infighting Over 
Open Skies Treaty Infuriates GOP Hawks
By Adam Kredo
{ } ~ Senior Trump administration officials are working behind the scenes to thwart President Donald Trump's attempt to pull out of a treaty that allows Russia to conduct surveillance operations in the United States... according to executive and congressional officials. Russia has repeatedly violated the Open Skies Treaty, an accord with Russia and some 30 European nations that permits reciprocal reconnaissance flights. The president has reportedly signed paperwork to withdraw the United States from the agreement, which has been in effect since 2002. Some officials argue the accord provides the United States with important access to Russian military sites. Ambassador Jim Gilmore, a onetime Trump critic who now serves as the administration's representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has pushed to keep the United States in the agreement, a position shared by others in the administration. U.S. officials pressed European allies in November to help address a series of concerns—including Russia's alleged use of the treaty to spy on sensitive U.S. facilities—and Gilmore is scheduled to participate this week in an interagency meeting to see if those concerns have been met. The administration's divide has generated anger on Capitol Hill, where Republican hawks are calling for an immediate withdrawal from the treaty. Sens. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) and Ted Cruz (R., Tex.) filed a resolution in October to pull America out of the agreement. "Sen. Cruz has long said that it is past time for the United States to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty," a spokesman for the Texas senator told the Washington Free Beacon. "Russia has exploited the treaty in all sorts of ways, including literally flying over the president's residence in Bedminster. The treaty enables Russia's espionage capabilities and surveillance of major American cities, at the expense of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars."  Cotton called the treaty "outdated" and questioned the value of continuing U.S. participation. "While Russia has been restricting Open Skies Treaty overflights for years, we still allow them to conduct regular surveillance flights over the United States," the senator told the Free Beacon. "Remaining in Open Skies no longer serves the best interests of the United States, and the president should withdraw from the outdated treaty."...
Iran: The Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies
by Majid Rafizadeh
{ } ~ Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, recently  called the coronavirus a "blessing." After China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, its ally, has emerged as the second focal point of coronavirus...  and thanks to the ruling mullahs' lies and cover-ups, Tehran is spreading it to the rest of the planet. The Iranian authorities at first claimed that the country was not experiencing a crisis regarding the coronavirus: that no one in Iran had contracted the disease. Soon, however, leaked information disclosed that top Iranian officials were aware of the coronavirus in Iran but had decided to conceal the truth. When a few Iranian authorities were pressured to provide information, they stated that they are not allowed to report the actual number of people who have been infected or died. The head of the Medical Sciences University in Qom, Mohammad Reza Ghadir, for instance, said on Iran's state television that the Ministry of Health had issued a ban on disclosing statistics on the coronavirus outbreak in the country. The question is: Are the ruling mullahs attempting purposefully to spread the coronavirus to other countries as a form of global jihad? Otherwise, why would Iran's top Ayatollah call coronavirus a "blessing"? Now, not only is the Iranian regime refusing to give the public or the international community a full and accurate picture of the coronavirus outbreak; it is also not taking any necessary steps and precautions to prevent the crisis from spreading. While the city of Qom has become the epicenter  through which the coronavirus is being transmitted to other part of the world, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani pointed  out that the government has no plans to quarantine the city or, for that matter, any other town. In addition, although Iran's leaders were aware of the high number of its people infected with the coronavirus, they did not halt their flights to other countries... 

