Tea Party Question
What are the differences in the Tea Parties?
TeaParty.org was founded on September 2nd 2004. (ICANN) We believe the Tea Party is about America and the principles which keep us great, not who was the founder or playing king of the hill. Some believe we have no leaders; our position is that every American is a leader and the weight of self-governance sits squarely upon each and every one of our shoulders.
The old axiom is: “Kill the head and the body will die” cannot apply to the Tea Party, either there is no head to kill because there are no leaders or every head must roll because we are all leaders. Therefore we survive and thrive.
Each Tea Party has found its own place in this movement. In a recent poll it was reported over 100 million Americans are either in the Tea Party or sympathies with the Tea Party, in essence, too many heads to roll!
Here is what we do and what we have seen other Tea Party groups do.
TeaParty.org – We have the finest Command Center on the web: http://teapartyorg.ning.com/ we have the leaders from many groups participate in the blogs, posting of videos and a host of other free services.
We have the Tea Party Fax Project which sends about 100,000 faxes per week to Congress on various Tea Party issues.
A HOT Newsletter which is emailed twice per week reaching over 2 million Patriots.
At least 2 alerts per week to our leaders only. (About 12,000)
We run the largest Direct Mail program in the Tea Party movement. About 1 million pieces of direct mail is sent out each month educating the public on the issues.
The main Landing page posts many top Tea Party issues daily to keep the members ‘up’ on our issues. http://teaparty.org/
We sponsor the Tea Party Guardians. A group of dedicated Citizens who underwrite the expenses of the Tea Party on a recurring bases. http://teapartyguard.com/
We sponsor the Tea Party Vets. We post military articles of interest, provide a network of pro-military Patriots and sponsor ‘Packages From Home” http://www.teapartyvets.org/
TeaParty.org is the only group Dr. Michael Savage praises. Read his book. ‘Trickle Up Poverty” pages 18 through 24. Dr. Savage is the number 3 talk show host in America.
Many of our members use the ‘Call Washington Tea Party’ as their group building project so they can grow.
We started the Tea Party Radio. We have a Blog Talk radio show two times per week and are weekly guests every Thursday at 4:00 pst on the Roth Show. Dr. Laurie Roth has a syndicated National Radio Show and she has created the Tea Party Hour. We also have several other shows we work with including Dr. Jake Baker, all of which are on TeaParty.org
We encourage all of our members to participate with other groups and/or build their own. We are NOT proprietary.
Other Groups
Tea Party Patriots – Very good group, they claim to be the largest. They are excellent in getting people to rallies and much more.
Tea Party Express - Well organized, they have cross country traveling buses which builds the core of the Tea Party movement, they also have other activities.
Tea Party Nation – Very focused, they hold a conference once per year and several other regional gatherings, they are dedicated to the Tea Party movement.
There are tens of thousands of other groups out there but these are the movers and shakers.
Thanks for asking
Steve Eichler
Yes, I agree. The tea Party will enforce and endorse the Constitution. Therefore we will protect what we hold dear. In 2012 the weight of a man's worth will be measured by his ability to defeat Obama.
Hey Steve! Glad to be part of the Tea Party! I love TeaParty.org You guys ROCK!
I mean it! Or I'm a monkeys Uncle! (Ops, I guess I am!)