Democrats Considering Legislative Response
to Coronavirus – Expanded
“Assistance” Spending
by sundance
{ } ~ Never let a crisis go to waste… And right on cue the Democrats in Washington DC see an opportunity to use the Coronavirus as a tool to spend and expand dependency initiatives... One of President Trump’s biggest and non-discussed success stories has been his economic policy initiatives allowing people to be financially secure, independent and non-reliant on government hand-outs. However, the financial health and success of Americans is adverse to the political interests of Democrats who structure all of their policy objectives upon creating a dependent citizenry. Weaponizing Coronavirus now becomes a tool for House Democrats to push-back against economic freedom; diminish the last several years of independence; and return to the era where more people become dependent on government. It is not a question of “if legislation will happen”, it is simply a matter of “what” legislation will look like. What elements will the Democrats attempt to exploit most? The answer is very predictable when looking at their preferred approach. Looking at the proclaimed and political preference from scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff things become clear...
Slip Showing – Nikki Haley Endorses Swampy 
Kelly Loeffler Over Doug Collins 
in GA Senate Race
by sundance
{ } ~ One of the biggest fears I have is that in 2024 people will not understand just how bad Nikki Haley is... Electing Haley after President Trump in 2024 is the equivalent of electing George Bush following Reagan in 1988. This scheming, conniving, lying and corrupt politician is worse than rino-John McCain, George Bush and rino-Mitt Romney combined. Nikki Haley is bad news.  Very bad news. Today rino-Romney in a skirt, aka Nikki Haley, endorsed Kelly Loeffler over Doug Collins for the Georgia senate seat. […] Haley, a Republican governor of South Carolina before serving as the Trump administration’s U.N. ambassador, headlined a campaign event in Marietta, Georgia, and officially endorsed Loeffler’s election bid. The rally, which was billed as Loeffler’s biggest since being appointed to the seat, was aimed at shoring up GOP support for her campaign... 
Socialism: Lipstick on a pig
By Rev. Mark H. Cree
{ } ~ During the 1980s, North Carolina's U.S. Senator, the late Jesse Helms, wrote an interesting article about America's drift from her religious and political moorings... Helms wrote at that time something powerfully astute. He said, "It is debatable at just what point the United States began to drift away.... But I think we reached that point when many Americans turned away from the idea of salvation through Christ to that of salvation through technology or science or material affluence or the welfare state." Helm's statement is at the heart of the legitimate assertion that Socialism is anti-Christian. As early as 1917, Charles R. Erdman, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, said that Socialism is defective in that it places the physical above the spiritual needs of humanity. Erdman wrote: "It insists that better social conditions will produce better men; Christianity teaches that better men are needed to produce better conditions. Socialism seeks to elevate individuals by elevating society; Christianity contends that society can be elevated only by the regeneration of individuals. To secure such regeneration is the supreme effort and function of the Church, and its chief message to Socialism is that 'life is more than meat and raiment.' To those who are crying for equality and opportunity and improved material conditions and fondly dreaming of a new age of universal plenty and comfort and happiness, the Church repeats the divine message, 'Ye must be born-again.'" Last summer, Julie Roys, who is the host of a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network called "Up for Debate," wrote an op-ed piece for the Christian Post, rightly arguing that Socialism is based on a completely materialistic worldview. "To socialists, suffering is caused by the unequal distribution of stuff – and salvation is achieved by the re-distribution of stuff. There's no acknowledgment of spiritual issues. There's just an assumption that if everyone is given equal stuff, all the problems in society will somehow dissolve. "This worldview contradicts Christianity, which affirms the existence of both a material and non-material world – and teaches that mankind's greatest problems are spiritual. The Bible says the cause of suffering is sin, and salvation is found in the Cross of Christ, which liberates us from sin. Because of sin, though, there will always be inequalities in wealth. As Christ's parable of the talents shows, those with good character tend to accumulate more; those with bad character are more subject to lose everything they have. Yet, even if we are unable to accumulate wealth especially in situations beyond our control, Christianity teaches that we can still have an abundant life. That's because the quality of life is not determined by how much stuff we have, but by our relationship to Christ."... 
Coronavirus in Fact and Fiction — Mostly the Latter
Mark Alexander  The mainstream-media coverage of the coronavirus variant COVID-19 is about 10% substance and 90% fragrance, but it makes for good clickbait — which converts to good advertising revenues.

However, a colleague recently mentioned the “amusing similarity” between an almost-40-year-old work of fiction and the facts about WuFlu – a case of life imitating art. I don’t read novels, but do any of you thriller readers remember the “Wuhan 400” virus Dean Koontz described in his 1981 novel, The Eyes of Darkness?

Koontz writes about “a Chinese scientist named Li” who discloses a “record of China’s most important and dangerous new biological weapon.” Koontz continues: “They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan and … Wuhan 400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings…”

Koontz, like most good fiction writers in the Tom Clancy tradition, weaves lots of facts into his novels.

And that brings me to our comprehensive resource page, “The Flu and You,” and our footnote: “Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is not suggesting that COVID-19 was bio-engineered and then intentionally released, but he did make this connection: ‘We don’t know where it originated, and we have to get to the bottom of that. We also know that just a few miles away from that food market is China’s only biosafety level 4 super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases.’”

Here are the facts.

Located near the Wuhan market where COVID-19 is thought to have been first contracted is Red China’s only P4 (Pathogen Level 4) super laboratory “researching” infectious diseases. The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is engaged in research on the Ebola, Nipah, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses among other deadly pathogens, including coronavirus variants. The institute has clear ties to the PRC’s bioweapon programs.

Second, in January, the communist Chinese directorate of disinformation — the “Information Department” of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs — began seeding Chinese social-media networks with rumors that the WuFlu virus was actually developed by the U.S. and deliberately released in Wuhan. Our sources in the intelligence community conclude that such disinformation is designed to help the Central Politburo of the Communist Party of China counter and deflect any claims by the World Health Organization or the U.S. that the current coronavirus release is associated with the PRC’s P4 labs in Wuhan.

Oh, and one more thing about Koontz’s novel: The actual Chinese physician who blew the whistle on coronavirus — and is now dead — was named “Li.”   

 ~The Patriot Post  

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